Try our free Pharmacy Tech Practice Exam below. Copyright © 2010-2018 - - A secure website encrypted by Transport Layer Security (TLS)All rights Reserved - Pharmacy tech study website only - NOT to be used as a reference for patient care. What do you think is the most important quality for a pharmacy technician to have? © 2021 - All rights reserved. where you can ask a question or help other users work through issues. TRAIN TO BE A PHARMACY TECHNICIAN TODAY. by Michelle Goeking, BM, CPhT A pharm tech in any area of pharmacy practice will encounter some pharmaceutical calculations that will need to be performed. Convert the milligrams in 8 fluid ounces to gallons, and then convert from milligrams to grams. To get pass ptcb study guide online. 5 Pharmacy Technician Interview Questions and Answers . We will use seconds, so the first step is to convert 30 minutes to seconds. There may be more questions available on the facebook page, which is where they are all tested before they're published here on the site. Other interview tips for hospital pharmacy technician interview 1. The subjects covered are based on the 9 knowledge domains outlined on the PTCB website. New, originally written practice questions are posted there a few times a week. You don't even need to study or know any medication. The role of pharmacy technicians is likely to change in the future. If you're looking for a study partner locally or online, it's also a great place for that too. Post a Job. They answer phones, perform inventory, and, in a retail environment, they operate a cash register. The highest concentration goes in the upper left corner and the lowest concentration in the lower left corner. Hi, Can anyone help? Math ⦠They are all originally written, and based on the subject matter in which the official test is based on. Interview. Following under each practice quiz, there's a link to take you to the beginning of the next one. Each question is formatted as multiple choice, and the answers are shown after each submission. Mix 122 mL of the 50% and 678 mL of the 5%. Answer tips You may [â¦] The first step to solving this is to convert the child's weight to kilograms. Calculators are not permitted so thereâs a ⦠The timeframe of the application procedure, from the date of applying to the hire date, varies greatly. Some of these questions require measurement conversions, so you may want to start with our measurement conversion quiz.These pharmacy tech practice math questions cover roman numerals, percentage calcuations, proportions, alligation, dosing calculations, and more. Stock solutions and alligation 4. Since it is twice a day (bid) for 10 days you must calculate: This is another proportion problem. MathJax.Hub.Config({tex2jax: {inlineMath: [['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)']], processEscapes: true}}); If you leave this page, your progress will be lost. *PTCB is a registered trademark of the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse this site. Practice types of job interview such as screening interview, phone interview, second interview, situational interview, behavioral interview (competency based), technical interview, group interview⦠2. The next lowest answer is correct, 465 mL. In some of the questions, there may also be a link to a tutorial page if the site has one that covers the material in the question. Pharmacy techs provide information to patients. There may be more questions available on the, , which is where they are all tested before they're published here on the site. So 1¼ teaspoons equals 6.25 mL. Additionally, they are copyright protected. Pharmacy technician practice test instructions, Each Free practice quiz has twenty questions and should take no more than 25 minutes. Mix 111 mL of the 50% and 889 mL of the 5%. Body Mass Index 5. However, they are not the exact questions from either of those tests. Thanks for using these free pharmacy tech practice tests ! Each Free practice quiz has twenty questions and should take no more than 25 minutes. If this activity does not load, try refreshing your browser. Some come from Khan Academy and others are YouTube uploads. This is a video demonstration of a pharmacy tech math review question from William A Hopkins, Jr's Complete Math Review workbook. Use this ptcb math quiz to practice your pharmacy math skills. Many pharmacy technicians develop math phobia, which is a severe form of math anxiety. Recall that 1 pound is equal to 0.454 kilograms: To answer this type of problem you must know that percentage strength is conventionally given as weight to volume (w/v), where 20% means: Once you are finished, click the button below. Following under each practice quiz, there's a link to take you to the beginning of the next one. Please ask ⦠Additionally, there are forum pages where you can ask a question or help other users work through issues. Also, this page requires javascript. My daughter has an interview next week for a Student Pharmacy Technician vacancy and has been told she must complete a maths test and get at least 70% correct to get through the interview stage. Clinical-based calculations 5. We strongly recommend knowing how to calculate doses â questions are almost guaranteed to appear. In fact, many problems can be solved using more than one technique. The system for checking your answer has been simplified to a report at the end of the quiz. The hiring process at Walgreens includes several types of tests including personality test, math test, word problems test, and a more job-oriented tests such as pharmacy technician test. The types of calculations will vary, but a solid understanding of algebra will help tremendously. The subjects covered are based on the 9 knowledge domains outlined on the. First you must figure out how many milligrams of famotidine will be needed: Mix 89 mL of the 50% and 711 mL of the 5%. When told if successful given a interview time with education lead and chief pharmacy technician. Pharmacy Technician is a healthcare provider who performs pharmacy-related functions, generally working under the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist. Mix 100 mL of the 50% and 700 mL of the 5%. In this test you have to answer printable pharmacy technician practice test. Here we review some of the toppharmacy calculation tips for the PTCB exam you need to know. Pharmacy Technician Interview Questions. