1 0 obj T-8000. Proportional Action, Non-Compensated Capillary Bulb Element Thermostat. mable thermostat. Johnson Controls T-8000-3 : Remote Element Controller, -10 to 124 Deg F, 110 to 244 Deg F, Proportional Action, Non-Compensated Capillary, Bulb Element, 15 ft Capillary T8000系列温控器秉承极简生活理念而设计,风盘地暖控制集为一体,黑白简约外观兼容所有家居风格。 所有Johnson Controls 品牌 HVAC Equipment. Temperature is arguably the most important component in a building's environment. For instructions, see “load sD card settings” in the operating manual. 2 0 obj When you follow the simple program-ming instructions in this manual, your thermostat automatically controls the temperature in your home, saving energy and allowing you to awake (or return home) to a comfortable level of heating The algorithm virtually eliminates temperature offset associated with traditional, differential-based on/off thermostats. T8000 treadmill pdf manual download. Add to cart. system transformer. A 7 3/8 in. On-board high accuracy NTC sensor allows precision comfort control over occupied space area. The comfort of its occupants depends on an indoor climate that adapts to their needs. ����贠�(V 2�7 -Et�4>���x}2�� In conven- 1. To Set Current Time. Brand: Johnson Controls-+ $28.91 each ADD TO CART. The T8000 Thermostat is powered through the heating/cooling system controls. Retail Solutions. Please specify the desired product code number according to table of “Function” and “Model Selection Guide”. Johnson Controls T-8000-1 - Proportional and Two-Position Remote Element Controller, 4' Cap - For proportional temperature control of pneumatic valves and actuators to maintain air or liquid temperatures in duct, plenum chambers, liquid lines, tanks, etc. Your new programmable thermostat is designed to provide you with reliable, precise temperature control. LIT-7171060P T-4000 Series Pneumatic Room Thermostats Features • Adjustable Sensitivities and Set Points • Individual Set Points on Dual Temperature Controllers • Pneumatic Feedback for Greater Accuracy • Vibration and Shock Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products. ... For a replacement thermostat, contact the nearest Johnson Controls® representative. ��,�-��;H�f�X��(q7f[�r� �F�N���h�ݖ��� �#SZ�d�S0|i�h Z�/yr����J�ؘ6`��v.4G �ܐ� C���rt�,B�42�A� ��}2��R�Mn/Ld� <4�%�)X�҅Hs i/�I�&�I��,��6�����&� �9 The T8000 and T8001 include a thermostat, wallplate and owner™s guide. See Fig. T-4000 Series Pneumatic Room Thermostats. ĩ� �*'(����dx��G62�K�%�9VDu��g$Wǡ�6���Y!Ib��OS�5,�%��Q�|65i��1�L圢S��;�ص &��N�ј-��c^&3*�r�O�؟�*K�Ƚ�8Tå�J��& ���*��F���Pȗ�;ı.��V�ҕ�@T�T3p���!���{��״p�XMDc�d�$��rin�0��R3���f�A�H�,h?������1�"R��MbQ��;��j �צ���1 �K��J ��S�Il-�|{k7)��jfO��B �j����|ŤPA[�R�H�@�}o\CZ|���(;��p ��@����1����� �z=�ðt�}r�Y�Y:(!0�is_4f����j�H�T����e�Hi`�f���U���#e�P�^�"�\a']�zډ��CB���Đ�!�pp�r"�2V�~��.�L���A#e$��F$�l� The T8000C Thermostats are powered through the heating/ cooling system controls and are adaptable to most 18 to 30 Vac heating-cooling systems. T-4002 thermostat pdf manual download. Home / Temperature Controls, Thermostats, Pressure Controls, Sensors, Transmitters / T-8000-3 Johnson Controls Thermostat. %PDF-1.4 SKU: ACC-RSEN. 