It’s just not worth leveling these job levels as a thief alone. This kind of build is really really rare when it comes to assassin cross.But mind you that Enchant Deadly Poison skill + Enchant Poison = total killer for this kind of build.Much better when combined with critical equipments.The only extreme about this build is it maxing all the poison tree skills,with stats that gives more to STR,DEX and AGI and fully use of the poison skill,giving them the highest rate of poisoning enemies during battle.Even without weapon like Poison Knife and poison … to poison! ... 2- Remover o item/Itens do jRO que afetam muito essa build, como por exemplo o item Enforcer Manteau, que aproximadamente dobra o dano da skill. Best props to endow are, therefore, often Earth and Wind. SP bonus is decent and high HIT can be achieved by wearing specific gear or simply by having high DEX. Now 5 points in grimtooth to max it. Current effect (Soul Destroyer) is 15-20-25% Damage If equipping 2 EQUINOX, is the damage effect is stackable? This exp is incredibly high, so don't pass up on this one. It can deal considerable damage on a single hit. Items that allow your attacks to bypass the target's defense, such as Combat Knife and Ceaser's Sword apply in either hand. Marcs and Tidals add resistance to water. Started by Mikoto , Jun 16 2013 02:04 AM I would say Maya Purple is the best choice, but since it isn’t a very common card, I didn’t add it to the guide. 80~99: At this point you’ll need to make your leveling weapons. Accuracy rate is the final percentage the game calculates after counting in the player’s Hit Rate and Enemy’s Flee Rate. Blessing. It's the expensive version of Cross Ripper Slasher since it needs 93% of delay reduced, 200+ CRIT to deal critical damage, and also 193 ASPD and a decent amount of DEX and INT to cast it fast. • Be sure to have bathory/evil druid armor, to negate dark soul strike. This is considered a long ranged physical attack. Status cards' effects do not carry. Increases the hit rate of Sonic Blow by 90%, it also increases Sonic Blow damage by 90%. * Make sure you’ll keep your cranial valk equipped for the longest time possible, if you don’t have it on you might as well die faster than you could possibly pot. :More detailed information on section [θ] Builds and Equipments:. Is affected by FLEE, therefore you need HIT in order to deal the damage related to this part of the skill. The damage is unaffected by percentage modifiers. Lv. 1~thief: Training grounds is the best option. After using this skill successfully the poison will be removed from your weapon. 6~10. Damage is based on this formula; Its forte is in PvP where range is a big factor. Replies. ... a league of its own! While spinning you will gain Rotation Counters. With it you can deal ranged damage that can also crit. ... you can do soul destroyer.. and do sonic blow too and for me thats imbalanced. Lv.20~Lv.35: Pyramids 1 or Payon Dungeon 1. ~!!~!!~!!~!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!~!!!~! * Bee Sting: Dropped by Hornets. In this case, you should enchant deadly poison and fight using sonic blow. AGI is the second source of damage since it also increases Cross Ripper Slasher damage. Besides that it also lets you reach higher values of ASPD and make use of the delay gears you've equipped since both are connected and you can't fully benefit from one without the other. With regards to the physical part of SD, can we put an element on it? Cast is interruptible. DEX is mostly used to remove the fixed cast with Temporal Boots Of Dexterity [1] (asks to have 120 base DEX) but it also increases ASPD on a minor level. I would only recommend this if you are very comfortable with surviving as gunner. Push your agility to the limit letting you dodge more attacks, raising your Flee and gives you a chance to dodge magical attacks. DEX is mostly for the HIT values since your damage per second means zero if you don't hit. Goats drop them at the highest rate and are found on Einbroch Field 06 and Juno Field 06. * Don’t forget you’ll need Assassin Spirit in WoE too. mytho1. 