Treasurer, Maharashtra Pradesh Ceongress Committee (I) 1985-1989. Architect of the launch of the first I.T.I in Maharashtra for Women and the first Polytechnic for girls for acquiring technical skills. Chairman, Study Team appointed by Govt.of Maharashtra,to study sugarcane yield and recovery in Maharashtra State. Undertook village development, illiteracy eradication program and facilities for health. President, Maharashtra Granthpal Sangh Since 1982. Rena Sugar Factory is like a KALPAVRUKSHA for the people of the area around which he has visualised the flow of economic opportunities. Life Time Achievement Award by University of Pune on 10.2.2008. Trust / Association of Person / Body of Individual. The date and venue of pre bid meeting will be informed separately to the Piloted key initiatives to address water scarcity through the launch of an NGO, “Maharashtra Pani Parishad”. Maharashtra Rajya Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Sangh Ltd., Bombay 1966 to 1988: Indian sugar exports Corporation 1979 to 1988: PravaraSahakari Bank Ltd., Loni 1975 to 1996. Kolhapur (Tel. Propagated the spirit of self help and mutual help which pervaded every area of development activities, thereby helping farmers of Maharashtra. Rahata. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address. Dharashiv sakhar Karkhana Ltd Tuljabhavani SSK ltd Pad.Dr Vithalrao Vikhe patil ssk ltd,kej Pad.Dr Vithalrao Vikhe patil ssk ltd,Pravaranagar Astoria agro & Ind Ltd,Nandurbar Gajanan SSK Ltd,Beed Jai laxmi Sugar Pvt Ltd,Nitali Natural Sugar & Allied Ind Ltd Shambhu Mahadev Sugar & Allied Ind Ltd Jai Shiv Shankar SSK Ltd Rahata Dist. Purna Sugar Factory is like a KALPAVRUKSHA for the people of the area around which he … (MS) since 2004. Sahakar Maharshi Shankarrao Mohite Patil Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. & Others Vs. State of Maharashtra through Secretary, Home (Transport) & Others Judgment Dated 06-05-2011 of High Court of Judicature at Bombay having citation 2011 (5) BOMCR 211 , 2011 (113) BOMLR 1915 , include bench Judge HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE P.B. It is great Mile stone in Maharashtra as well as in India. Steered the socio economic development in Ahmednagar District. Milk Dairy, Ahmednagar, At: Viladghat, Pravara Madhyamik Vidyalay, Shibalapur At. Founder Trustee, Dr.Vikhe Patil Patil Foundation, Pune. Served as Chairman on several key committees of parliament representing key sectors and instrumental in introducing significant Parliamentary bills on agriculture, labour, finance, cooperation, Defence etc. Dist.Ahmednagar Pin 413 736 ; Bu Sakhar said total compensation paid by insurance companies for the damage was about dlrs 347 million. Director, Maharashtra State Farming Corporation Ltd. 1964-1977. Founder, Parner, Co.Operative Sugar Factory, Parner, Dist. 0231/2385622/24 ) 4,000 4 Dhudhganga Vedganga Sah. Sakhar Habash, a senior Fatah official who is close to Arafat, told Reuters. Dr.Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. Pravaranagar from 1966 to 1997 Associates a large number of Trusts rendering services to community in Different areas Rajarambapu Co-operative Sugar factory (locally known as Rajarambapu Patil Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana), situated at Walwa, Maharashtra, India, is the flagship organization of the Rajarambapu Group of Companies.Being a co-operative company our primary assets are the 2 lacs plus members associated with us including shareholders, farmers, company staff, and management. The Sangh had originally its office at Pune which was subsequently transferred to Bombay in 1963 in a hired premises in Fort area. Introduced Pravara Rural Medical College- one of the few colleges in the country conducting community oriented medical education program having international collaborations for exchange of staff, students and collaborative research work in Maastricht, the Netherland University of Limburg, the University of Pecs, Hungary and University of Linkoping, Sweden. Type- Current, NEFT/IFS Code- CBIN0280675 This project turned out to be the best achievement of Cooperative sugar factories and rural development.This set up is being conducive as sugar production is prime business for region. Sakhar Karkhana Ltd; Bidri Tal Kagal, Dist. At Post. No.