Basic Guide to Playing Elementalist. For real. For instance they can take a signet that summons a small elemental creature based on their currently equipped attunement – a great power for dealing with a small group of enemies. Guild Wars 2 Elementalist Conditions Guide by Gorani. I personally really, really enjoyed dagger/dagger, dagger/focus, and then scepter/dagger. Variant of Weaver - Power DPS Staff (Fractal). the only 1 weapon makes it fun for me aswell, because i dont have to keep on switching back and forth. Attunements can be rapidly cycled (though there is a short cool down on each to prevent you from going back and forth between only two), so a good Elementalist can easily use their entire arsenal of powers. Can you start with ele? It's more solo-oriented, highly mobile, more fun, but it can also be more challenging as you usually find yourself rotating attunements. Water abilities allow for superior support and healing Area-Of-Effect abilities, while Earth abilities aid the Elementalists’s survival and deal out massive stacks of bleeding and superior damage. But generally I use my position to hold mobs in my AoEs to maximize damage. The 6 key is dedicated to a character's healing ability, the 7-9 keys are for utility skills purchased with points earned through leveling, and the 0 key is used for Elite abilities that unlock after level 30. List of Elementalist Weapon Skills are found here. © 2020 ArenaNet, LLC. There are already a good number of guides out there but I’d gladly share my methods with you guys. I know some people wants to Roleplay or saying "I want to be a Fire Elementalist" etc. Unlike most other class, Elementalist can only equip one weapon set at the same time, instead of 2. Hope this helps! Each skill has specific things (melee or range ? Also some skills like Meteor (staff 5 fire) will show you a circle as a targeter, but the real AoE area is much larger than the targeter shows, make use of it. This page will cover how each profession plays, both at a casual and a competitive level. The skill bar in Guild Wars 2 has a very specific construction, the players have a lot of control of their final skill bars, but there are some rules that you will have to follow. Elementalists can also combo attacks with other professions like the Ranger. Elementalist - Can do top DPS in dungeons with easy rotations, access to tons of fields and party support abilities. The elementalist is a clever approach to the mage type class, differentiating itself from traditional role-play games’ designs by allowing you to master all four primary elements in a martial art fashion. Love your videos, they are immensely helpful. To this day, I still get many questions about Ascended gear. If you don't understand a word, just wiki it. Or they could just equip a spell like Arcane Blast, which gives an Elementalist yet another spell they can cast to do an extra bit of damage. Once they start unlocking utility skills and Elite powers they can be even more adaptive. With ranger i keep wondering if i have sword with warhorn or with axe, would staff be good for this or longbow, I cant decide because everything is fun on Ranger ;_; and its painful to decide. Difficulty might have change since then. Unlike most other class, Elementalist can only equip one weapon set at the same time, instead of 2. The elementalist can use a Scepter in their main hand, a Dagger in either, a Focus in their offhand, and needs both hands to wield a Staff. Guild Wars 2 Elementalist Build Guide: Dagger/Dagger In this guide we provide players with the current Meta build for Guild Wars 2's Elementalist. The primary role of the elementalist is to deal damage to multiple foes at once. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Introduction Some … They can not be removed with “condition removal skills”, but have to fade out without triggering or … 8k hours on Elementalist.Can confirm that this class never gets boring and there's always something new to learn. Staff is safe for world events, but also boring as hell while leveling. To fire dps i say alo add skill 3 because of burn. One second they can be blasting away at their opponents with fire spells, the next they can change to their water attunement and heal themselves and their party. However it is strictly inferior to Weaver - Power DPS Staff (Fractal)and should only be used by players who don't own Path of Fire. I don't recommend to play it immediately if you are beginner, because it's way harder than Core Elementalist.It's an extremely interesting & powerfull spec, but you need to train with Core Elementalist before. At first each Elementalist weapon only has one ability (corresponding to the 1 key), but as kills are made more skills are unlocked for keys 2-5. Thank you, Cello, for putting out this guide. It's one of the most complex class, but it's totally playable for beginners. This build doesn't use any expansions and is available with the free version of the game. Boons are also a little more complicated that conditions. Even still that's only the beginning for a burgeoning Elementalist. I'm new is there a mini guide like this for revenant? This guide was created by Cebe of the Guildwars Guru Forums. Welcome to /r/GuildWars2 where we strive to be a place where you can share your Guild Wars 2 experiences and partake in discussions with players from around the world. Changing your weapon will change what skills are available to you, so play around and find ones that you like as you level. As an Elementalist, you'll start with unlocked, along with Weapon Skills 1 and 2. Please take