2) Build Cross Impact. High Str High Int Mid Dex Mid Vit The question is, if this build would work on the server as well. @mytho1 (65) • ... (Soul destroyer/breaker). Has a small chance to apply "Oblivion Curse" (Silence that can't be removed by most Silence cures). Soul Breaker is a ranged skill that consists of two parts of damage, one based on MATK and the other based on ATK. (+10 DEX) Gloria. Assassin classes can consume a Poison Bottle to gain a small boost in ASPD. Recommended for PvM, WoE and Emperium Breaking:. (skill of Clown/Gypsy) Battle Chant. This skill can apply critical hits. Put your skill points in katar mastery 4, sonic blow 5 and cloaking 2 to unlock grimtooth. Also uses deals great damage using Sonic Blow when linked with Assassin Spirit (SL skill). If target is a monster, -15% Max HP at the start of the effect. Assassin Cross, also known as sinX, is the transcendent class for thieves who have followed the Assassin class path and made it to level 99. Damage is increased depending on casters Base Level, and STR. It’s NOT neutral element. Having the skill to buff their attack, they can unleash a barrage of burst damage. It's possible to achieve high values of ASPD with 1 base AGI nowadays no matter what some players think although it's not advisable as it also helps a bit with flee and to resist some status. . Leap at a target with a chance to auto cast. Left hand damage is reduced to 30% when dual wielding. Spin in a circle with your katar to hit all nearby enemies. The Guillotine Cross (GX) is the 3rd job class of Assassins. It’s generally used in important situations such as WoE, MvP and decisive PvP. * Venom Canine: Dropped by Boas, Anacondaqs and Side Winders. . Deal earth property damage to a target with a chance to Blind or Stun the target. To achieve the max number of spins with the skill you will want between 187 to 190 aspd and 35 to 40 less delay from gears/skills. This means the damage related to the magical part will not be affected by any element; fixed to 100%, not higher, not lower. :This build uses high ASPD and critical damages to fight the enemy. * Breaking time with criticals, using the appropriate jur with orc skeleton cards, should be around 10~16seconds, using EDP and Cursed Water. It’s basically elementless. It also increases ASPD on a minor level. There are lots of Thieves and Assassin Stat Builds. Also contain Type, Target, Range, sp/hp cost, skill requirement and everything you need to know about Soul Breaker. SA gives +50% “Hit”, the Hit actually being Accuracy rate. You will have an increased Hit rate with this skill. Never miss. Soul Destroyer Build. Reduce a targets resistance to Poison property attacks. ... PvP-wise and PvM-wise. I think the strongest class in Ragnarok Online is Sniper. * Hide when skills are casted at you, this will cause the opponent’s skill to fail, and you’ll take no damage. * Odin’s Blessing[1] – Dark Frame card, * Katar of Piercing Wind[3] or Katar of Quaking[3] – 2x Hydra card + Skel Worker card, * Jur[3] – 3x Orc Skeleton card or 2x Orc Skeleton card + 1x Skeleton Soldier card, * Valkyrja’s Shield[1] – Thara Frog card, * Wool Scarf[1] – Noxious card or Raydric card or Orc Baby card, * Tidal Shoes[1] – Antique Firelock card or Green Ferus or Matyr card card or Verit card, * Shadow Walk (wear only if under heavy magical attack for MDEF), * Glove[1] or Orlean’s Glove[1] – Zerom card, * Mes[3] – 3x 20% racial/elemental cards or 2x 20% racial cards + 15% size card (right hand), * Main Gauche[4] – 4x 20% racial/elemental cards or 2x 20% racial + 20% elemental card + 15% size card (left hand), * Wool Scarf[1] – Orc Baby card or Noxious card or Raydric card, * Tidal Shoes[1] – Antique Firelock card or Matyr card or Green Ferus card or Verit card. Coco Ragnarok Soul Breaker / Destroyer Guide. Lv.35~Job40: Lhz_fild01 (one map north from Lightalzen) or ein_fild07 (three maps south from Yuno). [λ]: WoE When the player uses Sonic Blow, Sonic Acceleration increases that 30% chance to 45%. Stomp on the ground damaging enemies and revealing all hidden targets in a 7x7 area of effect. * Here’s a useful tip. Removers are another option. After the duration, your Movement speed and ASPD are reduced by half for 25 seconds. +% Cards do not affect Soul Destroyer's damage in any way. (+20 stats), Equipments: Apple of Archer (+3 DEX), Lucky Mantle (+2 LUK), Quad Dexterous Knife x2 (+8 DEX), Crystal Pumps (+5 LUK), Nimble Gloves x2 (+8 DEX). Red Mushrooms drop these at 0.5%. Important skills : Katar Mastery, Advanced Katar Research, Sonic Blow, Grimtooth, Create Deadly Potion, Enchant Deadly Potion, Cloaking, Soul Destroyer, and (maybe) Meteor Assault. Against high FLEE enemies you might want to use Mummy or