- 11328495058, A/c.Type- Current, NEFT/IFSC Code- SBIN0000484 Launched Pravara Cooperative Bank under the system of urban banks, in 1975, with a meager share capital of Rs.2 lakhs deposit of Only Rs. Satara Pin Code :- 415519 The sugar industry is the second largest agro-based Industry in India.Co-operative Sector plays an important role in the Indian sugar industry. Director, Pravara Sahakari Bank Ltd.Loni, 1975-1996. *Priority for enrolment given to the student from local area & rural areas. Chairman, Pravara Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., Pravaranagar, 1966-1977, 1978-1981 & 1982-1987. SAKHAR KARKHANA LTD. SANAI: Nil: Nil: Nil: Rs 1,05,880 1 Lacs+: iii: Bonds, Debentures and Shares in companies: 15,000 15 Thou+ DNYANESHWAR SAH. 140,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. एकूण पदसंख्या : १९ Saptarshi Wada, Ghumare Lane, Ahmednagar. Ex. Propelled technological growth in Indian agriculture through expediting the modernization process with technological inputs of training programmers. SAKHAR KARKHANA LTD. BHENDA SHARES 1+1 (TOTAL 2) 5,000 5 … Founder Trustee, Dr.Vikhe Patil Foundation, Ahmednagar. Shri Kedareshwar Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., Sumannagar - Manufacturer of black strap molasses, sugar s-30 & brown sugar in Shevgaon, Maharashtra. Chairman, Committee on Petitions Lok Sabha (1987 to 1989). ), A/c.No.- 11158525187, A/c. Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. Pravaranagar Loni: CAC-CELL-HQ … Minister of State for Finance (Expenditure, Banking & Insurance) Govt. & Dist. 5000/-and 400 members. These bye-laws are called, "Pravara Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., Pravaranagar, " Bye-law 2 (g) deals with Aims and Objects to the society. Sugar cooperatives and State politics [ edit ] Over the last sixty years, the local sugar mills have played a crucial part in encouraging rural political participation and as … were affiliated. Get Company information, company registration and financial details, product details and information, business information, company charges and director and company contact details of SITARAM MAHARAJ SAKHAR KARKHANA KHARDI LIMITED, C/O KALYANRAO V KALEA/P WADIKUROLI,Pandharpur,Maharashtra,INDIA . Sr. No. It is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Pune. Saraswati Puraskar by Kailas Math, Nashik on Feb.2006. Vice President, Ahmednagar Zilha Parishad, 1962-1971. Represented on several Boards of high acclaim in key positions like President, Vice President, Founder and more. The Society has been registered under the Societies Registration Act 1960 and the Mumbai Public Trust Act 1950. Client Name : M/s Padamashri Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana ltd.,Pravaranagar (Maharashtra) Equipments : Juice Heater - 350 m2 - 5 nos. Sahakar Maharshi Ganpatrao Sathe First State Level Life Time Achievement Award on 11.3.2006. Member of 14th Lok Sabha, Kopargaon Parliamentary Constituency, May,2004. Bye-law 2 (g) reads as under: "To grow sugarcane and other crops, to construct buildings, to erect workshops for manufacturing sugar and other complementary products and to run them for that purpose - Pioneer of “Pravara Pattern”, in village development, thereby facilitating inhabitants with educational, technological, socio-economic, health and other facilities. Hon’ble Namdar Shri. Pravara Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., Pravara nagar From 1966 to 1977, 1978 to 1981 & 1982 to 1987. The company operates a sugar mill of 5000 TCD (tonnes crushed per day) installed capacity which is forward integrated with distillery unit of 120 KLPD (kilo litres per day). Niphad Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. Pimplas BHAUSAHEBNAGAR-422301 Distt. The concept of a sugar factory owned and operated by sugarcane growing farmers was unthinkable. Loni, Tal.Rahata, Dist.Ahmednagar Pin 413 736. Its authorized share capital is Rs. The sugar mill, called Pravara Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd, had majority ownership by the local farmers. The seeds of co-operative movement were sown in … Shirdi V.K.Socy. 101 to 500 People. Pravaranagar (Maharashtra) Equipments : Semi Kestner Modification 3000 m2 HAS - 1 set, 1000 m2 HAS - … 5. Pravara Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd A brief translated extract of the speech of the Chairman Shri Balasaheb Vikhe Patil, M P at the 37th Annual General Meeting of Pravara Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd held on Saturday, 6th September 1986 at Pravaranag To read the full text Login Nasik (Maharashtra) Founder Trustee, Pravara Institute of Research and Education in Natural and Social Sciences, Pravaranagar. This Greenfield project, under the Guidance of Shri N. Seshagiri Rao, capacity of 2500 TCD with the provision to increase the capacity to 4000 TCD in future. Type- Current, NEFT/IFS Code- SBIN0005539 Sakhar Karkhana Ltd; Bidri Tal Kagal, Dist. President, Maharashtra Samajawadi Congress, 1977-1979. The distillate was (distillery division) then collected and was filled in the pignometer to measure 3.1 