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure? Displaying all worksheets related to pharmacy tech math. It involves interpreting prescriptions and doing some pharmacy math. Thanks for using these, - A secure website encrypted by Transport Layer Security (TLS). Re: Technician interview - before qualification Yet you totally ignore my example of Medicine Management techs struggling to complete a maths test to gain their certificate. This is an alligation problem, so you should setjup a tic-tac-toe table. Pharmacy Technician Test: This test is more specific to the pharmacy technician practice, and so candidates will need to answer questions related to that. Any items you have not completed will be marked incorrect. It is not worth it to waste your money for being Pharmacy Technician at this point. Pharmacy technicians are employed by hospitals or retail pharmacies to assist licensed pharmacists in filling prescriptions and other support tasks. Free interview details posted anonymously by Walgreens interview candidates. Ratio, proportions and percent strength 3. Maths test requiring a minimum 80% pass mark. Math You Need to Know to Be a Pharmacy Technician. Maria is a pharmacy technician at a local pharmacy. Overcoming Your Fear of Math. The most often asked question about pharmacy technician math is how to know which type of math to do for each problem. If you're looking for a study partner locally or online, it's also a great place for that too. Some of these questions require measurement conversions, so you may want to start with our measurement conversion quiz.These pharmacy tech practice math questions cover roman numerals, percentage calcuations, proportions, alligation, dosing calculations, and more. Each of the free pharmacy technician practice tests ask multiple questions, with an option to proceed to the next test. Dosage Calculations Take note â as all five ofthese topics are set to appear on the 2020 PTCB test. The first half of the book is explaining how to answer the questions, followed on page 16 of the book, the actual question paper. Additionally, many pharmacy tech math problems require a few different types of math all within the same problem. We cover the following 5topics: 1. Pick the answer that makes the most sense to you! 1. These include math, customer service, situational judgment, pharmaceutical and drug terminology and procedures, and reading comprehension. To find the number of C3 pills, multiply the total by 0.19: First calculate the total prescriptions received: Recall that 1 teaspoon equals 5 mL. The desired concentration goes in the middle: You should know your Roman numerals by now: Recall that 1 oz = 30 mL. Conversions and Formulae 2. As a pharmacy technician, you will use your math skills daily on the job. While it offers many benefits, and it is better than most jobs that pay the same amount of money, it has also some drawbacks. Here are a few pharmacy technician interview questions that your interviewer is most likely to ask and our guide on how to answer them: 1. However, they are not the exact questions from either of those tests. Pharmacy Technician Interview Questions. The median pay for pharmacy technicians is estimated to be $15.72 per hour or $32,700 annually, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Since the prescription states 2 sprays per nostril, and people have 2 nostrils, there will be 4 four sprays per day (qd is the abbreviation for daily). Please wait while the activity loads. They enter patient data into a computer and provide relevant information to patients about insurance, deductibles and co-pays. **These pharmacy technician practice tests are not the actual questions you will be asked on the national certification exam. A pharmacy technician supplies medicines to patients, whether filling prescriptions or dispensing over-the-counter drugs. I am a graduate from XYZ community college with specialized courses in pharmaceutical studies'. Currently, you are a pharmacy technician student receiving on-the-job training from Maria. You need to choose one or the other. Roman Numerals 4. There are two ways to become a certified Pharmacy Technician â through the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) and through the National Healthcareer Association (NHA). Please ask permission before posting or using them elsewhere. You should ask this question because it shows whether or not the pharmacy technician will be a good fit for your business. As pharmacists are more involved in direct patient care, pharmacy technicians will undertake more diverse tasks to support pharmacy operations, whether theyâre in hospitals or retail stores. There really is no straight answer. Of these answers choices 485 mL is the closest to 480 mL, but that would cause overflow. The following seven questions, submitted by pharmacists via social media and ⦠These pharmacy tech practice math questions cover roman numerals, percentage calcuations, proportions, alligation, dosing calculations, and more. In this pharmacy technician math study guide, we have focused on the calculation of doses. All rights Reserved - Pharmacy tech study website only - NOT to be used as a reference for patient care. Your answers to behavioral questions help the pharmacy manager (or anyone else who leads an interview with you) to understand your attitude to difficult situations . Additionally, there are. HOME PAGE | FREE PRACTICE TESTS | ASK A QUESTION | MATH QUESTIONS | CONTACT | PRIVACY POLICY. Each bottle has 120 sprays, so each bottle will last for: Setup your proportion with $x$ representing the milligrams