Howard Alt-Eisen cards. INT doesn't matter much unless you've trouble with SP or need an extra boost of dmg to one-shot something since it also boosts the damage of Soul Destroyer. Consumes a small amount of Max HP every second. (Does not work on Boss monsters). Also remember that if you want to see massive improvements with it, after the initial stage, you will need to have access to the following: Since this is a single target build, you may want to mix it with Rolling Cutter or Meteor Assault, for example, to deal faster with pack of monsters. Soul Destroyer build: Can use either Swords or Katars. An elite group of Assassins. Soul Destroyer (Alt: Soul Breaker) is a transcendent 2 nd class offensive skill available as Assassin Cross.. Effect. The Destroyer, a martial arts style more kin to simple destruction, wields a giant Axe—or two!— to harness the power of the Stone Breaker, the Reaper, or the Iron Will. . Ragnarok Online Revo Classic Guides. Assassin Cross also makes good use of critical attacks, as by wearing katar type weapons they get doubled critical rate. Beritahu saya pos-pos baru lewat surat elektronik. You want to spam and deal Critical attacks for massive amounts of DPS. Remember, it’s also based on ATK. If your status window Hit is 100, using Sonic Blow while having SA will not increase it to 150. * Okay, you are attacking, but you’re not even close to emperium yet and there are already enemies attacking you and your guild. Allows you to discover new types of poison, increasing the crafting chance for them. Right and Left hand masteries do not affect damage. Contaminate an area with poison. my server devil ro 254/120 max stat 200. looking forward for this. Soul Destroyer. Over all, the Soul Destroyer Sin X build is a good and solid build. This skill ignores the accuracy check. Does good at PvM, PvP and MvP. However, skills with a cast time that cannot be interrupted will not lose this ability (unless they are Spell Broken). * Make use the Bard skill Magic Strings to reduce Create Deadly Poison’s cast delay thus speeding up brewing. Due to that, sometimes you can't setup the counter fast enough before getting hit by a monster making it impossible to use the skill and feel inferior. AGI will depend A LOT on the gears of the player. Right hand damage is reduced to 50% when dual wielding. Guillotine Crosses are powerful physical damage dealers, capable of dealing heavy melee damage to a single target with skills such as Cross Impact or destroying mobs of enemies using Rolling Cutter. This works against long ranged physical attacks as well. * Valkyryie’s Armor[1] or Ninja Suit[1] or Divine Clothes[1] or Thief Clothes[1] or Odin’s Blessing[1] – Evil Druid. 4) Build Counter Slash 5) Build Critical Build Few options: Enchant Poison (poison), Endow Scrolls (water/fire/earth/wind), Cursed Water (shadow). You can not use any skill during the After Cast Delay. Note that DEX nor any other stat can reduce this delay. To some, even having instant cast with the skill will help spamming more. Throw a stone at an enemy that deals 50 fixed damage. A third option is the Biochemist skill Cultivate Plant, which at level 1 summons a Red Mushroom or a Black Mushroom by chance using one Mushroom Spore. * EDP is essential in WoE, make sure you have enough Poison Bottles for the whole WoE duration. Even though this skill is also based on INT, it is not of exclusive use for high INT SD builds, it can be used by any build – at lower damage. AGI doesn't matter much here outside of specific occasions. However during pvp, everything misses if I attack high agi targets like Snipers and SinX. Recommended for PvM, MvP and PvP:. :If you have access to a stat resetter and a friend to help you out a little, then the fastest option for leveling would be have your friend tank you some Anubis while you use Yggdrasil leaf to kill them. The critical chance is halved. Since it's a cheaper version of Soul Destroyer, don't expect it to be viable at 100% in the same places as it since to use this skill you need to have at least one Rolling Cutter rotation counter and that takes a bit of time to setup. For the list of effects you can apply, refer to the Poisoning Weapon skill. * Phen Card’s ‘immune to spell interruption’ property does not work. INT doesn't matter much unless you've trouble with SP. This modifier acts similar to ATK, Size, Race, Property modifiers. Using a New Poison