Effective yet Economical blast abrasive; Wide range of sieve sizes available; Silica free (<0.1%) Available in 50 lb bags, 100 lb bags, 3000 lb super sacks, and Bulk; Tech Data Sheet (PDF) SDS (PDF) Please contact us or call at 314-241-5333 for additional information. Therefore, the purity of the quenching water and the cleanliness of the quenching basins have a significant effect on the cleanliness of the abrasive product. Additional Metadata. Rinse thoroughly with water. 1721 Gold Allbri natural copper ANAC 110 Arwood copper Bronze powder C.I. Smelting Gresik Smelter and Refinery 7440-50-8 - RYGMFSIKBFXOCR-UHFFFAOYSA-N - Copper - Similar structures search, synonyms, formulas, resource links, and other chemical information. ), sfu,d castings, alwminum, copper, brass, WOOd, glass, and plastic. This product is appreciated for its hardness and free from silica. using the following formula: ... were re-fragmentation; 4 - waste slag As a result of removing the copper from the slag from the furnance suspension by means of component A (Fig. The ease with which it could be shaped and formed, its attractive colour and its corro-sion resistance were among some of the reasons why it found widespread use in the manufacture of early weaponry, jewellery, liturgical vessels and everyday domestic objects. It is among the lowest cost per square foot abrasive, it has low consumption on new steel and it is environmentally friendly! Fax Number             : Sharpshot Copper Slag Why Sharpshot Copper Slag? Take advantage of our expertise in Blast Operation development – for both Regulatory Compliance and Operational efficiencies. This work reports an experimental procedure to investigate the effect of using CS as partial replacement of sand. : 45 ~ 55 % SiO2 : 30 ~ 38 Alibaba.com offers 315 iron slag copper slag products. The influence of weight percentage of copper slag, roots content, and moisture content on the shear strength of mixed soil are investigated. Chessy slags, Chessy copper mines, Chessy, Villefranche-sur-Saône, Rhône, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France. Because copper has a higher affinity for sulfur than oxygen, the copper in the slag (as copper oxide) is converted to copper sulfide. Copper slag is essentially ferrous silicate, including 2FeO⋅SiO 2, … Copper, together with gold and tin were the first metals put to use by ancient man. The copper sulfide is removed and the remaining slag is discarded. To make us of these The copper content in the FSF slag is higher than slag from Iranian National Copper Industries Co, Chile Caletone, Indian copper plants and is much lower than that in copper slag … USE OF COPPER SLAG IN CONCRETE , The physical properties of OPC are given in Table 1 , physical and chemical properties of copper slag are given in Table 3.. Know More Prev: mining stone concrete jaw crusher Next: used limestone impact crusher price in malaysia About 2% of these are Abrasives. Copper slag cleaning in AC electric arc furnaces, which is the most common, requires a relatively large furnace because of the time required for reduction and sedimentation which amounts to 3 to 8 hours. To make us of these Substance Name: Slags, copper smelting RN: 67711-92-6. Slags, copper smelting. Concerned about this, the scientists are looking for alternative materials for highway construction, and industrial waste product is one such category. Abstract Service Number, This product is not a fire copper slag is very low as compared with the natural sand and it affects on workability of concrete. Slags, copper electrolytic slime smelting CAS Number: 67711-96-0. hazard, It is safe to handle copper COPPER SLAG The Copper is of fine textured glossy sand like material and called as Granulated Copper slag The granules are obtained by cooling the molten copper waste The granulated copper slag are below 4.75 mm in size 7. That’s a big number 8. Natural materials being exhaustible in nature, its quantity is declining gradually. Shipped via flatbed only. Call Keith at 314-241-5333 or email keith@tcrcoatings.com. Copper Slag . Coal Slag; Corn Cob Grit; Crushed Glass; Dry Ice; Garnet; Glass Beads; Glass Beads/Aluminum Oxide Mix; Starblast® Stainless Steel Shot; Steel Grit; Steel Shot; Steel & Stainless Steel Cut Wire; Walnut Shells; Wet Blast Abrasives & Compounds; Zirconia Silica Beads; Floor Aggregates. no respiratory protection is required. The choice of the abrasive to be used and the type of equipment required to do the job depe~ds essentially on the nature of t~e surface involved (including its pre-cleaned surface condition which may include being covered by paint, rust, These smelters recover copper from scrap copper alloy products such as telephone switching gear, electronic hardware, wrought products, and wire. Chemical Formula: Cu . Bhd. Figure 6 shows the copper content from different particle size classes for the converter slag, TSL slag and reverberatory slag. Copper can be lost from the matte in three ways: as cuprous oxide (Cu 2 O) dissolved in the slag, as sulfide copper dissolved in the slag or as tiny droplets (or prills) of matte suspended in the slag. 6a) to give 9 droplets of diameter between 2 3. Abstract: Copper slag is a by-product obtained during matte smelting and refining of copper. 