of Diphenhydramine HCl that are in the bottle: There are two steps to solve this problem. Talk about your favorite aspect of the job. Use this PTCB Math Quiz to practice your pharmacy math skills. Free practice tests and other test resources organized in 300 categories including: academic, career, personality, intelligence, and more. New, originally written practice questions are posted there a few times a week. Get started on your test prep right now with our PTCB Math Quiz! Asked what do I know about the GPhC registration process, aseptics. Talk about some of ⦠If you're new to the field, think about what you're looking forward to learning. The system for checking your answer has been simplified to a report at the end of the quiz. So 16 oz = 480 mL. Does it not occur to you that the level of maths required of a Band 4 is not the same as that required of a Band 5 or 6? In some of the questions, there may also be a link to a tutorial page if the site has one that covers the material in the question. Typically, the assessment is timed, and if you pass, you are asked to return for an interview. What do you enjoy most about being a Pharmacy Technician? Please visit using a browser with javascript enabled. **These pharmacy technician practice tests are not the actual questions you will be asked on the national certification exam. We have compiled a collection of math videos found on the Web to help you pass the PTCB exam. And, other pharmacy tech students post questions and study tips to the community. Letâs getstarted. . Although some questions are asked in almost every interview, knowing how to answer them honestly while showcasing the traits that employers are looking for can still be a challenge. Detailed explanations are provided which show exactly how to solve these challenging problems. And, other pharmacy tech students post questions and study tips to the community. Math is an important part of the PTCB test. Working under the supervision of a pharmacist, she fills a variety of prescriptions for customers each day. Pharmacy Math. Can anyone give us an idea of what this test is like - ⦠⢠Pharmacy practice uses principles from all three systems of measurement ⢠Knowing household equivalents and other conversions is crucial for pharmacy practice UNITS + CONVERSIONS Topics to Cover 1. 4th great math is enough. You might like these free pre employment math test pdf to get even better at your job interview numeracy test. Some of these questions require measurement conversions, so you may want to start with our measurement conversion quiz. Converting between Ratios andPercentage Strengths 3. Units of measure and conversions 2. Lastly, keep in mind that these questions are designed to help you practice for the PTCB or ExCPT exam. There are 435 pills, and 19% are C3. In this post, you can reference some of the most common interview questions for a hospital pharmacy technician interview along with appropriate answer samples. Use this PTCB Math Quiz to practice your pharmacy math skills. Your performance has been rated as %%RATING%%, More Practice Tests I past the test without any stady with 850 score. Job of a pharmacy technician is not a walk in a park. Dosage Calculations; Hospital Pharmacy Math; Compounding Math; Pediatric Math; Math Review for Pharmacy Technicians. Lastly, keep in mind that these questions are designed to help you practice for the PTCB or ExCPT exam. There is no job.No body want new grads. If you need more job interview materials, you can reference them at the end of this post. Be sure to know the Roman numeral system: To solve this type of problem you should setup a proportion: This is another proportion problem. Free interview details posted anonymously by Dierbergs Markets interview candidates. Asked questions on the organisation, the pressures that the NHS are facing, and the NHS trust's key goals. This pharmacy technician interview question is a critical question which is designed to ascertain your passion and interest in the field. Here is the pharmacy math worksheets section. They are all originally written, and based on the subject matter in which the official test is based on. Maths Assessment For Job Interview Reasoning Tests. Most of the pharmacy technicians use and sometimes rely on computers to solve complicated algorithm data, yet they still rely upon their skills to get a pharmacy technician certification in the first place. If loading fails, click here to try again. You have not finished your quiz. Itâs important that you know exactly why youâd prefer this pharmacy job over another. PTCB Practice Tests >>. ... At the in-person interview, I was given a math test. Use this PTCB Math Quiz to practice your pharmacy math skills. Your results will be scored automatically and will display your strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, they are copyright protected. 4 Dierbergs Markets Pharmacy Technician interview questions and 4 interview reviews. The four main components in pharmacy math are. About Pharmacy Technician Test Assessment. We have offered 5 core examples, all of which can appear on the day of your PTCB exam. 1. Pharmacy technicians are in demand and employment is expected to grow at a rate of 12% until 2026. 376 Walgreens Pharmacy Technician interview questions and 327 interview reviews. Note that times are given in both seconds and minutes. Tell me about yourself 'I am a detail-oriented and trained pharmacy tech who likes interacting with people. Media and ⦠you do n't even need to study or know any medication do n't need... Students post questions and study tips to the hire date, varies greatly this page, your will. Job interview materials, you will be lost perform inventory, and the NHS facing. Where you can ask a question or help other users work through issues, 465.. Ounces to gallons, and reading pharmacy technician interview math test the official test is based on the subject matter in which official. 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