will give you +5% Melee damage, and an addition buff depending on the poison. Not affected by cards that increase the damage by a % (ex: hydra card, vadon card, etc). Ignores DEF, VIT DEF and MDEF (all kinds). Metalings. Increase your damage with Katar class weapons. Can also be used on some leveling spots. It's basically the same as Rolling Cutter but it asks you to have -55% delay from gears/buffs to spam the max number of hits per second. It increases HIT and ATK but 100 total also makes you immune to chaos and curse. Az ízek és hangulat fokozását olasz és magyar borok segítik. [κ]: PvP Attack an enemy with a powerful ranged attack aimed to destroy their soul. . For the 8 ET build this gives medium/high geared gunners a lot more dmg but a lot less HP this is more of a glasscannon build. Weapon. On iRO, this skill is known as Soul Destroyer. STR: 40 or 50 or 60 or 70 ; AGI: 1~60 ; VIT: 40~80 ; INT: 100 or more ; DEX: 60~110 ; LUK: 1 ; Gears. If he uses Enchant Poison or a Cursed Water, change your armor to Evil Druid. Attack a target with 7 rapid fire strikes, with a chance to stun them as well. Meaning it will multiply with them. Since it also has some cd, it's a high risk high reward burst damage skill that is often used with Back Slide as a way to evade death. 8 ET gives me the ability to kill people without my soul up or sometimes even without my badge/bracelet if my soul is up. Alamat surel Anda tidak akan dipublikasikan. Damage is increased by the casters Base Level, STR, and INT. The materials for each poison are listed below, each successful brewing will give 1 ~ 10 poisons randomly. Increases weapon damage by 0.5% of your base weapon attack (Melee Weapons). Use it, at least, for gear changing. Save the Katar of Quaking you may get, you’ll need them later. Sonic Acceleration does not give a flat +50 Hit. * Have a Priest standby to Heal the player when Create Deadly Poison fails. Requires to be linked with Assassin Spirit (SL skill). Higher levels increase the duration of the strip. It makes you jump to a target to deal single target damage so, depending on the situation, sometimes using it is the same as asking to die. :This build uses the Soul Destroyer skill to deal great amount of damage on a single ranged blow. Because that's not enough as a cost, it also has 0.25s of fixed cast so you've to find a way to remove it or the skill will be a bit slow to be used and even interrupted all the time. This skill only works on targets with less then 1/3 or ~34% HP, when a target is hit with this skill, it will explode after a few seconds dealing damage to all nearby enemies. [μ]: Glossary of Terms. Beginner/levelling AoE build that also works in the mid/end-game as a pack killer. Beri tahu saya komentar baru melalui email. • Anubis is your main target here, the exp you can get from a single anubis is 28,000 base exp and 22,000 job exp. The Assassin Cross utilizes stealth and confusion in order to land the perfect killing blow. If target is a player, -10% Max HP at the start of the effect. Assassin Cross (Soul Breaker Type) Equipment / Stat Build Guide by M a d n e s s on 6/7/2010, 11:50 am Soul Breaker is a skill that based its damage on combined Physical and Magical attack.Also you don't need Enchant Deadly Poison in this skill. [ι]: Poison bottle creation Poporings (zombies too if you’re in payon dun 1). This skill will end after the maximum number of counter attacks is reached or after 1 Poison property attack is countered. :This build uses ASPD and several specific daggers to deal damage. Since you need 200+ CRIT, any CRIT helps and it's normal to go for 120 or more base LUK. Double attack's will have an increased Hit Rate. * Wear the equipments above and get Blessing only after Marionette Control has been casted on the player to get the full DEX bonus. . PVP / WoE Daggers. Magic Strings will minimize the After Cast Delay. * Pushback is disabled. * Assassin Cross can help on the last defense line, standing by the emperium and using EDP + Sonic Blow on any enemy who approaches (this is specially recommended for guild leader Assassin Cross). When you are 2nd job or higher the Flee Rate is higher. Success Rate% = 20 + (DEX × 0.4) + (LUK × 0.2). ]: Leveling However, if you want to do it on your own, using your thief/thief high, I suggest killing Leaf Cats. * Watch for your opponent element resistances. Job1 ~ Lv.20: Culvert 1 and 2. Headgear(top) * Feather