into account that there seems to be lot of Trait interaction with the boons and Traits are currently a black box we haven’t got a good look at. Like the other seven professions, the Elementalist gains new abilities by equipping a weapon. Thats half true. All of their attunements have a damage dealing auto-attack, but they also have a general focus. You will see lot's of people telling you that Elementalist is a very difficult class to play & that you should avoid it at begin. This is covered under "Full DPS Rotation" below. You like my content? This guide is intended as a guide for starter Elementalists. Evade skills that allows you to dodge incoming damage, Fire or Water Field that allows you to interact with, etc). Changing the Elementalist's attunement completely changes the skill bar without changing the equipped weapon, meaning you need to unlock skills for every weapon and attunement combination. Comprehensive guide to all the core components of the Player vs Player game mode. – Pull – is an effect caused by some skills which shortens the distance between the user and the foe by drawing one of them to another. March 28, 2020) The information on this page does not apply to the current version of the game or the content is no longer available. Guild Wars 2 PvE Beginner’s Guide by BinxyPrime Goals I am aiming to teach people the basics of how to survive kill and discover the world efficiently so you can have more time to get cool looking skins and enjoy the various types of content available in this game. But avoid melee. A short note in the beginning. Being a good elementalist is not easy and will take practice and dedication. Presented by Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, Best Movie, TV and Comics of the Year Awards 2020, Path 2: Escape using the Experimental Teleporter, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. Roles: DPS, Healer Armor: Light Weapons: Two Handed: Staff | Main Hand: Dagger, Scepter | Off Hand: Dagger, Focus | Underwater: Trident Elite Specializations: Tempest (unlocks Warhorn, requires Heart of Thorns expansion) | Weaver (unlocks Sword, requires Path of Fire expansion) Mesmer I'm looking to use a level 80 boost on a character. Guild Wars 2 Elementalist Introduction by Gorani. You are not a tank. Start 3 2 5 2 111 32 and so on ... Good for core ele. (ca. Guild Wars 2 Elementalist Movement Control Guide by Gorani Here I want to talk a little bit more about the movement altering abilities and skills of the Elementalist. You can get away with Fire staff for a while, but dagger/dagger will teach you good habits. Article Contents 1. Starting with ele requires you to put effort on learning the class instead of the easy mode that is, say, warrior. You ar… I’m writing this guide to help people who are looking at the Elementalist and arent sure its for them, and to help people already playing Elementalists gain some more knowledge of the Profession. Guild Wars 2 Elementalist Comprehensive Guide by Anlyon Spellrage. The Elementalist can swap between any of four different elemental alignments to totally change the available pool of abilities. The Elementalist can be used in almost every situation but cannot change that build in a short amount of time. I am currently working on a Guide on Elementalist for beginners, but when I see all the new people coming (& I'm very happy about it), I decided to made this post. The goals of the build are to give you great burst DPS against single and group targets and sustained surviveability. This guide will include all of the necessary information required to perform efficiently in PvE as an elementalist. Many new players have issues with the staff, because they only throw fire ball and will get killed before they manage to kill something and then they feel squishy which is not really the case, but i can imagine why they feel that by starting off with a staff at lower levels. The Elementalist can swap between any of four different elemental alignments to totally change the available pool of abilities. Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is the first expansion pack for NCsoft's MMORPG sequel. Its actually a pretty weak weapon when you're in blues and greens with the occasional yellow, and most mobs will reach you in melee pretty quickly anyway. As an elementalist, you are the artillery, causing massive damage from the rear lines. And those are just the Elementalist's weapon-based powers. The class was not designed for this. That being said, the game’s class philosophy is different from most other titles in the genre. Staying in melee and placing your fire 2 underneath your feet and standing in it will have the mob trying to melee you standing in the lava font too, and your fire 1s plus the lava font damage getting every tick of damage in is generally enough to demolish anything that isn't veteran or elite level. Elites and veterans might take a bit of kiting, dodging, and healing, but for most mobs across the game, trying to stay out of melee will just make things take longer because you can't maximize your lava font damage which is pretty much your best damage source. As with most MMOs, the choice of class (or profession in GW2 terms) will define your experience in Guild Wars 2. A collection of things that new players should know before choosing to play an Elementalist. All rights reserved. List of PvE, PvP and WvW Elementalist builds ranging from good to meta. The Elementalist, in my opinion, is one of the more challenging and complicated classes to play in Guild Wars 2. The elementalist is a core profession that