2008. If only C. rufifacies is found on a body, it is not accurate to use only this species to calculate a time of colonization. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejfs.2013.04.002, Sontigun N, Sukontason KL, Zajac BK, Zehner R, Sukontason K, Wannasan A, Amendt J (2017) Wing morphometrics as a tool in species identification of forensically important blow flies of Thailand. Keywords: excretory and secretory (ES), protein profile, third stage larva, identification, flies 1. "A Survey of the Necrophilous Diptera on the Island of Dominica" Pg. The aim of this study is to identify eggs of species of forensic importance, such as Chrysomya megacephala, Chrysomya putoria, Lucilia cuprina, Lucilia eximia and Ophyra aenescens, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM Please contact the author for data requests. Ent. This effect accounted for 60.3% of the total shape variation. Adams ZJO, Hall MJR (2003) Methods used for the killing and preservation of blowfly larvae, and their effect on post-mortem larval length. nigripes, Ch. [28] Organophosphate poisoning often causes death, and in many cases, by evaluating the body tissue and fluids, the toxin can be identified as the source of the poisoning. 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LEGAL, Ontogenetic study of three Calliphoridae of forensic importance through cuticular hydrocarbon analysis, Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 10.1111/j.1365 … 2015; Nuñez and Liria 2016; Nuñez-Rodriguez and Liria 2017a; Tatsuta et al. Larva: Fully mature third instar muscoid-shaped (11 mm length), composed of 12 segments with pointed anterior and blunt posterior end (Fig. [clarification needed][23]. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00427-016-0539-2, Kumara TK, Disney RHL, Abu Hassan A, Flores M, Hwa TS, Mohamed Z, Che Salmah M, Bhupinder S (2012) Occurrence of oriental flies associated with indoor and outdoor human remains in tropical climate of North Malaysia. Article  Larvae of Chrysomya species were obtained from eggs laid by females in cultures established from flies wild-caught and maintained at the University of Wollongong (Ch. 2001. CVA was used to display differences among groups that are relative to within-group variation based on multivariate data (Webster and David Sheets 2010). Chrysomya megacephala, more commonly known as the oriental latrine fly, is a member of the family Calliphoridae (blowflies). [32] The first record of human miasis caused by C. megacephala and C. rufifacies was in Thailand, where a 53-year-old man had a tumor lesion where the larvae accumulated. Google Scholar, Bookstein FL (1991) Morphometric tools for landmark data: geometry and biology. PubMed Central  Landmark coordinates of cephalopharyngeal skeletons in study replicates 1 and 2 were pooled and further analyzed on thin-plate spline transformation grid and “lollipop” diagram (scale factor 10.0). PubMed  J Entomol and Zool Stud 4(1):338–341, Nuñez-Rodriguez J, Liria J (2017b) Sexual wing shape dimorphism in Piophila casei (Linneaus, 1758 Diptera: Piophilidae). In recent years, DNA barcoding (partial sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (mtCOI) gene) has become a useful and popular tool … Eggs were reared overnight at outdoor ambient temperature (23.5–34.0 °C) and relative humidity (RH) (44.0–96.0%). Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. The Paleontological Society Papers 16:163–188. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1755-0998.2010.02924.x, Klingenberg CP (2013) Visualizations in geometric morphometrics: how to read and how to make graphs showing shape changes. Chrysomya megacephala are close ancestors and monophyletic which means that they are genetically similar but the morphological appearance of these … In recent years, geometric morphometrics (GM) has been increasingly utilized as a multivariate tool to classify insect species based on morphological shape in both mature and immature stages including flies (Canal et al. Most recorded miasis cases, however, do not involve the fly. All three of these values variables, fecundity, wing size and tibia size, stay within the same range throughout the year, showing seasonal variation to be absent. Med Vet Entomol 2:1):1–1):6. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2915.1988.tb00043.x, Szpila K, Hall MJR, Sukontason KL, Tantawi TI (2013) Morphology and identification of first instars of the European and Mediterranean blowflies of forensic importance. CRC Press: 177, 179, 186. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2001. Forensic investigations and the estimation of human postmortem intervals (time since death) depend on the identification of blow fly larvae on a corpse and their approximated age. The cephalopharyngeal skeleton was subsequently immersed in 10% acetic acid and 70% ethanol for 5 min each. [19] The development of C. megacephala is linked to the length of time spent feeding in the larval stage, as well as to temperature; the lower the temperature, the more slowly the larvae develop. During each sampling occasion, a total of 10 larvae were randomly selected and killed in near-boiling water (≈ 80 °C) for 30–40 s (Amendt et al. "A Fly for the Prosecution" How Insect Evidence Helps Solve Crimes. The majority of Dipteran species that have had a life table constructed have demonstrated a tendency for smaller bodies in the warmer months. This allometric effect has been reported in other organisms and the relationships vary and were usually high during ontogenesis (Rocha et al. latifrons). The liver was placed on a 3-cm-thick coarse sawdust and separated by a piece of tissue paper. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-011-0675-7, Santillán-Guayasamín S, Villacís AG, Grijalva MJ, Dujardin JP (2017) The modern morphometric approach to identify eggs of Triatominae. J Med Assoc Thai 88(10):1458–1460, Sulaiman S, Sohadi AR, Jeffery J (1989) Human helminth parasite burdens on cyclorrhaphan flies (Diptera) trapped at aboriginal settlement in Malaysia. Diagnosis. C. megacephala is considered important to forensic science because it is one of the first flies to show up on a corpse, and so the time of death can easily be determined when Chrysomya megacephala larvae are found on a body. 40, Gomes, Leonardo, Marcos Rogério Sanches and Claudio José Von Zuben. The regression function in MorphoJ was used to determine ontogenetic allometry which is the influence of size changes on the shape. Chrysomya megacephala is a saprophagous fly whose larvae can compost manure and yield biomass and bio‐fertilizer simultaneously. On the following day, at 0900 hours, newly emerged first instar larvae were transferred evenly into five freshly prepared rearing containers labeled as day 1 to day 5. Organophosphate compounds are used in agriculture and are highly toxic. Journal of Medical Entomology 34: 353–358. C. megacephala is not predaceous in the adult or larval form, preferring to feed on necrophagous material of any kind, such as fish, cows and humans. Males tend to emerge two or three hours ahead of the females. In this study, Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794) was reared in two study replicates in natural conditions … Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) development by landmark-based geometric morphometrics of cephalopharyngeal skeleton: a preliminary assessment for forensic entomology application. Then it was mounted on a glass slide with Berlese Fluid in lateral position, covered with a 5-mm round coverslip. b Second instar. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2915.2012.01030.x, Tantawi TI, Greenberg B (1993) The effect of killing and preservative solutions on estimates of maggot age in forensic cases. https://doi.org/10.4404/hystrix-24.1-7691, Klingenberg CP (2016) Size, shape, and form: concepts of allometry in geometric morphometrics. In tropical populations, such as in Brazil, fertility is also lower in areas with high densities of larvae, where many in one small area compete for the same food source. Correlations between centroid size and cephalopharyngeal skeleton developmental time were determined by using Pearson’s correlation test. In replicate 2, differences were detected between 20- and 26-h group, 44- and 50-h group, and 74- and 92-h group. Additionally, this species also played a significant role in bacterial and parasitic transmissions in humans (Sulaiman et al. Chrysomya albiceps (Weidemann), Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) and The male exon is less conserved than its flanking exons, though portions, including a splice site for TRA and the RNA-binding protein Transformer 2 (TRA2), are highly similar between species (reviewed in Scott et al. 2018). Jonathan A. Cammack. The disadvantages of morphological taxonomy have resulted in numerous synonyms and caused problems in the species identification of this genus. Adults are mechanical carriers of a range of pathogens [ 1, 2, 3] and their larvae can cause myiasis in humans and animals [ 4, 5 ]. Chrysomya albiceps is also known to prey on C. megacephala during the larval stage when they must compete for the same food source. BMC Evol Biol 9:110. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2148-9-110, Gobbi P, Martínez-Sánchez A, Rojo S (2013) The effects of larval diet on adult life-history traits of the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae). In interpreting speciation and sexual dimorphism among flies, adult wing morphology is the most frequently utilized body part (Gidaszewski et al. 2b). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00436-008-0895-6, Sukontason KL (2005) Forensically important fly maggots in a floating corpse: the first case report in Thailand. Hystrix It J Mamm 24(1):103–109. Forensic Entomology: The Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations. Geometrical landmarks of C. megacephala cephalopharyngeal skeleton in three different instars. Subsequently, CVA was employed to describe shape variations between age groups by maximizing the effect of separation (Cooke and Terhune 2015). Chrysomya megacephala(Fabricius, 1794) occurs on every continent and is closely associated with carrion and decaying material in human environments. Egypt J Forensic Sci 8(39). Furthermore, the selection of landmarks for GM analysis adhered to the criteria that they can be found repeatedly and not difficult to locate (Bookstein 1991; Zelditch et al. The fly infests corpses soon after death, making it important to forensic science. [citation needed], C. megacephala prefer warm climates, and display a correlation between warmer temperatures and higher fecundity. Ital J Zool 77(3):296–302. Figure 2 displays shape changes along CV1 (97.2%) axis with landmark 2 (dorsal cornu) and 4 (ventral cornu) displaying the most variation, followed by landmark 1 (anterodorsal process) and 5 (base of parastomal bar). London: Springer, 1997. The long adult lifespan means that the parents are present to rear the offspring, ensuring their survival. 2007. Google Scholar, Webster M, David Sheets H (2010) A practical introduction to landmark-based geometric morphometrics. 4: 317. The relationship between centroid size and age in ontogenetic allometry through multivariate regression analysis has been found reliable to explain biological shape changes across different ages including humans (Bulygina et al. Indian J For Med Toxicol 11(2):217–221. This fly is implicated in some public health issues; it can cause accidental myiasis,[1] and also infects fish and livestock. https://doi.org/10.1111/ede.12246, Sukontason K, Bunchoo M, Khantawa B, Pianjai S, Sukontason K, Methanitikorn R, Rongsriyam Y (2000) Mechanical carrier of bacterial enteric pathogens by Chrysomya megacephala (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Doe, Peter E. "Fish Drying and Smoking" Production and Quality. The cephalopharyngeal skeleton shape was profiled based on centroid size, i.e., the square root of the sum of squared distances between each landmark and the centroid of the cephalopharyngeal skeleton (Zelditch et al. Larval sampling was conducted twice at 0900 hours and 1500 hours, per day, based on rearing containers sequence. Eur J Entomol 110(3):461–468. [26] The species' wide geographical distribution and high fecundity also make it useful in forensic cases; C. megacephala is among the most common blowflies found. Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences Post-feeding larvae were excluded from sampling. Google Scholar, Mitteroecker P, Gunz P, Windhager S, Schaefer K (2013) A brief review of shape, form, and allometry in geometric morphometrics, with applications to human facial morphology. Academic Press, London. megacephala. Parasite Vector 10(55). Its abilities to find dead bodies and carry pathogens give it a prominence in human affairs that may involve prosecution or litigation, and therefore forensic entomologists. GM also provides detailed visualization of morphological transformations and morpho-spatial differences in shape and size unique to species by using shape landmark coordinates, thus providing more accurate species discriminations (Viscosi and Cardini 2011; Cooke and Terhune 2015). The fly larvae of Chrysomya megacephala and Chrysomya rufifacies were also present at the scene on the body and were tested for malathion. Smith JL(1), Wells JD(1). C. megacephala is the most abundant blow fly species surveyed in Chiang Mai (78.02%), and to a lesser extent, C. rufifacies (16.80%) (Lertthamnongtham et al. Behavior of the Combined Radial Post-feeding Larval Dispersal of the Blowflies. A Taphonomic Model of Concealment: Decomposition and the Postmortem Interval (PMI) in a 55-Gallon Barrel. Folio Parasit 63(037). Despite this predation on Chrysomya megacephala, both species had a lower survival rate, lighter adult weight and pupated early.