Just remember to allow at least twenty fours hours drying time BEFORE masking the next colour. But I must admit to not using them as of yet. This will give us more practice … Any un-called for language will be removed and repeated offences will be punished. General colour schemes - 1936 to 1941 Despite the confusion which has prevailed over the past 20 to 30 years, the Royal Navy was fairly robust in painting directives in times of peace and until around 1941. Airfix 1:72 Henschel Hs123: Splinter Camouflage As I have said before in my previous post , the hardest part of this build and the most time consuming, was masking the splinter camouflage. Painting the Model. Never post personal information, such as your address, telephone number or email address. Hopefully some of the others on this site have tried the Zebra scheme and can offer more practical advice. The largest problem to over come is that the splinter camouflage comes to some very, very fine points and the easiest way to accomplish this is to cut the masking tape before applying it to the kit. The only thing about sellotape is that over time the adhesive will deteriorate and begin to peel. No profanity or foul language. > I would like to point out here that you don’t have to mask the inside of the canopy to paint it. Well that’s about it I guess I’ve added the decals and sprayed the matt coat added the final detail and weathering. Intentionally or repeatedly mis-placing topics will be punished. 151. I personally use scalpels as I find them easier to use and incredibly sharp and reasonably resilient. Fortunately the little Hs123 has virtually no canopy to speak of and therefore little to mask off. Sorry, this product is only available to Club members. We reserve the right to remove or censor ANY post at our discretion. hanks. This site uses cookies to provide users with the best experience possible, to find out more about them or how to remove cookies from your browser please view our. I'm not familiar with this "Zebra scheme", and suspect that the "correct" answer will depend on whether it's a "special scheme" like an anniversary or Tiger Meet scheme, or simply a Winter camo. Airbrush Camo-Mask for 1/72 F-22 Raptor Camouflage Scheme. Please keep in mind that the Airfix Forum is a publicly viewable space and you should never post personal information (including email addresses). @typhoonfanatic - Thanks; that pretty much confirms my thoughts about "temporary scheme". This article will show how to paint a three colour hard-edged camouflage scheme on an armoured vehicle. Primarily a place for newcomers to ask questions and seek assistance from like-minded individuals, the Airfix Forum offers users the chance … Having built a few nice Airfix new tools, I have to say I was a little disappointed with this one. Camouflage Summary Colors will be referred to in their common English terms (e.g., “Khaki”) followed by ... “Japanese Tank Markings, 1941-1945 (pp.394-400)”, in Airfix Magazine (March 1977). I must admit to being relaxed as to how exact the masking job should be. William Earl Houston, No.112 Squadron at Libya in 1941. There are exceptions to this, for example when applying a winter camo (say to a tank), the whitewash didn't cover the dark paint below allowing some see-through, so this effect is desirable. Spamming or repeatedly posting similar topics will not be permitted. Discussion of other plastic model kit manufacturers is allowed, however, active promotion or advertising of our competitors is not permitted. > Join the chatter with our Social Media channels. Painting camouflage which color first Posted by Khalee2 on Thursday, November 24, 2011 8:20 AM The lightest color or darkest color I want to paint up my mig 15 as a Hungarian bird which the instructions say dark green dark brown and sand colors and aircraft blue on the bottom. Home What's New Features & Reviews Model Kit Top Gun Subject & Color Refs Search About Us. Humbrol (Techniques, Tips & Craft) This includes actively antagonizing (“trolling”) users or members of staff. I find that masking the outside and then painting the interior colour works incredibly well. Now anyone who has masked a canopy for painting knows this is a tedious and time consuming task! I always tend to prefer painting the light colour first followed by the other colours according to how dark they are. Within the pages of this site you will find reviews of WW2 Model Airplane Kits I have completed, a photo gallery of these kits and the real thing from Air Shows. As I have said before in my previous post, the hardest part of this build and the most time consuming, was masking the splinter camouflage. I hope to share my knowledge and expertise with anyone interested in taking up this hobby and I make recommendations of the best airplane models kits and model airplane manufacturers to buy in my humble opinion. You need to think carefully about whether to paint white over green or green over white. To find out about all of the benefits of Club membership click below. The shades of grey to be used by the Home Fleet and on foreign stations went thro… We will not be accepting orders for customers outside the UK from 14th Dec 2020 â 4th Jan 2021 due to potential delivery issues as a result of Brexit. 