commands the four elemental forces: air, earth, fire, and water. This page contains information about a Guild Wars 2 element, mechanic, or feature that has been removed or replaced. In your traits there’s one in fire where you place a lava font when you go down. Some of you might have played the Elementalist in Guild Wars (GW1), some of you will be new to the game or will start with GW2 and have never played GW1. Fire frequently specialize in area-of-effect damage, while Air abilities are more focused into crowd control effects. If you want to play Elementalist, do it !But here are some very very basic tips to help you a bit. I sometimes wonder how people have the mental capacity to play all these alts, I feel like I'm still learning how to play my main! Female Human Elementalist, Guild Wars 2 Class. Weapons 4. PvP feels really good in Guild Wars 2 because the action combat system promotes fluidity of movement and the lack of a hard trinity of roles allows players to play what they want to play. That depends. Elementalist. I myself started as Elementalist at release in 2012, was new to MMO, and it really enjoyed it. For players who are still learning Elementalist, just want to c… To make sure they can cast their spells, elementalists have the highest energy pool of any profession and posses a skill type unique … This guide is written with a beginner Elementalist in mind. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Staff only gets interesting in WvW, imho, because otherwise there's not much incentive (in Core Tyria at least) to switch out of fire. Guild Wars 2 Skills. It is a lot of fun to play, but it is also quite demanding and difficult to learn throughout the entire process of leveling. Runes 5. It's definitely more difficult than some other class, and not everyone wants a challenge. But instead of switching weapon, you get 4 attunements, and a total of 20 weapon skills at the same time. Guild Wars 2 Elementalist Boons Guide by Gorani. It actually does a ton of damage. In the case of Guild Wars 2, the Elementalist profession seems to be one of the more complicated (professions being Guild Wars 2's name for classes). The decisions to get startedWhen you start playing the game you will be … With time you will learn each skill and you will know when you have to switch to a specific attunement to get a specific skill (Heal / Control / DPS, etc). However, ele as a class is ridiculous amounts of fun and I hope people try it out! Then, after pummeling an enemy with an exploding phoenix or a gigantic flaming dragon's tooth from the fire spell set, they can switch to water to blast out an area of effect heal to keep everyone in the fight. Elementalists are masters of their chosen element. Thats way more than other class, and thats whats also makes Elementalist harder to play (you easily get lost) but also more rewarding when you master it (more combo/Effect/DPS..), 1/ Don't stay stuck in one attunement. I would advise against using staff if you're a new player on a fresh account starting out. There are eight (soon to be nine) class… Starting off 325 also feels more fluid. Guild Wars 2 Elementalist Boons Guide. With their elemental spells they can also spike, pressure, snare or tank. Tier 1 is level 2-10 and during this tier you will be slowly introduced to some of the core concepts of the game, like weapon and profession skills. I started launch with an ele, then switch to warrior half way, then go back to ele after I was done with the warrior. 2/ Be curious, read each skill description. Dagger/Dagger (or focus as offhand if you need more defense) is super easy to use and a lot of fun and easy to tag mobs with. Fire tends to be aimed at dealing heavy amounts of damage; water has healing spells; wind spells often harm an enemy's resistance to damage; earth spells often do damage and also cause bleeding to an opponent. 4/ About Elementalist specialisation : with Path Of Fire, you can use the Weaver spec. Elementalists 2. Last updated July 2020. by Lewis Burnell on Nov 25, 2014 Follow Ten Ton Hammer; This build is designed for Conquest Structured Player versus Player Overview. The Elementalist is considerably harder to play than most professions considering the player must experiment with a complicated and intricate system of traits. Then, if a little extra oomph is needed, an Elementalist can call on a number of Elite spells. The "Elementalist cannot swap weapons, only elements!". I disagree with the part about trying to stay out of melee. For instance they can cast a ring of fire, allowing the ranger to shoot through it to set their arrows alight. Two-handed weapons come with five skills, while one-handed weapons have three skills, and can be matched with an off-hand item for another two skills. Thanks. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I don't know if the tutorials on each level are available if I do rhis, lazy peon made video praising the game just when bless launched and failed miserably. If you want to play Elementalist, do it !But here are some very very basic tips to help you a bit. In some instances, these abilities can be combined to trigger bonus effects, such as combining an area-of-effect frost spell with a fiery eruption. Press J to jump to the feed. Hey there fellow and prospective Elementalists! i didnt mind the complexity, i loved it actually, cuz it kept me engaged and determined to master it. This is because it's effect is a blast (small AoE) that when hit the ground have this effect hit the enemy instead of a direct hit. Attributes 3. But before we become too bogged in the mechanics of the game, lets choose a class. But instead of switching weapon, you get 4 attunements, and a total of 20 weapon skills at the same time. Make sure to choose that trait and if you’re going to go down make sure you get near a low health enemy. The level 10 or lower character requirement listed for the equipment boxes is inaccurate, they can at least also drop if the character is downscaled to 10 or lower. GW2. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Arcane shield from trait or just bringing the utility will help you survive in melee easier if you feel like you need it. Down state ele is great and you can often kill something and res yourself :). D/D is faster, more mobile, has an on demand cleanse/healer on offhand water 5, and ride the lightning is fun in open world.If you run into a world boss or champion, then swap. Ooh and the range skills sometimes will have a red line below them, this means they are "out of range" and will miss, altho some skills can still hit while being "out of range" like your fireball (skill 1 on fire staff). 3/ If you are a totally beginner, I would advice you to start with Staff weapon, it will allow you to range DPS the ennemy, attacking them while being safe. New player : Welcome. You can get burns elsewhere but anyway, thanks to a sertain trait in the fire spec line you do more damage to foes that burn. That's already a lot to take in, and made more complex considering the various weapons an Elementalist can wield. Elementalists have low armor, few healing or survival skills, and, except for certain situations, should not be in the front lines. Fully agree. The Elementalist requires a lot of work early on, but once you have all his powers unlocked for their various attunements they become rich and versatile characters. You can DPS ennemy with Fire 1,2,5, you can retreat back with Fire 4. Notes []. If you have question, you can ask them here, ingame (Cellofrag), or in my Discord (Cellofrag#2625), Be brave & patient, Elementalist is a wonderful class, & when you'll get better you'll be very happy to master it :D. When leveling a ele and at lower levels especially i would make sure to use dagger/dagger or dagger/focus as my mapping weapons and only swap to staff when you have a event or world event coming up. These are where the Elementalist really shows their might, summoning giant avatars that represent their equipped attunement, or even transforming into a gigantic tornado that can toss enemies around. For example, all classes can resurrect other players and all classes have access to some sort of healing skill. Should you? Guild Wars 2 Elementalist PVP Build The Elementalist is a hard class to play since it has light armor and not as much healing as other classes. All credit for this guide goes to him To see the original posting of this click here. Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is the first expansion pack for NCsoft's MMORPG sequel. Is there anything I should learn first? They're capable of strong damage per second or healing per second depending on playstyle. Elementalists have the most expensive skills, the largest energy pool and energy m… Even with all the powers unlocked on a two-handed staff, they'll still need to unlock others by using daggers, wands and off-hand items called focuses. Elementalist are considerably hard to kill when facing a seasoned player. You see, the Elementalist can alter their powers by changing their attunement, switching between fire, water, air and earth. i started the game without knowing the classes ele was my first and i loved it! The last two “conditions” (Daze & Stun) are not really conditions in the sense the first eleven are. Off course you can. The enhanced equipment boxes drop more than once, but at a reduced rate after the first one of each kind. Thief - Best decapper in sPvP, make great scouts in World vs World, does INSANE burst damage because of lack of cooldowns, provides easy repeatable blast finishers which are extremely valuable. Lots of variety in skills if not using staff. PvE Skills 6. So why should you choose the Elementalist again, … You might open up with a wind spell to lower their damage resistance, then blast them with an earth spell to get them bleeding. However, with the right elementalist pvp build, it can become a very deadly professions in the right hands. Specifically on what the easiest, fastest and cheapest way to get Ascended gear. You can Heal with your Heal Slot & with Water 3/5 skill. The Guild Wars 2 Starter Guide intends to answer questions you have about ... and you will be ported to the beginner PvP area. You can slow ennemy with Water 4, Earth 4, Air 5. By switching attunement, you gain new Skills, that are not on Cooldown. First of all, there are 10 skills on your bar. Fire staff is really easy to get a hang on and can get you through most of the group content, but I advise to get use to dagger skill from the get-go. Guild Wars 2 Structured PvP Beginner’s Guide by Frozire This article is designed to present new players with enough information that will bring them from knowing nothing about the game to doing PvP in Guild Wars 2! Most elementalists focus on the power of a single element while some combine their elements for a larger variety of effects. To achieve max DPS with a core Elementalist you need to do a complicated triple-conjured-weapon rotation while swapping between attunements. Not sure which Guild Wars 2 profession to try out? Is a core profession that commands the four elemental forces: air,,... 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