5, Copper slag is used in artificial stone, water purification, the main raw material of grinding, electronics and other fields. No. The slag is principally compounds of lead and antimony with lesser compounds of copper, arsenic, tellurium and selenium. 315 iron slag copper slag products are offered for sale by suppliers on Alibaba.com, of which abrasives accounts for 2%, other metals & metal products accounts for 1%. Formula: FeCO 3. Slag dumps, Severinggraben, Johnsbach, Admont, Liezen District, Styria, Austria : Several ancient copper slag dumps. Copper slag is mainly used for surface blast-cleaning. SLAG and Its Relation to the Corrosion Characteristics of Ferrous Metals NATIONAL SLAG ASSOCIATION www.nationalslagassoc.org Page 3 Most of the corrosion of metals such as iron, lead and zinc in underground service at normal temperatures is the result of an electrochemical reaction. The utilization of solid waste is the challenge for the civil and environmental engineers to utilize the waste from different industry to excel the sustainable development, and in the same time, it is matching with the cost concern of the present materials. As copper sulphate contains 25% copper metal, the copper content of a 1% Bordeaux mixture would be 0-25 % copper. Based on Tuorill concept the gravitational coalescence model has been deve- loped. If these materials can be suitably utilized in highway construction, the pollution and disposal problems may be partly redu… Such slag may contain alloying elements (e.g., beryllium or iron). Finally, the reinforcement effect of Bermuda grass roots on copper slag-soil mixture is studied. and Company Identification, Manufacturer's The production of nano silica from the dissolution of olivine is an economic option when compared with the traditional commercial method which requires high temperature vapourization of … Matte, crude mixture of molten sulfides formed as an intermediate product of the smelting of sulfide ores of metals, especially copper, nickel, and lead.Instead of being smelted directly to metal, copper ores are usually smelted to matte, preferably containing 40–45 percent copper along with iron and sulfur, which is then treated by converting in a Bessemer-type converter. 22-24 net tons per load. FeO : … Packaging and Freight Info: Packaging: Bulk (loose), 2 ton supersacks, or 75 lb bags. Copper slag is … Copper slag specific purposes 1, Copper slag is suitable for old and new steel surface cleaning, rust removal and strengthen of outdoor. 4. Slag that is quenched in water produces angular granules which are disposed of as waste or utilized as discussed below. Table 3.2 presents the wide-range chemical composition of copper slag from different sources. exposed to dust above exposure limits, Wear glasses or safety It has a 115 to 120#'s/cubic foot. Incompletely by squander material like copper slag which is an ecological waste. Chemical composition shows the presence of 1.43 wt% Cu, 0.02 wt% Ni, 0.05 wt% Co, 49.92 wt% Fe, and 11.82 wt% SiO 2 in ground converter slag. EPA Registry Name: Slags, copper electrolytic slime smelting. slag, however recommended to use personal protection, Under ordinary condition goggles to prevent contact with eyes, Use gloves, shoes and protective Molecular Formula: Unspecified Definition: Slimes from electrolytic cells are smelted in a cupel, producing black metal and a slag. A copper-nickel slag-based alkali-activated cementing material (CNSCM) for backfilling was prepared using copper-nickel slag as a raw material and sodium silicate (SS) as an activating agent. Black Max Copper Slag. Copper slag is +2a form of olivine, a magnesium, iron and silicate mineral with the formula (Mg , Fe+2) 2 SiO 4. Information on Ingredients, FeO must be in compliance with local regulations. are used for road construction. You must have a forklift at the end destination to unload the flatbed. It is among the lowest cost per square foot abrasive, it has low consumption on new steel and it is environmentally friendly! % CaO : 3 ~ 7 %        Al2O3 : In this process, a stream of abrasive grains called grit are propelled toward the workpiece. (1) (2) The gravitational settling did not show the possibility of the decrease of copper content below 2%. - COPPER SLAG - 1. The results from Figure 6 and the mineralogical studies suggest that there is an inverse relationship between the ease of crushing and the copper mineral content of the slag … - Indonesia Molecular Formula: Unspecified Definition: Slag resulting from the smelting of a heterogeneous mixture of copper and precious metals from primary and secondary sources and plant reverts. 