And down the rabbit hole I went. I have been diagnosed with OCD and I have repeated bad thoughts. by Beepeea » Thu Dec 17, 2020 1:38 pm . When these intrusive memories come up, you feel a gut-punching sensation of intense guilt. Sometimes that questioning takes the form of repeatedly checking that something was really done, such as locking the car door or that the gas stove was turned off after cooking. 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. Only last year I found out that I have been dealing with a form of OCD called ‘intrusive thoughts’. The more you analyze it and the more you try to reassure yourself, the worse it gets. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder message board, open discussion, and online support group. a great deal of this disorder deals with doubt: doubt about your true intentions, your core morals, what happened or what triggered such thoughts to come to mind. Most false memory OCD scenarios are observed to occur after a night of drinking, as being intoxicated seems to create a situation where a person will not be able to remember with any certainty what he did while he was drunk. more of a component of ocd as another commenter said. It is a type of False Memory OCD, where the intrusive thoughts are misinterpreted as memories. Press J to jump to the feed. And most people with OCD do in fact have some overt compulsions such as these. False memory pls help . 4 comments. 23 January 2018 - 21:54. libra. You will find this is really common and it ties into another common OCD thing which is "everyone thinks I'm a good person and I'm not." False memory OCD has also played it’s evil part in this and at times has made me think I actually have acted inappropriately, which of course I now know is complete rubbish. False memory ocd. However, there are other types of memories that people—particularly those with OCD—may struggle with: false memories (Hershfield, 2017). But what has helped me the most is writing a script and memorizing it. Thank you again! What's the best way to battle false memories of things I never did but my mind keeps trying to say I did? "What does this mean about me?" I remember definitely having the conversation with my dad in the computer room about his hero’s or idols or people he wants to meet. My brain would say: "What if I did this __________?" View Entire Discussion (0 Comments) More posts from the OCD community. I was babysitting a child a few months ago and he was crying for his mom and running around hysterical and I remember this was around the time I started getting intrusive thoughts. The hardest thing is not being able to trust your memory. I felt like a monster because that’s what OCD wanted me to believe I was. Forum User. Thanks: 0. second guessing every single thing I say..I know I should see a therapist but can’t afford it as of... Phillips319 • 10 Replies. Almost immediately, they would start questioning whether what came to their mind is true or not. Posted by 3 days ago. In fact, I can tell when it’s time to explore an obsession deeper when people start using it as a whole new label: False Memory OCD. It used to get really bad were i thought i was going to strangle my daughter when she was a toddler. Reply (0) Report. OCD and Intrusive Thoughts » False memory pls help ; Forum home New posts My favourite threads Community Achievements Creative community Community stories. "Am I a creepy psycho?" Ocd memory hoarding . Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder message board, open discussion, and online support group. The meds have pretty much stopped the anxiety and helped the false attraction and the frequency of the thoughts but i still get quite a few and they are repetitive and definitely distressing. I had a memory pop of a false memory of me doing something that I had actually done a long long time ago but my OCD has always made me feel like I remember a time where I asked my mom if I could do it or not again . Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Forum Does this sound like OCD? One of the classic features of OCD is doubt. save. This was a very helpful post and actually even helped me with real event OCD as well. You can have a look at the advice I gave in this answer: answer to Will God forgive intrusive thoughts, bad sexual thoughts for God? A false memory is a recollection that seems real in your mind but is fabricated in part or in whole. CBT is the fixative, along with a heavy dose of hard work from the sufferer. I tell myself: " I guess I'll never know. The memory kept changing the more I thought about it. OCD definitely messes with one's memory. They start out unsure whether the ‘memory’ is true or not but the subject matter of the ‘memory’ is so unnerving that they have a high desire to figure it out, one way or the other. I watch movies that revolve around my theme, read newspaper articles and watch news stories. I'd love to hear your stories, thoughts, tips, and strategies that have helped you as well. I broke down to my Mom at Christmas when a flew home, and together we found an OCD specialist in my city. Forum home New posts My favourite threads Community Achievements Creative community Community stories. My hardest obsession revolved around Harm OCD specifically (although I've had various themes over the years as is tradition, thanks ocd). If this turns out to be true, then I hope I'm strong enough to deal with it then." Press J to jump to the feed. False memories, I really need some advice. hide. best. False Memories? by TSmith » Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:21 pm . Moderator: Snaga. Recently, I've been suffering false memories. I remember going to the airport thinking I was on a "No-Fly" list lol . Be the first to share what you think! So in the meantime I wish to be selfish and not to care completely about all the things in my mind and to enjoy life to the fullest, i'll never know if my thoughts, delusions, false memories are true or not but I wish not to give a f*** 'cause the more we think about those things the more OCD will consume us. Has anyone recovered from false memories? OCD? Real event OCD can be insidious because along with anxious thoughts and feelings, it also presents with pervasive feelings of guilt and shame about something which you did in the past. False memories have changed my state of mind . I would love to hear your stories in the comment section. And I move on with my day as best I can. The OCD will keep saying what if this and what if that… The only way to cut it off is to decide. Shame, Guilt, Embarrassment, and Fear to name a few. Hi All. Ask Dr. Schwartz. So the 'Memory' occurred - then I … 100% Upvoted. And so on and so fourth on repeat. False memory OCD has also played it’s evil part in this and at times has made me think I actually have acted inappropriately, which of course I now know is complete rubbish.