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View & download of more than 3078 Johnson Controls PDF user manuals, service manuals, operating guides. Title: T-8000 Remote Element Controller Catalog Page Created Date: For a replacement thermostat, contact the nearest Johnson Controls® representative. LIT-1900891 Issued February 6, 2015 Description The T8000 Series High-Resolution Color Touch Screen Digital Room Thermostats are … Honeywell Thermostat User Manual. Fire Suppression. Our commercial thermostats provide unprecedented accuracy, efficiency and … Press and hold the key to raise the temperature Setting Current Time and Day setting several degrees above the room tempera- ture; the heating equipment should start. Home / Temperature Controls, Thermostats, Pressure Controls, Sensors, Transmitters / T-8000-1 Johnson Controls BULB Thermostat. Batteries are not required because setpoints are held permanently by non-volatile memory. 2 T8800 BACnet Touch Screen Thermostat Application ... To order the replacement for the T8800 series thermostat, please contact our Johnson Controls representative. Air Conditioner, Controller user manuals, operating guides & specifications For applications at conditions beyond these specifications, consult the local Johnson Controls office. • Performance PRO T8000 Series Thermostat Operating Manual (included) note: secure Digital (sD) card feature (card not included) is a quick confi guration tool to transfer customized settings to or from the thermostat. Price $791.52. ����2�d)��M�Ax��,)�2���FM���Է��G��6�� Touch Screen Thermostat T8000 Series T8800 BACnet . ��+�n�8�~�֪n���Ƶ�?n�M�#`�;�f�a���Y��k陴Pn΀��q���$RM���+�WuA����.�b�7M���~ �_�HR���� C�8���oy�Tǩ���ɫ�L�Ϫ���A��b �����i�'����7���.Mg�l/���$�._�ԋ�����35D,c���D%�HRg�Ԩ�� �$4��ñ\�Q�Iҙ|J*&��xE���xJ$�#5RU��Ǥ�RG Y�H��SG{�^pp CaYÒ9��`E_MO+2y����I�L|@5P#�|� ��U�x�����JBZ#G�35ʵ{'������J�L� Z �=[D�����i_ �$\�]���n�.����k�t't��cK�)-��B�ܴ�P�s���P� s{6�������(����Hġ�>F&��t�=��%�E��.w�¢3�Y���XC�a��[�D��R��%\d�s��4��\�|��w����%V|?>#{���&�7 �.„y�"��i�!�%A�UX�i�Zm� May also be used as a low limit thermostat. Therefore, we will continue View and Download Honeywell T8000 owner's manual online. 3.0 KPH / 1.8 MPH 0.8 KPH / 0.5 MPH 0.8 KPH / 0.5 MPH P9 START SPEED Total distance on treadmill, not editable. non-invasive replacement of existing manual pneumatic thermostats, the WT-4000 Series Room Thermostats provide a number of ... room thermostat, contact the nearest Johnson Controls representative. P10 PAUSE TIME 60 sec 30 sec 180 sec Controls the starting speed for all programs (does not affect minimum speeds). “B” 4′ CAP. ̻ZmD.�d�Z�p��O���hw�N�!�C��m�d��Oc"���X�����v�P���Z�K_F�=,�h=�Ѐ)��LE�1E@�Q&�V�"kICh�Q���hS���*��-4�,����&�W��F2��m�I:/�@",��� SQ06��`9���ʚ�a2����c��} ���$�qYWz���.���(y��1���$p9$��Y/�$y\*�K� �m��B��uON�7%�JQ)H��l��Ơ�r�����̀�#c*��D�3C�O0)t�����&+R�.�Ҥ��04F��'�y�{h�d]f�E��i Add to List. There are models for 2-pipe cooling or heating, 4-pipe cooling and heating, air conditioning and floor heating, and for 2-wire. tional systems, the system turns on the fan through Press Select twice. T8000 thermostat pdf manual download. However, we stand by our products. Johnson Controls T-8000-3 - Proportional & 2-Position Remote Element Controller w/ 15' Cap - The T-8000 Remote Element Thermostat is designed for applications which require the sensing element to be located where extreme conditions do not permit controller mounting, or where operational adjustments to the controller would be inconvenient. Thermostat “B” 15′ CAP. T-8000-1 Johnson Controls BULB Thermostat $ 592.70. Also for: T8001, T8002, T8011, T8024. T8000 Series High-Resolution Color Touch Screen Digital Room Thermostats Catalog Page - Johnson Controls - LIT-1900891 - T8580 - Digital thermostat - T8000 Digital Room Thermostat 1900891.pdf doctype_prod Catalog Page category_visonic Digital thermostat product_status Active business Building Automation and Controls product_status_bas prodname Johnson Controls