1 ~ 5 %, Rinse The performance of OPC prepared with 2.5% copper slag as raw mix component indicates that at a fineness of 301.0m 2 /kg, the cement satisfies all the requirements of Indian Standard Specification IS:12269-1987 for 53 grade OPC and … IUPAC Name: slag, copper refining Six series of concrete mixtures were prepared with different proportions of CS … landfill in accordance with all applicable regulation. Molecular Formula. Bottom or coal slags are most often water-quenched. 60,000MT Copper slag are produced per month in Sterlite Industries India Ltd . The model principle is described in details in papers [4]. Controls / Personal Protection, Physical EC number: 266-968-3 | CAS number: 67711-92-6 Slag resulting from the smelting of a heterogeneous mixture of copper and precious metals from primary and secondary sources and plant reverts. Copper slag is +2a form of olivine, a magnesium, iron and silicate mineral with the formula (Mg , Fe+2) 2. As refineries draw metal out of copper ore, they produce a large volume of non-metallic dust, soot, and rock. Results from specific gravity and water absorption tests revealed that copper slag has a specific gravity of 3.30 which is higher than that of sand, whereas the water absorption values for copper slag and sand were about 0.65% and 1.01%, respectively. THIS IS A HIGHER DENSITY THAN COAL SLAG AND WILL THUS BLAST FASTER THAN COAL SLAG, AND YOU CAN RECLAIM IT A COUPLE OF TIMES AS WELL. Reclaiming Copper Slag Tips: 2). The effects of SS content (6%, 8%, and 10%) and curing humidity on the compressive strength of CNSCM were investigated using an electronic universal testing machine. Incompletely by squander material like copper slag which is an ecological waste. Traditionally soil, stone aggregates, sand, bitumen, cement etc. Slag is the glass-like by-product left over after a desired metal has been separated (i.e., smelted) from its raw ore.Slag is usually a mixture of metal oxides and silicon dioxide.However, slags can contain metal sulfides and elemental metals. lated using Hadamard-Rybczynski formula for determined slag viscosity, height and size distribution. And Chemical Properties, Ignition The calculation of the shear strength between the traditional formula and the newly proposed method is compared in the measurement results. Formula: Ag. Optimum copper slag content was then found from the Type A mixes and Type B mixes (CW1 to CW4) prepared with 60% copper slag at a varying water-cement ratio (w/c) (ranging from 0.42 to 0.36) with a decrement of 0.02 at each stage. Copper slag is a by-product of copper extraction by smelting. Metallic copper has been known since about 9.000 … GSR - SDS 005. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Any disposal practice 77400 C.I. Because copper has a higher affinity for sulfur than oxygen, the copper in the slag (as copper oxide) is converted to copper sulfide. Collectively, these materials make up slag, which can be used for a surprising number of applications in the building and industrial fields. Slag is less dense than matte, so it forms a layer that floats on top of the matte. Major constituents are iron oxide and silicon dioxide with minor amounts of copper, lead, nickel and various non-ferrous metals and oxides. Box 555 Gresik 61151 Jawa Timur 62-31-397-6460, Composition/ 929131-U Rock Garnet Trading SA0079856-X Other articles where Blister copper is discussed: copper processing: Roasting, smelting, and converting: …remaining values), leaving a “blister” copper containing between 98.5 and 99.5 percent copper and up to 0.8 percent oxygen. Thus a 1% Bordeaux mixture, which is the normal, would have the formula 1 :1:100the first 1 representing 1 kg copper sulphate, the second representing 1 kg hydrated lime, and the 100 representing 100 litres (100 kg) water. Slags, copper refining. Secondary copper smelters are also a source of copper slag. Introduction Traditionally soil, stone aggregates, sand, bitumen, cement etc. Transportation Research Record 941 Geotechnical Properties of a Copper Slag BRAJA M. DAS, ANTHONY J. TAROUIN, AND ANDREW D. JONES* The çotechnical properties of a copper slag are presented.The slag, produced at the Amer¡can Smelt¡ng and Refining Company (ASAROOI plant in El Paso, Texas, is a by-product of refining copper ore in oil-fi¡ed reverberatory fur. Reference: [Le Cahier des Micromonteurs 1988, 4, p.6-46] ⓘ Siderite. Beryllium is toxic, The converter is rotated for skimming the slag and pouring the blister copper. This type of vessel provides a fast, efficient and environmentally responsible method of discharging the dry bulk cargo either directly onto the dock or onto a barge alongside the vessel. Rock Garnet Trading is a distributor of various sand blasting abrasives and blasting equipment. ft. at 110psi Nozzle), Available in 75 lb bags, 3000 & 4000 lb Bulk Bags, Bulk & Rail. Coning and quartering techniques were performed for homogenization of slag sample. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION TRADE NAME Abrasives Grit DESCRIPTION Copper Slag SUPPLIER Pan Marine Blasting Abrasives Pte Ltd CONTACT INFO Address: 32 Tuas Crescent Singapore 638721 Tel: (65) 6862 4884 Fax: (65) 6861 1368 E-mail: contactus@pmba.com.sg 2. It is safe to handle copper slag… SiO. Copper slag is a by-product created during the copper smelting and refining process. Priced per net ton, or per 2,000lbs. A typical smelting slag contains approximately 30–45% FeO, 30–40% SiO2, 5–10% Al 2 O 3, 2–6% CaO, and 2–4% MgO ( Kokal, 2006 ). Major constituents are iron oxide and silicon dioxide with minor amounts of copper, lead, nickel and various non-ferrous metals and oxides. thoroughly with water. An elective material is proposed to the quality of the solid by supplanting of fine total. (reactivity of spontaneous ignition and water), Mutation The cleanliness of the metallic charge, often consisting of sand-encrusted gates and risers from Bulk flowable cargoes, such as aggregates, copper slag and bulk gypsum can be loaded onto belt self-unloading vessels. To be sure ,the slag is a combination of oxides of mpurities in the copper ore that float to the top of the melt and form as a glass. field (microorganism & abnormal chromosome), Chemical So as to abstain from utilizing common stream sand. Today I’m going to be shared about “Project Report on Copper Slag in Concrete” With advantages and disadvantages of copper slag in concrete so let’s get started. Slags, copper refining EC Number: 266-970-4 EC Name: Slags, copper refining CAS Number: 67711-94-8 Molecular formula: The substance is a UVCB for which it is not possible to provide a molecular formula and a molecular weight. An elective material is proposed to the quality of the solid by supplanting of fine total. Name SSPC SP-10 Near White (over new steel Rust Grade A/B), Material Cost per sf : w/o Recycles (StL). Product Also, the cost of extracting good quality of natural material is increasing. Manufacturer Information. Telephone Number  : 62-31-397-6458/59 A wide variety of iron slag copper slag options are available to you, such as kyrgyzstan, kazakhstan. FeO : 45 ~ 55 % SiO 2 : 30 ~ 38 % CaO : 3 ~ 7 % Al 2 O 3 : 1 ~ 5 %. Secondary copper smelters are also a source of copper slag. Rock Garnet Trading Sdn. The composition of slag varies with the type of melting process used and the type of iron or steel being melted. Leading Copper Slag Supplier & exporter is Star Trace . Copper slag abrasive is dense enough to be reclaimed via a Cyclone separator in coarser sizes only. Transportation Research Record 941 Geotechnical Properties of a Copper Slag BRAJA M. DAS, ANTHONY J. TAROUIN, AND ANDREW D. JONES* The çotechnical properties of a copper slag are presented.The slag, produced at the Amer¡can Smelt¡ng and Refining Company (ASAROOI plant in El Paso, Texas, is a by-product of refining copper ore in oil-fi¡ed reverberatory fur. The sieve analysis of the converter slag and the content of Cu, Ni, Co, and Fe in … Manufacturer's Name PT. Featured suppliers/resources for Copper slag-airborne List your site here. Smelting Gresik Smelter and Refinery Address Desa Roomo, Kecamatan Manyar PO. Reference: R. De Ascenção Guedes, 2004, Les minéraux et les minéralogistes de Chessy-les-mines, Le Règne Minéral, HS IX, pp 46-84 ⓘ Silver. Slag produced by flash furnace operations contains significantly higher amounts of copper than reverberatory or electric furnaces. clothing to prevent skin contact, Acute Toxicity (including lethal dose 50), Dispose in FeO-SiO 2-Al 2 O 3-CaO . 7440-50-8 - RYGMFSIKBFXOCR-UHFFFAOYSA-N - Copper - Similar structures search, synonyms, formulas, resource links, and other chemical information. Click hereto get an answer to your question ️ The chemical composition of slag formed during the smelting process in the extraction of copper is: Flash furnace slag is treated in a slag cleaning furnace with coke or iron sulfide. Results of research and analysis As a result of testing samples were obtained, which consisted of three different factions: metal, iron - silicate and dusty. Abrasive blasting is used to clean and shape the surface of metal, stone, concrete and other materials. Address Desa Roomo, Kecamatan Manyar PO. Please contact us or call us at 314-241-5333 for additional information, Let us know what you need and how to get in touch. medical attention for discomfort, Accidental Details like where shipping, how much etc. Copper converter slag supplied by Birla Copper, Dahej, India was ground. Wear respirator/dust mask when Element and Content. Whoa! COPPER SMELTING AND CONVERTING SLAGS UNDER CONTROLLED OXYGEN PARTIAL PRESSURES B. Zhaoa,*, P. Hayesa, E. Jak a a The University of Queensland, School of Chemical Engineering, Brisbane, Australia (Received 12 August 2012; accepted 01 March 2013) Abstract Phase equilibria of silicate slags relevant to the copper smelting/converting operations have been experimentally studied over a wide … Nano silica, silica fines and micro silica are added to commercial cements. Note. are used for road construction. Box 555 Gresik 61151 Jawa Timur - Indonesia Telephone Number : 62-31-397-6458/59 Fax Number : 62-31-397-6460. Cu Synonyms. Composition/ Information on Ingredients .