Raw material preparation the specific gravity. Path-breaking contribution to the field of Rural & Professional education, health Rural communication in agriculture with reference to globalization & modernization in framing rural economy. The catchment area of the company extends to villages of the Pandharpur Taluka in Solapur Chairman, State Level accounts committee, Maharashtra State in 1988. The institution has been serving the underserved tribal and hilly people of 500 villages at the doorsteps through various innovatives and empowerment of Female Health Volunteers. The founder father of Agro co-operative movement. Established in the year 1964 by Padmashri Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil, to utilize education for nation building, unified rural development & women empowerment. Sangli, Maharashtra India 415 407. Shankar Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana, Nanded, (Maharashtra) - 1250 TCD. of India, New Delhi-2002-2003. The e-mail address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by e-mail. Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. Pravaranagar Loni: CAC-CELL-HQ - 10 Chairman, Agricultural Committee & Public Works Committee , Ahmednagar Zilha Parishad, 1967-1971. Dharur, Dist. The institution has been doing commendable work for the lot of patients through its vast network of health camps, helping couple of lacks beneficiaries in the process. A valid e-mail address. The has now been identified as Scheduled Bank by the RBI from 2003. Member, Consultative Committee for the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Lok Sabha, New Delhi in 1998 and from 5th Oct 2004, Member, informal consultative Committee for the Central Railway & South Central Railway Zone, Lok Sabha, New Delhi, 1998, Member, Department related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Commerce, 2003-2004, Member, Members of General Purpose Committee from 21st Sept. 2004, Senate Member, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, 1966-1972 and 1974-1979, Senate Member, University of Poona, Pune, 1975-1976 & 1985-1986, Senate Member, Yeshvantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik, since 1997, Managing Trustee, Pravara Medical Trust Loni, with Rural Medical & Dental College and well equipped Rural Hospital, Since 1973, Managing Trustee, Shirdi Sai Rural Institute, Pravaranagar, Since 1997, Trustee, Dr.Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation, Ahmednagar. Member, Managing Committee, All India Distilleries Association, New Delhi, 1978-1989. These bye-laws are called, "Pravara Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., Pravaranagar, " Bye-law 2(g) deals with Aims and Objects to the society. PSN NIC Manufacturing Activity Factory Name Gala no/Plot no Industrial Estate Landmark Village/M-corp Tahsil Dist Pincode Male workers Female Workers the results of lab scale experiments performed at distillery division of padmashree Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana, Pravaranagar, Maharashtra. Now it has been recognized as a Deemed University, which houses superspeciality training programmes. favour of ‘Shree Chhatrapati Shahu Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd’ payable at Kolhapur. This web site is developed for Sahakar Maharshi Shankarrao Mohite Patil Sakhar Karkhana. Founder, Vridheshwar Co.Operative Sugar Factory,Pathardi, Dist.Ahmednagar. Bank have insured totaly 1.40 Lakh A/cs under PMSBY scheme. 4. Bank Details : Central Bank of India, Ganeshnagar, A/c.No.- 3406784867, A/c. Member, Advisory Committee on Power and Irrigation, 1975-1978, Member, Advisory Committee of Post and Telegraphs, Member, State Sugar wage Board, 1966-1971, Member, State Agri Price Committee on in 1975, Member, State Government Committee on Labour in 1966, Member, All India Peace Solidarity organisation Maharashtra State Council, Member, Consultative Committee of Ministry of Agr, Industry Irrigation, Civil Supplies and Co-operation, Lok Sabha, New Delhi, Member, Committee on Sub Ordinate Legislation, Lok Sabha 1980/82, Member, Technical Education Committee, appointed by Government of Maharashtra, 1982-1990, Member, Committee on Estimates Lok Sabha, 1980-1982, Member, Maharashtra Economic Developmenmt Council, Member, Maharashtra State Employment & self-employment, High level committee, 1996-1997, Member, Pravara Study Circle, Loni, 1994. Maharashtra Rajya Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Sangh Ltd., Bombay 1966 to 1988 Indian sugar exports Corporation 1979 to 1988 PravaraSahakari Bank Ltd., Loni 1975 to 1996. LOKNETE SUNDERRAOJI SOLANKE SAHAKARI SAKHAR KARKHANA LTD: ATSUNDERNAGAR,PO.TELGAON,TQ.DHARUR,DIST.BEED: CAC-CELL-HQ: 31-12-2020 13: 30-12-2020 Pad. - Key Accomplishment   |   Political Affiliation   |  Representation   |   Awards, Copyright © 2018 Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences. Financial assistance for educational purpose for having marginal income. Ahmed Nagar, Maharashtra, India 5 connections Which suggested various programmes harvesting of water with various means. Client Name : M/s National Heavy Engineering Co-operative Limited Pune –Mumbai highway,Distt. All Rights Reserved || Developed and Maintained By : Infort Technology Pvt. Director, Dr.Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., Pravaranagar 1966-1997. It is great Mile stone in Maharashtra as … Welcome To Loknete Sunderraoji Solanke Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. ( Sundernagar, Dist-Beed ) After Hon’ble Chairman Shri Sunderraoji Solanke, the pioneer of the Sugar Factory put forth his views, the farmers of the sub division responded in masses and joined with the Government by sharing system for the construction of a sugar factory. sandip pathare Padmashri Dr.Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd.,Pravaranagar. This Greenfield project, under the Guidance of Shri N. Seshagiri Rao, capacity of 2500 TCD with the provision to increase the capacity to 4000 TCD in future. Introduced a plethora of educational opportunities to the villagers, women, landless laborers and socially backward classes. Pravaranagar (Maharashtra) Equipments : Semi Kestner Modification 3000 m2 HAS - 1 set, 1000 m2 HAS - 1 set . Chairman, Pravara Rural Education Society, since 1981. Founder, Jagdamba, Co.Operative Sugar Factory,Karjat, Dist. Ranjangaon Khurd, Tal. Generated employment opportunities to 2750 teachers and non-teachers, with the enrollment of over 40000 students for different courses. Chairman, Committee appointed by State Government to suggest a chapter for the co-operative Societies Act on Co-operative sugar factories. Padmashri Dr. Vitthal Rao Vikhe Patil Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. PO-PRAVARANAGAR-413712 Tal.Rahata Distt. Annual Turnover. LOKNETE SUNDERRAOJI SOLANKE SAHAKARI SAKHAR KARKHANA LTD: ATSUNDERNAGAR,PO.TELGAON,TQ.DHARUR,DIST.BEED: CAC-CELL-HQ: 31-12-2020 9: 30-12-2020 Pad. Khandoba Prasanna Sakhar Karkhana Limited is a Public incorporated on 02 January 2001. “Purna Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana” is an important milestone in Agro-industries. people. Partook in international Sugar Technologist’s Conference at Brazil, Cuba and Havana, thereby exposing farmers to new techniques of sugarcane production. Chairman, Pravara Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., Pravaranagar, 1966-1977, 1978-1981 & 1982-1987. 0231/2385622/24 ) 4,000 4 Dhudhganga Vedganga Sah. SAKHAR KARKHANA LTD. BHENDA SHARES 1+2 (TOTAL 3) 5,000 5 Thou+ MULA SAHKARI SAKHAR LTD. SONAI SHARES 1: 10,000 10 Thou+ DNYANESHWAR SAH. of India, New Delhi-1999-2002. Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd. Shankarnagar-Akluj About this Website. Founder Trustee, Pravara Co.Operative Dairy Society for 45 Villages. Email : , President, Friends of Soviet Union (Maharashtra State) Since1980. 98,298,096. Rashtriya Bandhuta Purskar by Rashtriya Bhandhuta Sahitya Parishad & Bandhuta Pratistan, Pune at a function held at Kalidas Mandir, Nashik on 22.2 2004. Ghodganga Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd is an establishment set up around 70 km east to Pune.Factory is recently named after founder Raosahebdada Pawar Ghodganga Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd (RPGSSKL). Chairman Standing Committee on Defence, 5 Aug.2004. from 1995. No. Loknete Sunderraoji Solanke sahakari sakhar karkhana ltd., Sundernagar Tal. (15th June,1959.) Get in touch with us The Malegaon Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Shivnagar, Malegaon(Bk) Baramati- 413116 . Client Name : M/s Padamashri Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana ltd.,Pravaranagar (Maharashtra) Equipments : Juice Heater - 350 m2 - 5 nos. Year : 2000. Provided amenities for technical, medical and vocational education for rural industrial development & self employment and health awareness. Vice President, Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee, 1980-1984. Founder Trustee, Dr.Vikhe Patil Foundation, Nashik Centre.. Noted agriculturist and social worker, with a meritorious record of achievements in incubating and implementing reforms in key sectors of the Indian economy. Get detailed and holistic information on all Indian and … GENESIS . The Society was established in 1964 by Late Padmashri Dr.Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil, who was also founder of the Pravara Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd, Pravaranagar. Introduced key agro-processing and agriculture marketing initiatives through cooperative. Distillers • Padmashri Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd • Pravaranagar, India POWERPLANT CAPICITY OF CRUSHING SUGAR CANE IS 7500 PER DAY & 35000 LTR. Walwa, Dist. Ltd., Shirdi, Tal:Rahata, A/P.Loni Bk., Tal:Rahata,Dist:Ahmednagar. The Society was established in 1964 by Late Padmashri Dr.Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil, who was also founder of the Pravara Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd, Pravaranagar. Chairman of group of Ministers on co-operative restructuring (Sept.2001). Architect of reforms in intergrated rural development, rural industries, social reforms, agriculture, irrigation, cooperative movement and education. A/P. The Bank financially assisted education for marginal income group, for housing to schedule caste and tribe, low income group people, to promote rural development and cooperation, to promote village industries, motivate young technically qualified persons to start their own industries in the area and to promote dairy development. Chairman, Study Team appointed by Govt.of Maharashtra,to study sugarcane yield and recovery in Maharashtra State. Address Rajaramnagar (Materewadi) Tal -Dindori, Dist - Nashik, Maharashtra, India Member of Lok Sabha, Kopargaon Parliamentary Constituency, 1999-2004. The experiments were carried out for various sugar concentrations and different batch periods for fermentation up to 72 Ltd., Pravaranagar) Ganeshnagar, PO. Nayagarh Co-operative Sugar Industries Ltd. Nayagarh (Orissa) - 1250 TCD. MAJMUDARHON'BLE MR. President, Maharashtra Rajya Sahakari Karkhana Sangh Ltd., Mumbai, 1981-1984. Awarded by Mahatma Phule Agricultural University, Rahuri on the occasion of Cotton Day on 24.9.2006. Member of Executive Committee, 1982-1986. LOKNETE SUNDERRAOJI SOLANKE SAHAKARI SAKHAR KARKHANA LTD: ATSUNDERNAGAR,PO.TELGAON,TQ.DHARUR,DIST.BEED: CAC-CELL-HQ: 31-12-2020 13: 30-12-2020 Pad. As Minister of State for Finance in the Union Government, kickstarted the process of strengthening insurance for agriculture, small farmers and farm workers. Kolhapur (Tel. Contributed significantly as a Member of Parliament for eight terms-as Minister of state for Finance and as Cabinet Minister for Heavy Industries. Founder Trustee, Shirdi Sai Rural Institute, Rahata, since 1997. Trustee, Dr. Vikhe Patil Foundation, Pune. ; It is a majority Shia Arab district including Musayyib and Liberation of Jurf Al Sakhar]; He made highest number of share holders of Shetkari Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd, Sangli. Founder Trustee, Pravara Institute of Technology & Engineering, Pravaranagar. Late Shri Vaikunthabhai Mehata and Pravara Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd; From mixed economy to mixed liberalization (Lokmat-Times-3/4/1994) Co-operative Vs. Corporate and Individual farming system co-operative study (Papers submitted in the “National Seminar on Problems and Prospects on Rural Development” held in Nov.1997 at Pravaranagar Manufacturer. Promoted Pravara Sports complex, giving impetus to various sports, organizing tournaments and competitions at national level also providing cultural inputs with exposure. Sakhar Karkhana Ltd; Parite Tal Karveer, Dist. The hospital undertakes comprehensive community health care of the villages and provides health services at affordable rates, now the help of surperspeciality. The Sangh had originally its office at Pune which was subsequently transferred to Bombay in 1963 in a hired premises in Fort area. January 2001 Act 1950 Boards of high acclaim in key positions like President, Maharashtra Congress! 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Ganeshnagar, A/c.No.- 3406784867, A/c and Havana, thereby exposing farmers to New techniques of sugarcane production Factory! Limited is a Public incorporated on 02 January 2001 of Sangamner taluka on the occasion of Amrit Mahostav 9.11.2006... Ltd., Arvindnagar, A/P: 31-12-2020 13: 30-12-2020 Pad bid will... Sahakari Karkhana Sangh Ltd.Mumbai 1966-1988 industrial house with all your enthusiasm and support & Insurance ) Govt agro-processing. Sabha 1989 & 1991 the first I.T.I in Maharashtra as well as India! Inputs with exposure which was subsequently transferred to Bombay in 1963 in a hired premises Fort. Recognized as a member of 14th Lok Sabha ( 1987 to 1989 ) Indian farmers & rural areas the... Year: 2005 Bank Details: Central Bank of India, Pimpalgaon ( Bk ) Baramati-.... 1977, 1978 to 1981 & 1982 to 1987 & Public Works Committee Ahmednagar Parishad! 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