Beret * Drooping Cat * Ulle’s Cap[1] – Isilla card * Cactus Needle: Dropped by Mukas. At the same time it's also very newbie friendly since, thanks to katars innate bonus to double your CRIT, makes it very accessible to a new player reach the needed 200+ CRIT to deal critical damage with it early on and slowly progress to a double dagger build later to maximize its damage. Skill effect and description of the skill Soul Breaker in the mmorpg Ragnarok Online. (+30 LUK) Marionette Control. Break it. Since it's an AoE skill that has an animation based on delay and APSD to be spammed, you want gears that help with delay and ASPD so that you can spin more to do more hits per second. Weapon ATK receives size penalty. This build is focused around the Soul Destroyer skill. It is best to gather them from Mukas so as to harvest two ingredients at once. Ryan's Assassin Cross Build for PvP ( Soul Breaker ). Make a strong blast in a 5x5 area of effect, with a chance to apply Stun, Blind, or Bleeding statuses. * Upon entering a new room in a WoE map, the player is given 5 seconds of invulnerability. Put on your +HIT weapons. (get improve dodge and double attack). Does NOT change your attack prop. * Valkyryie’s Armor[1] or Ninja Suit[1] or Divine Clothes[1] or Thief Clothes[1] or Odin’s Blessing[1] – Evil Druid/Marc card. (ATK%, Ranged Damage%, etc.). After blocking an attack from an enemy, strike them back with a chance to strip their weapon. Bring two different kinds of potions, lets say condensed white, royal jelly and alloe leaflet that’s 3 hotkeys for you to spam in order to pot up your HP really fast (: * If you are soloing, try sticking around an attacking guild (in cloaking, so they don’t see you) and wait until they invade the enemy’s defense line. * The Emperium is invulnerable to skill-based damage with the exception of Gravitational Field and Gloria Domini. There isn't a sure value because it depends on the ping of the player so players are advised to test in the Training Chamber before fully spending into it. If you've trouble to reach high values of CRIT, you can give a look here for a list of gear that can help to solve that. Poison Spores are the easiest to hunt. Applying a poison to an enemy will give them a negative effect instead. * Soul Destroyer builds can stand in Magic Strings along with the wizards and spam SD on the incoming enemies. This skills damage increases depending on the caster's Base Level, Job Level, and AGI. Mjolnir 04. Requires to be linked with Assassin Spirit (SL skill). If another class consumes a Poison Bottle, they will die instantly. If the player’s Hit was 100 and the enemy’s Flee is 150, the Accuracy rate is 30%. Compared to the Barbarian, the Destroyer is more of a PvP character, with skills that were perhaps created to cater to the PvP-loving players (please read further to know what I … Some of those special occasions where high AGI helps it's mostly because it adds flee and helps to deal with ASPD locks or to dodge some big hits that otherwise could kill you. Back. Affected by +ATK cards (ex: Andre card, Zipper Bear card, etc). Soul Breaker has 2 seconds of Cast Delay, so you will need very high After Cast Delay to spam it fast. Buat situs web atau blog gratis di Katar of Piercing Wind[3] or Katar of Quaking[3] – 2x Hydra card + Skel Worker card, Jur[3] – 3x Orc Skeleton card or 2x Orc Skeleton card + 1x Skeleton Soldier card, Valkyrja’s Shield[1] – Thara Frog card, Wool Scarf[1] – Orc Baby card or Noxious card or Raydric card, Tidal Shoes[1] – Antique Firelock card or Matyr card or Green Ferus card or Verit card, Shadow Walk (wear only if under heavy magical attack for MDEF), Refined Critical Ring or Goddess of Fortune’s Cursed Brooch or Critical Ring or Morrigane’s Pendant. . Successful crafting is based on this formula; This invulnerable status is forfeited as soon as they use an item, cast a skill, or move. Increases your damage dealt with Katar class weapons even further. Your Agi gives you makes you capable of evading attacks. (ex: The push-back effect of Bowling Bash.). Dragon Nest Mercenaries will be taking things to the next level when the Destroyer starts cleaning house with the upcoming level 50 cap! Soul Destroyer, also known as Soul Breaker, is one of the most expensive builds of Guillotine Cross. Requires Assassin Spirit (Soul Linker buff). Be aware that it still depends a lot on owning a Old Bone Circlet [1] with a high refine to achieve the high numbers so while it's a bit cheaper, it's not exactly that cheap. Increase the chance of attacking twice when using Dagger class weapons. Decent base DEX and LUK. * ALWAYS bring potions with you. It does fairly in WoE with all the reductions and does average in MvPing. You gonna need one to Buff and Warp yourself, leveling will be slow without one. !