3M Make a variety of low tack masking tapes that are excellent wide and easy to cut shapes in. The Airfix instructions show the ‘B’ camouflage scheme, so I used a copy of a 1/48 Tamiya Spitfire Mk.I camouflage guide to … Great Product! Please read the following rules and guidelines very carefully. Here are the painting instructions for … I am however reasonably convinced that given the standard and quality of the Eduard kits these will be no different. I will be soon painting another Jeep with this all in OD Green and know it will hold up for years like the last one. When masking splinter camouflage the general rule of thumb I use is to paint the lighter colour as a base coat mask off and then paint the darker colour. Artizan Designs' WWII Painting & Camo Guide. Also very low tack masking tape is essential, now this doesn’t mean that you need to use Tamiya brand at all. After choosing your color palette and priming your work surface, you can make anything … Painting Hints. Any serious complaints can be reported via the ‘Report’ button on each post, or by contacting the Forum Administrator directly at forum@hornby.com. I will sometimes simply go with what is easiest to produce but I will try to stick to the general layout. Here you'll find fantastic new guides to the camo patterns and colours of WWII. Another easier way is to use something like Eduard Express masks as these are all pre-cut and extremely easy to use. Painting method: Try not to apply two coats of color at the edges of a mask. AML 1 48 Junkers Ju-87B-1 Stuka Camouflage Painting Mask M49033 designed to be used with Airfix Order by 11:59pm (GMT) on Monday 21st December for UK Christmas Delivery. Then the usual marble coat with white. For hints on decaling go to my post Model Airplane Decals: Applying and Problem Solving. Action will be taken against posts and/or topics that cause distress beyond a debate or disagreement. Airfix provides a single clear piece for the two overlapping parts of the opened canopy. It never ceases to amaze me the information you can glean just by talking and showing an interest in a customer, He is one of several amazing people I have met who have had first hand knowledge on the subjects that fascinate me. I've heard similar tales to the others that you cite from other sources, although the white of the Arctic scheme wasn't "that permanent". I chose the F-4J as I liked the cat holding the bomb decals on the sides and and its an easier painting scheme with no camouflage. Pintando el modelo clásico de Airfix. I also tried to make the demarcations sharper in some spots. Artizan Designs' WWII Painting & Camo Guide. German splinter camouflage is relatively easy task to do as the lines are all straight. The fuselage halves and bomb bay doors were all warped. I usually build 1/48 aircraft, but this one would have a 60cm wingspan, too big for my space. The two AMR 35 tanks below have seen better days, but this contemporary colour photograph shows one of the paint schemes very clearly. There is a F-4 Phantom on the cover, its just hit the news stands this month.. We reserve the right to ban any user who violates our guidelines or disrupts our community. Posts are made in good faith, Hornby Forum users cannot be held personally accountable and Hornby Hobbies Limited cannot be held liable, for the results of following any instructions given. Time to complete your minis by painting the eyes, insignia and finishing off the bases. For full details please check our. Would highly recommend this product for any airsoft gun painting needs (especially camouflage work). Avid WW2 aviation enthusiast and modeller. Airfix model kit in scale 1:24, A12002V is a rebox released in 2020 | Contents, Previews, Reviews, History + Marketplace | Messerschmitt Bf 109 | EAN: 5055286672026 Though I fly through the shadow of the valley of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am at 65_000 feet and climbing. The Airfix Forum is intended for discussion of plastic scale modelling. Owner of the Airfix Tribute Forum https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/airfixtributeforum/index.php, I understand the principals of tanks being whitewashed over the green and even aircraft were whitewashed in the field over thier standard camouflage, am i to understand that in the modern era this 'Zebra' pattern would have been painted in a logical fashion i.e green over white and not rollered on by some poor ground crew on a chilly windy day at Yeovilton. (my wife is an understanding one!). Does anyone have any suggestions apart from Blu Tac to achieve desired results. No racial, ethnic or gender based insults and other personal discriminations. This was my first plane kit in 20 years. All advice given is followed at your own risk. or I suggest you could use sellotape and paint it then cut it thinly and apply it on the inside. ... Before I did camouflage. Study the kit and work out where the masking tape should go. if confronted with a similar scenario I have opted for the Blu Tac approach to mask off the background colour. Welcome to another step by step painting guide, this time for German panzers of the Afrika Korps in the Second World War. All customer service enquiries should be directed to. Compare with the photo below. Instead, apply one color prior to painting the proper camouflage, and apply the other color after the mask is back on. ... With all the painting … The painting instruction supplied with the kit were incorrect, the light blue stripes of the desert camouflage pattern should actually be light grey (Humbrol № 64). The camouflage plans included in the Model Art book on the Spitfire were scanned and scaled to 1:48 in Photoshop before being printed onto a full A4 label sheet. Pornography, warez or any other illegal transactions may NOT be posted or linked in any shape or form. All of these have been created by and are copyright of Mick Farnworth. Subscribe and be the first to hear about: Community updates and behind the scenes details. Like a long running therapy. A word of caution though the longer you leave masking tape on a model the harder it will be to remove without removing some of your precious paint job! Refusal to adhere to these guidelines will result in appropriate responsive actions. Well so it would seem, I’ve read enough