T8580 - Residential High-resolution Color Touch Screen Digital Room Thermostat - The T8000 Series High-Resolution Color Touch Screen Digital Room Thermostats are multi-functional devices that offer a simple-to-use color touch screen user interface. Industrial Refrigeration. Our goal is to make sure you have a great indoor experience. B . Security. After careful consideration, Johnson Controls has discontinued the GLAS Smart Thermostat (model number SIO2-10000). T8000 touch screen thermostat with 7-basic models cover all types of FCU standalone applications, air conditioning and floor heating 2-in-. © 2015 Johnson Controls, Inc. www.johnsoncontrols.com 1 T8000 Series High-Resolution Color Touch Screen Digital Room Thermostats Code No. Proportional and Two-Position Remote Element Controller, 4' Cap T-8000-3 Johnson Controls Thermostat $ 592.70. The T-8000 is designed for applications which require the sensing element to be located where extreme conditions do not permit controller mounting or where operational adjustments to the controller would be inconvenient. Looking for JOHNSON CONTROLS Bulb Element Controller (20RG19)? View and Download Johnson Controls T-4002 control manual online. valve control. ���gZ撽�3ĄE-�T��Y�l#w��62S�Ef�����'� ��K�t�Kϒܦ����1�%���a�O>/��z�yl%���&��Ywb� T4p-DŽX�(�6�5�=. %���� <>stream Controls the maximum time the treadmill can be paused during a workout. T600HCP-1 Programmable Thermostat Application The T600HCP-1 is a single-stage programmable thermostat that provides exceptional accuracy through the use of a unique Proportional-Integral (PI) time proportioning algorithm. Easy online ordering for the ones who get it done along with 24/7 customer service, free technical support & more. 24-3931-10, Rev. Grainger's got your back. Johnson Controls A421ABG-02C A421 Series Electronic Temperature Control with Pre Wired Power Cord, -40 to 212 Degree F Temperature Range 4.5 out of 5 stars 134 $89.99 No.26, Ching Chuan Rd., Taya Hsiang, Taichung Hsien 428, Taiwan, R.O.C. The T8000 Series High-Resolution Color Touch Screen Digital Room Thermostats are multi-functional devices that offer a simple-to-use color touch screen user interface. Also for: T8000 pro. Also for: T-4003, T-4054, T-4100, T-4110, T-4506, T-4516, T-4600, T-4756. ��r뾛�*��J#ɻ�#��#�i)���)��d.K�Lk������Q����:*}�%������멯A�0�D�mĎ�k�)��! The T-8000 Bulb Element Thermostat provides proportional, two-position, direct action, or reverse action temperature control. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[ 0 0 595.276 793.701]/Type/Page>> 5. endobj T8000, T8001 PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT 2. That core competency is at the heart of Johnson Controls. NOTE: To ensure proper mounting of thermostat, restrict all wiring to the shaded area in the center of the terminals. (188 mm) x 5 3/4 in. unit. The Title: T-4002 Room Thermostat Keywords: 24-3931-10 Created Date: 20031216192057Z Pneumatic Control Manual 717.1 Room Devices Section Product Bulletin T-4000 Issue Date 1285 © 1985 Johnson Controls, Inc. 1 Code No. x��]m��qF����V� |��$��T���N���i�s���t�]�]���%uDΈ���/P�s�H��C��gwO�{����O?��_w�_wC7�Z?F�}}�E�=�W���{�������=y��s�T��n o�>{�m/���ˢUg�q���������b�~Z;�f�a6mׁ�?��^f��ףS�X�ֱ��m-z�>N�Ė�i�qky���y�1ò����zk�f�' ����Hۄ��q��R��I�l �ԏ{�O�v�i�)G\G�|Q�[����� Our programmable thermostats are easy to install and feature advanced technology and extremely high accuracy. >� 7��ji����y�2/CMVa(����8�c�uI�P� �유qL�$���q9q!�����Aa�K%H*�K�R���JX���� T-8000-3 Johnson Controls Thermostat quantity. 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