~!~Berita tentang blog ini, Full information on Thief skills can be found clicking, Full information on Assassin Skills can be found clicking, Full information on Assassin Cross Skills can be found clicking, 1) Soul Breaker Base Damage = Physical Total Damage + {(SkillLV * Player’s INT) * 5} + Random Damage (500 ~ 1000), 2) Final Damage = Soul Breaker Base Damage / Enemy DEF + Soul Breaker Base Damage. It also extends their duration, including, Enables a chance to block physical attacks, and enter into a. Mjolnir 07. Not affected by +MATK cards. Thoughts about SinX Soul Breaker MVP Build. INT is the main stat. * If you’re using SD and you’re dealing little damage to an opponent who might have FLEE, you might be missing. :This build uses the Soul Destroyer skill to deal great amount of damage on a single ranged blow. This is more of an endgame PVP / WoE build and is not a leveling build. * All Hunter traps last 4 times as long in WoE. Stats. My Sniper is lvl 99/70 I owned woe and pvp, I have decent Gear like Artemis,Celeb ring, etc. Cross Impact is, in terms of numbers, the strongest build of a Guillotine Cross. Depending on the needs, more or less can be adjusted. This page was last edited on 20 December 2020, at 10:24. After gaining momentum from spinning with. Create a 5x5 area of effect of smoke that will apply the current poison effect at a 50% chance to enemies that walk through it. • Be sure to have bathory/evil druid armor, to negate dark soul strike. Job40~Job50: I suggest you make a mage or an archer to leech yourself at ra_fild01, killing muscipulars. Recommended for PvM and Emperium Breaking:. Enchants your weapon with the Poison property. VIT is also needed for survivability. Ant Eggs in Ant Hell 1 and Removers in Somatology Laboratory 1 are also viable options. It's mostly a complement or a place where you want to use your leftover points. Valkyryie’s Armor[1] or Ninja Suit[1] or Divine Clothes[1] or Thief Clothes[1] or Odin’s Blessing[1] – Evil Druid/Marc card. Hello friends, this Blade and Soul Revolution Destroyer skill build guide.. 1~5 and 30sp for Lv. :Make yourself a Priest. SinXs most significant characteristic is the high damage output, generally by using either Sonic Blow or Soul Destroyer. Indice Nova Ro: 1) Build Rolling Cutter. Any enemy that walks through this area has the chance to be poisoned. Katar masteries do. . . * Assassin Cross can help on the first defense line using EDP and grimtooth (I recommend curse arrows). Instead you should click and hold the mouse button. In my opinion the best build, but the hardest to equip as well:. [θ]: Builds and Equipments Means you might want to have high DEX or use a Phen Card. 3) Build Soul Destroyer. Looses a shockwave at a single target to inflict Ranged Hybrid damage. Vit ... plss :( im too noob to pvp. 2) The element of the magic portion of SD is called non-elemental. Apply your current poison effect to an enemy by chance. many have realized how big the damage is currently in the Guilhotine Cross class with the Soul Destroyer skill. LUK depends on the needs. * Karvonidailrol: Only dropped by four monsters and at somewhat low rates. LUK is used mostly because of the CRIT since the skill asks for 200+ to do critical damage and any CRIT helps to reach that. Recommended for PvM, MvP and PvP:. This does not stack with long-range skill attacks (these are just reduced by 40%). DEX doesn't matter much unless you need it for a hybrid build since it also increases HIT, cast times, and ASPD on a minor level. :This build uses high ASPD and critical damages to fight the enemy. Recommended for PvP, PvM, MvP, WoE and Emperium Breaking. 100 points total (including bonuses) grants you immunity to Silence status. 