[25]. iii IDENTIFICATION OF Vibrio cholerae BACTERIA ON THE BODY GREEN FLIES (Chrysomya megacephala) IN LEGI MARKET JOMBANG By : Nazim Nur Faudiyah*, Lilis Majidah**, Ita Ismunanti*** ABSTRACT Vibrio cholerae is bacteria is the bacteria that can cause cholera to the human. https://doi.org/10.5958/0973-9130.2017.00100.1, Nuñez-Rodriguez JA, Liria J (2017a) Geometric morphometrics sexual dimorphism in three forensically-important species of blow fly (Diptera: Calliphoridae). When C. rufifacies and C. megacephala larvae are put into cultures separately from one another in high densities, C. megacephala has a higher rate of survival than C. rufifacies. Keywords: Chrysomya megacephala… PubMed  "Entomology". Infect Genet Evol 8(6):875–890. Shape conformation for cephalopharyngeal skeletons in study replicates 1 and 2 scattered along the first two canonical variate axes (CV1 and CV2) (Fig. A total of 18 species were identified genetically: three shared by the fly species; four unique to C. megacephala , and 13 unique to M. domestica. Correlation between centroid size of C. megacephala cephalopharyngeal skeleton and developmental time indicated that it can be used as a growth parameter which could be applicable for mPMI estimation. Raffles Bull Zool Supp No. The plastron reached the micropyle and ended in a “Y” anteriorly and posteriorly both of which were rounded ( Fig. Given the results from the present study, GM analysis on cephalopharyngeal skeleton shape variation merit further exploratory investigations, especially in comparing different forensically important fly species and by using different environmental settings such as rearing temperatures and food sources as these could also influence the biological shape (Dujardin 2008; Gobbi et al. 2017) while in the larval stages, Nuñez and Liria (2016) successfully differentiated C. megacephala, Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann 1819), and Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann 1830) by using a similar approach. Article  Chrysomya megacephala larvae were used as sample, as this species was one of the most prevalent sarcosaprophagous species found at death scenes in Malaysia, Thailand, and the rest of the world (Lee et al. Cutaneous myiasis is an infestation of the skin by fly larvae, which usually occurs in adults. 2000). C. rufifacies is known to cannibalize maggot masses and is thus a huge competitor. In this study, Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794) was reared in two study replicates in natural conditions and samplings were conducted at fixed daily intervals. This technique was previously employed in distinguishing insect species and sex, including forensically important blow flies which were attributed by the wing landmarks (Nuñez-Rodiguez and Liria 2017a; Nuñez and Liria 2017b; Sontigun et al. However, in the higher mountain regions and on winter days, its habitats are occupied by a closely related species, Chrysomya pinguis (Walker). Mahalanobis and Procrustes distances by pairwise comparisons of all age groups showed significant differences between daily intervals (permutation 10,000 rounds in MorphoJ: p < 0.0001) (Table 3). Apart from discriminating species into phenetic groups, GM also covers ontogenetic allometry which can explain how morphological variation attributes directly to growth (Klingenberg 1998). https://doi.org/10.1186/s41935-018-0070-x, Gidaszewski NA, Baylac M, Klingenberg CP (2009) Evolution of sexual dimorphism of wing shape in the Drosophila melanogaster subgroup. Egypt J For Sci 5(1):1–12. Learn how and when to remove this template message, http://dominica.tamu.edu/student%20projects/Dominica%20Projects%20pdf%20copy/Cammack_Jonathan.pdf, "Dynamics of Experimental Populations of Native and Introduced Blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae): Mathematical Modelling and the Transition from Asymptotic Equilibrium to Bounded Oscillations", http://etd.lsu.edu/docs/available/etd-07102009-110514/, https://books.google.com/books?id=_eATME6TvigC&pg=PA177, https://books.google.com/books?id=DAa0BzT7Mf0C&pg=PA95, "Larval density, temperature and biological aspects of, https://books.google.com/books?id=_eATME6TvigC&pg=PA177&dq=chrysomya+megacephala&ei=ApvBSaamK4XEzQTr_IDwCQ#PPR8,M1, 10.1603/0022-2585(2008)45[785:LCOCMA]2.0.CO;2. In: McAlpine JF, Peterson BV, Shewell GE, Teskey HJ, Vockeroth JR, Wood DM (eds) Manual of Nearctic Diptera, vol 1. rufifacies. Chrysomya megacephala yielded 15 distinct pseudospecies with total colony counts approximating to 10 000 from 10 plates, where 80 % of colonies were non-pathogenic Bacillus pumilus. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meegid.2008.07.011, Eliza P, Zuha RM (2018) Preliminary assessment of cephalopharyngeal skeleton length and body length of Hemipyrellia ligurriens (Wiedermann) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) larvae as potential parameters to estimate minimum post mortem interval. This causes losses in cattle and fish industries all over the world. Google Scholar, Canal NA, Hernández-Ortiz V, Tigrero Salas JO, Selivon D (2015) Morphometric study of third-instar larvae from five morphotypes of the Anastepha fraterculus cryptic species complex (Diptera, Tephritidae). C. megacephala was reared from oviposition in a simple incubation set-up to estimate the duration of development to pupariation, which ranged 100-113 hours. [13] C. megacephala exists in two forms, the normal and the derived. Chrysomya megacephala is widely distributed over the Oriental and Australasian regions, also occurring in many neighbouring parts of the Palaearctic Region (Zumpt 1965). On the ontogenetic allometric effect, regression analysis on the Procrustes coordinates on centroid size among age groups revealed a significant relationship between cephalopharyngeal skeleton shape variation and size (permutation 10,000 rounds in MorphoJ: p < 0.0001). [32] Insecticides are also used, although this results in the development of resistance. Anat Rec 298:5–28. Based on the conditions of slit on posterior spiracle which could be used to discern larval instars (Barros-Cordeiro and Pujol-Luz 2010), C. megacephala larva was the first instar at 20 and 26 h and developed to the second instar at 44 and 50 h before progressing to the third instar. Brundage, Adrienne. CRC Press, New York. Larval dispersion patterns of C. megacephala also make it forensically important. 2015). The landmark consist of 1 clipeal arc (anterodorsal process/dorsal bridge), 2 dorsal cornu, 3 concavity of pharyngeal sclerite (tentorial phragma/medial incision), 4 lower ventral cornu, and 5 base of parastomal bar (Nuñez and Liria 2016) (scale bar = 0.5 mm). Based on the identification, no other fly family other than Calliphoridae was found, confirming that the observed aggregation in carcass belonged to Calliphorids flies either Chrysomya megacephala or Chrysomya. Florida: CRC Press, 2001. https://doi.org/10.3897/szookeys.540.6012, Changbunjong T, Sumruayphol S, Weluwanarak T, Ruangsittichai J, Dujardin JP (2016) Landmark and outline-based geometric morphometrics analysis of three Stomoxys flies (Diptera: Muscidae). Entomol Sci 21:164–168. [35] The flies can be controlled by using an odor that the flies are attracted to trap them. Neotrop Entomol 34(3):491–497. It is a warm-weather fly with a greenish-blue metallic box-like body. Parasitol Res 102(6):1207–1206. Plos One 6(10):e25630. In adults, a few species of Chrysomya Robineau-Desvoidy 1830, Lucilia Robineau-Desvoidy 1830, and Hemipyrellia Townsend 1918 were correctly classified and could be further explained by within genus phenetic relationships (Sontigun et al. However, there were no significant differences detected between groups sampled on the same day such as group 20 and 26 h (day 1), group 44 and 50 h (day 2), group 68 and 74 h (day 3), and group 74 and 92 h (day 4). Chrysomya megacephala eggs were obtained from fresh baits placed in an open area adjacent to Forensic Entomology Laboratory, Forensic Science Program, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi. Pairwise comparison of centroid sizes between sampling intervals indicated the shape mostly transformed during early developmental stages (Table 2). We also performed regression test by using the Procrustes coordinates on log centroid size, resulting p < 0.0001 with improvement in the effect of the total shape variation of 65.7%. The colonization of C. megacephala prior to C. rufifacies must be taken into account. Google Scholar, Bai M, Yang X (2014) A review of three-dimensional (3D) geometric morphometrics and its application in entomology. Cross-validation test in DFA revealed high percentages of correctly classified specimens in all sampling intervals (86.7–100.0%; p < 0.0001) except for pairs of 20–26, 44–50, and 68–92 age groups, which corresponded to non-significant results in Mahalanobis and Procrustes distances output (Table 4). Int J Legal Med 121(2):90–104. PubMed Google Scholar. 3). The ontogenetic allometry, i.e., the relationship between size and shape across different ages, and visualization of landmark dispositions were also performed by using prescribed methods (Klingenberg 2013; Mitteroecker et al. Forensic Sci Int 179(1):1–10. This is the most common member of the genus in New Guinea and … [5] The cercus of the male is longer than that of the female. 1997). 2013; Murta-Fonseca and Fernandes 2016). "Organophosphate Toxicity." Nevertheless, a medical examiner in Hawaii worked on a case in which poisoning by malathion, an organophosphate insecticide,[29] was thought to be the cause of death. A female fly may lay as many as 200 to 300 eggs, often in human feces, meat or fish. 2017). [3] Larvae vary in size according to instar and are shaped more thickly towards the rear. 2008; Kumara et al. A single batch of eggs oviposited by a female C. megacephala was collected carefully by using fine-tip forceps and transferred into a rearing container with approximately 30 g fresh cow’s liver as food source. Sim, LX., Zuha, R.M. 2012; Nuñez-Rodriguez and Liria 2017b).