articles on them and I have some to use in the various Eduard kits I have in my stash. If you are linking to external content, you should link directly to that content. You can find all my pics of it my Gallery if you go here Airfix Henschel Hs123. It is also best done with a new scalpel blade or X-acto knife blade. Make a copy of the painting key. This aircraft had the ‘A’ camouflage scheme. By proceeding to post you agree to these guidelines. Skill Level = Intermediate Introduction. These frequently flew over us from Yeovilton and was a regular sight in the skies above Taunton where I live. With the camouflage complete that is the hardest part over. Ideal if your doing hard edged RAF camouflages! This has probably been brush painted. But it wasn’t after I finished all the base work to start painting the camouflage that I realized I didn’t have any of the three colors needed to paint … It's an unfortunate model. Cybermodeler Online. Painting the vintage Airfix kit. You might find it is difficult to paint white over green as the green will continue to show through. I used the salt technique for winter camo on Su-76 (Um Model / Su-76 link) very nice finish... Painting … Admiralty Disruptive Pattern Camouflage, using the following on the . General Painting Hints & Tips; Viking Guides. No posts meant to offend, hurt or cause distress for any other user. Hi Guys, Have gone totally out of my comfort zone here and have opted to build a 'Helicopter' - Sea King in 'Zebra' (?) camouflage scheme. For news, competitions and offers, sign up for our newsletter, You currently have no items in your basket. WW2 Model Airplane Kits brings you news, views and resources for buying, building and collecting World War Two Model Airplanes. I haven't got any references to confirm this but I would guess any arctic camo would have been temporary for exercises or deployment, so it wouold be most likely white over the original factory green. One of the reasons I wanted to do a Vietnam-era Phantom was to fade the camouflage. WIP : Airfix 1/48 Defiant Mk.I Pt. Violation of any of these rules and guidelines will result in consequences determined on a case-by-case basis. With all the preparation out of the way, the next step is to start painting the camouflage. Camouflage is a common pattern used primarily by hunters to blend in with the environment, but it’s gained popularity in many design fields. FineScale Modeler magazine - Essential magazine for scale model builders, model kit reviews, how-to scale modeling, and scale modeling products. Any references to these kind of discriminations will also be removed. Abuse, of any kind, will NOT be tolerated. German splinter camouflage is relatively easy task to do as the lines are all straight. Orders may be impacted by additional delivery delays. I’ll be trying to recreate the iconic desert tanks for the gaming tabletop, not a scale model for display. Designed to be used with Airfix kits A01003A. The German uniform features some distinctive insignia, which I paint at … Celebrating 21 years of hobby news and reviews. While I could work with adding various tints of black and white, I chose the simple route and used the underside camouflage gray as … This might mean having to apply more coats of white and this would affect the surface detail. Otherwise, the coating in the areas encased by the mask may be too thick, and after removing the mask the edges of the lighter color may … You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. 3 – Painting. This includes using stars (*) or other characters instead of letters. I then went back to fix all the various mistakes in the camouflage. it turned out well in my book and I enjoyed immensely building it. Its a collection of the best aircraft articles from the past … Wargamers may deploy the Airfix model of the Matilda Tank in the early campaigns in France and North Africa. Please create an account or login to reply. Any transaction involving sharing personal information is not allowed on the Forum. J's Work: AU$10.95 AU$8.95: MON-SM72308: 1/72 B-25C/D Paint Masks for Airfix kits (outside) Montex: AU$9.95 AU$8.50: MON-SM72132: 1/72 PBY-2/5A Catalina Paint Mask for Academy kit (outside) Montex: AU$7.95 AU$6.95: MON-SM72010: 1/72 Curtiss P-40 E/M … Forum The French had some distinctive camouflage schemes for much of their armour and there are a whole host of possible schemes to choose from. ... bonds superbly to plastic and metal. FSM's latest 'special' Build Better Models" issue has a few different techniques for masking aircraft. Please keep all discussion polite or, at the very least, civil. Article by FineScale Modeler. Camouflage Grey 29 Dark Earth 30 Dark Green 31 Slate Grey 32 Dark Grey 33 Matt Black 34 Matt White 35 Gloss Varnsih 38 Lime 40 Pale Grey 41 Ivory 47 Sea Blue 48 Mediterranean Blue 49 ... Airfix Wiki is a FANDOM … Copyright © 2009-2015 WW2ModelAirplaneKits.com, Model Airplane Decals: Applying and Problem Solving, Hasegawa 1:72 Kawanishi H6K5 Mavis Progress. Personal discriminations please keep all discussion polite or, at the very least, civil as. Are some outlying schemes which flew in the skies above Taunton where i live camouflage schemes for of. Features & Reviews model kit Top Gun Subject & color painting camouflage airfix Search about us tape should go apart from Tac. Other illegal transactions may not be permitted and this would affect the surface detail color Refs Search about.... The light colour first followed by the external, trainers and many other types all within! Since age nine and i now model mostly ww2 model airplanes allowed on the inside in this one and easy. My thoughts about `` temporary scheme '' currently have no items in your browser to utilize the of! 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