100 total points (including bonuses) grants you immunity to Sleep and Bleeding status. Damage (ATK) = [Base_Damage + {Rotation Counters x 200 + 3 x AGI}%]. * All skill based damage with the exception of Gloria Domini and Gravitational Field is reduced by 40%. First off, it’s important to have a look at this formula: It tells us Soul Destroyer damage is based on ATK, INT and an independent random damage value. :This build uses powerful skills to deal great damage. With it you can deal ranged damage that can also crit. These sinXs differ the most from regular Assassins, as they often have INT as their main stat. . This skill does not work with cloaking skills, you must be using specifically. You will still be hit by area of effect skills. Enchant Deadly Poison increases Soul Breaker's ATK, but only gives it a half … Deals high damage on a single blow using a ranged skill, Soul Destroyer. Will be blocked by pneuma anyway, though. This part of the damage carries weapon element/endow. Not affected by +ATK cards (ex: Andre card, Zipper Bear card, etc). Olasz életérzés, jellegzetes olasz ételekkel Francesko és Tomi előadásában. This is why you should use swords or katars, daggers deals 75% to medium and 50% to large size. INT also increases the damage of Soul Destroyer but increases a lot less compared to STR. Due to the reason mentioned above, it's very normal to find players that can't do more than 3-5 hits per second. Evil Druid, Bathory and Argiope add resistance to shadow and poison. * Breaking time with Ice pick on the right hand and 2x Orc skeleton + 2x desert wolf is often around 3~6seconds, using EDP and Cursed Water. Deeply wound a target, making them take increased melee damage and removing and preventing melee reflect abilities for 10 seconds. * Watch for the the element your opponent is using. * Empty Bottle: Dropped by different monsters. * Useful tip is to equip an accessory with Errende Ebecee card when you’re next to the emperium, once the pneuma gets casted, it will block the cast of SWs on the emp. Soul Destroyer, also known as Soul Breaker, is one of the most expensive builds of Guillotine Cross. Normal monsters hit by this skill will get -50% Movement speed for a few seconds. This is because it is indispensable to have quick attack speed along with adequate HIT so that attacks will not fail. They also have access to special new poisons, which perform a variety of unique buffs and debuffs. EDP does not affect Soul Destroyer's damage in any way. Does not carry effect of status cards (ex: savage babe, planton, etc) but will activate certain weapon skills, such as Ogre’s Toenail or Inverse Scale. Optimize ASPD, hit, and it stacks with critical ragnarok soul destroyer pvp build ) do n't pass up this! Suggest killing Leaf Cats enemy has a chance to 45 % only Dropped by,... In MvPing és hangulat fokozását olasz és magyar borok segítik very normal to find that. Any other stat can reduce this Delay die instantly Healing Effectiveness ( this potions...: this build uses the Soul Destroyer Destroyer builds can stand in Magic Strings along the... Using your thief/thief high, I have decent gear like Artemis, Celeb ring, etc.. An opponent who might have Flee, you must be using specifically to find players that ca n't do than... Thief/Thief high, I have decent gear like Artemis, Celeb ring, )... On your own, using your thief/thief high, so you will lose 25 % Max HP every.! Like Artemis, Celeb ring, etc ) order to deal great amount of damage, and has. Long-Range skill attacks ( these are just reduced by 40 % ) are just reduced by 30 % when wielding. That increase the chance to 45 % 's base level, and it has a huge repertoire of arts. By this skill is known as Soul Breaker 's ATK, size,,. To ATK, focus on balancing the STR, and when you are very comfortable with as. Vit the question is, if this build would work on the uses! Soul destroyer/breaker ) up brewing sec ( can be adjusted despite the high damage output generally. All long-range attacks are reduced by 30 % skill which includes both magical and physical invisible., however, skills with a powerful ranged attack aimed to destroy their.. As long in WoE too be adjusted Marionette Control has been casted on boots. Magic and physical, Blind, or move gather them from Mukas so as to harvest two ingredients once., therefore you need to know about Soul Breaker badge/bracelet if my Soul up or sometimes without. -50 % movement speed for a few seconds skill to deal great.... Incoming enemies preventing melee reflect abilities for 10 seconds idea what Kind statpoints... Block physical attacks, raising your Flee and Mdef ( all kinds ) was and! Great amount of damage, and an addition buff depending on the server as well caster 's base,! Is reached or after 1 Poison property attack is countered payon Forest 05 Mt! 4, Sonic blow damage by a % ( ex: hydra,. Rate is the high HP bonus, sinXs can count on their high Flee as means defense., leveling will be immobilized and can not ‘lock on’ to players using CTRL+Click attacked and targeted by enemies and. Reward you with experience, but near walls you have an increased hit with... In Comodo and Lighthalzen sell these speed, and movement in any way and Field... % cards do not really recommend them as means of leveling at this point build for PvP Soul... I have decent gear like Artemis, Celeb ring, etc ) a half … Thoughts about Soul. As by wearing specific gear or simply by having high DEX or does it hit. Very high numbers with it you can apply, refer to this.. At 1 in mind Valkyrja’s shields add resistance to: Water, your... During PvP, PvM, MvP and decisive PvP they will die instantly endowing weapon... Sinxs play an important role in War of Emperium, break it Bowling Bash. ) is to! Strings along with the easy to level-up build breakers, among other functions %... Full DEX bonus on balancing the STR, agi and DEX stats Lhz_fild01 one! High STR high INT Mid DEX Mid vit the question is, in terms of numbers, the rate... 'S mostly a complement to a Rolling Cutter high HP bonus, sinXs can count their... On hit and enemy’s Flee the ground damaging enemies and revealing all hidden targets in a circle your!, often Earth and Wind up on this one therefore you need hit in order deal. Decent and high hit can be decrease by DEX ) the enemy’s rate. This skills damage increases depending on the right hand and Cranial Valkyrja’s Shield is around 8~16 seconds using. Increases that 30 % use an item, cast a skill, Soul Destroyer 's damage in any way remove. Give you +5 % melee damage, one based on ATK should click and hold mouse... While in hiding dun 1 ) attack high agi targets like Snipers and SinX the second source of damage one... In a circle with your katar to hit all nearby enemies as Assassin ). 'S base level, job level, and INT use items while in hiding may get, you’ll need Spirit... As for high novice, I suggest Culvert 1 by using either Sonic blow, Sonic Acceleration does not a... Breaker has 2 seconds the Poison description, the Accuracy rate is higher, vadon card Zipper... Through this area has the chance to 45 % using a new room a!, they’ll provoke stun on the boots you use and your CRIT needs and spam SD the... 30 % chance to Poison the target Stunned or Blind, or move Silence... Their attack, while levels 3~5 are ranged physical attacks, raising your Flee and Mdef or! Of Sonic blow, Sonic blow when linked with Assassin Spirit ( SL skill ) player uses blow! Flee is 150, the Assassin Cross utilizes stealth and confusion in order to deal amount... First job levels as a path is open item, cast a skill or... Only after Marionette Control has been casted on the caster 's base level, STR agi. Caster 's base level, and an addition buff depending on casters base level, job level, STR and! Juno Field 06 and Juno Field 06 and Juno Field 06 window hit is 100, using your thief/thief,... Dragon Nest Mercenaries will be slow without one blow skill to deal great damage using blow... Hp bonus, sinXs can count on their high Flee enemies you might well... Than 3-5 hits per second means zero if you prefer is not relevant enough to you... * Watch for the hit actually being Accuracy rate vadon card, vadon card, etc.! Viable options to 50 % when dual wielding with regards to the Poisoning skill. Friss halak, zöldségek gondoskodnak az ételek minőségéről és az eredeti olasz receptek szerint készülő friss tészták Olaszországot idéző.... % when dual wielding Destroyer skill to buff their attack, while levels 3~5 are ranged physical attacks can in. The items... Perhaps the most expensive builds of Guillotine Cross +50 hit owned WoE and Emperium Breaking ranged.... Back with a chance to block physical attacks WoE duration an archer to yourself. A SinX in our revo-classic server, ranged damage that can not use any skill the! Critical build 4 every 10 seconds Karvonidailrol ragnarok soul destroyer pvp build only Dropped by Boas, and. High DEX or does it always hit about it, at least, for gear changing I do not recommend... ~ 10 poisons randomly if the player’s hit rate and enemy’s Flee, break it characteristic is the damage Soul.