However, COVID-19 positive cases being quarantined on the advice of a medical practitioner as part of the in-patient hospitalization treatment is covered under the policy. Know more about Health Insurance Portability. No waiting period. royal sundaram alliance insurance company ltd., 6: paramount health services and insurance tpa pvt. After establishing the admissibility of the claim under the policy, the TPA shall provide a pre-authorisation to the hospital guaranteeing payment of the hospitalization expenses subject to the sum insured, terms conditions and limitations of the policy. Part of ‘Sundaram’ group, one of the most trusted brand in India- RSA operates with a set of values called the ‘Sundaram Way’. Is there any Income Tax exemption limit on Health Insurance? the condition of the patient is such that he/she is not in a condition to be removed to a hospital or; the patient takes treatment at home on account of non-availability of room in a hospital. Thus, one way to secure you and your family against all sorts of health-related emergencies is by taking a health insurance policy. Is there any waiting Period for claims under a health insurance policy? It is a unique Critical Illness Policy designed to ensure that you are cushioned against financial adversity as a result of critical illness at an affordable price. 2. You can call on 1860 425 0000 or write to This is more cost effective as compared to an individual sum insured policy, where each member of the family will have a separate sum insured for him or her, which cannot be shared with other family members. in the prescribed form available with the Insurance help desk at the Hospital. Bharti AXA Group Health Assure Insurance. This insurance plan comes with sum assured option of Rs. Thank you for wonderful support extended by you. Happy to help as you are the center of everything we do. Death summary in case of death of the insured person at the hospital. India's 1st IRDAI Approved Insurance Web Aggregator Our Products. Notice of claim: You need to inform the insurance company at least 48 hours prior in case of planned hospitalization and within 48 hours in case of an emergency situation. Admissible expenses incurred during the quarantine period are payable under the Health Insurance Policy for COVID-19 positive cases with in-patient hospitalization treatment, in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions of the policy. You can cancel your current policy. A family member being hospitalised causes tremendous distress to one, emotionally as well as financially. We value your feedback. Our Accident and Health claims process has received ISO 9001-2015 for customer service. In order to use this calculator, you first need to fill in all the personal details in your form along with other details. Keeping this in mind, Royal Sundaram offers health insurance coverage that provides cashless hospitalisation to members, making it less stressful. Comprehensive vs Third Party Bike Insurance, Group Health Insurance vs Individual Health Insurance, Comprehensive Car Insurance vs Third Party Cover Plan. In addition to this, you need to consider the time duration an insurance company has been in business as its expertise in health insurance will be reflected in the policies it offers. Medical costs are rising day by day. We value your feedback. A single policy to cover a large family, which can include 19 different relations. This period of admittance and treatment cost increases if we are affected by any critical illness such as cancer or kidney failure. Royal Sundaram is one of growing Private sector General Insurance companies overall and now aggressively ventured into the Health Insurance with … What is covered is explained in answer for Q3. Royal Sundaram's service is excellent. Submission of claim: The insured shall submit the claim form along with attending physician’s certificate duly filled and signed in all respects with all the necessary claim documents not later than 30 days from the date of discharge. The period of quarantine as certified by the medical practitioner will be considered under quarantine period and the admissible expenses will be paid by the Insurer. All Rights Reserved. He can avail a tax exemption of up to Rs25,000/- for the premium paid for self, spouse and children. Get medical insurance cover with lifetime renewal and cashless hospitalization at over 3000+ network hospitals. Notice of claim: Preliminary notice of claim with particulars relating to Policy number, Name of the Insured Person in respect of whom claim is made, nature of illness/injury and name and address of the attending hospital, should be given to the Insurer within 72 hours before admission in case of planned hospitalization, and not later than 48 hours or before discharge, in case of emergency hospitalization. I like to appreciate the customer care officer, who was interacting with me on phone and resolving my queries. The health insurance policy will be valid in all parts of India. The contract of insurance is between the insurer and the insured and not between the Bank and the insured. Royal Sundaram’s LifeLine Health Insurance Plan takes care of medical expenses at every stage of your life. For any clarifications Please call us on 1860 258 0000, 1860 425 0000. An insurance company’s experience, financial strength, and service record plays a very important role while buying an insurance online. And what it doesn't cover? The request will be considered, subject to necessary medical underwriting process. You will need to get in touch with our customer services team and share a request in writing to initiate the process. Wide Range of Sum Insured. Royal Sundaram Health Insurance is one of the top health insurance providers in India. An Exciting Career Oppurtunity with Royal Sundarm Awaits. Yes. Customers are requested to avoid payment of premium by cash as far as possible. No. We are part of ‘Sundaram’, the most trusted brand. 1. A unique combination of an Individual + Floater Sum Insured in the same policy. Health Insurance is an indemnity policy, where the insurer will pay up to the amount of claim, which can be lower than the opted sum insured. For an individual, especially one who has not saved much money, arranging for funds at the last moment can be a difficult task. I am so happy and satisfied with the service provided by Royal Sundaram that I would recommend everyone to purchase Health Insurance policy from here. Yes. Can I have medical policies from multiple insurance companies? We will deny the claim only if the patient is treated as an out-patient. With this fast-paced life, people often forget to pay their Royal Sundaram General Insurance premium on time. Health Insurance covers any major, unforeseen, illness or accident, which requires admittance and treatment in a hospital, for more than 24 hours. Share your experience with us. The chosen sum insured of Rs3 or Rs5 lakhs, will be available to the customer for a period of one year. IRDA Registration NO. Royal Sundaram Health Insurance The leading general insurer Royal Sundaram General Insurance Company Limited started its operation in the year 2001. I just entered my name and number on the site and received a callback. What is the difference between Family Floater & Individual Health Policy? Sundaram Finance holds 74% and RSA holds the remaining 26% in the company. You need to provide few details which includes the name of the patient, hospital details – name, address, and contact number, date of hospitalization, expected discharge, etc. Royal Sundaram has a range of general insurance products in its kitty, health insurance being one of them. Are there special discounts available for handicapped people? Royal Sundaram Customers are requested to remit the premium by way of cheque,demand draft (drawn in favour of Royal Sundaram General Insurance Co. Limited), or any other approved banking mode. Pre-existing cover after 3 year waiting period. for more details Kindly check with our Call Centre at 1860 425 0000, Sitaram Bhartiya Institute of Science and Research, Shri Ram Singh Hospital and Heart Institute, Netrayatan Dr. Grover's Center for Eye Care, Bansal Hospital and Research Center Private Limited, Click here to view Excluded Hospitals List. At the completion of this 1 year period, the policy will need to be renewed by paying the premium for the next block of 12 months. What do you mean by Domiciliary Hospitalization? Each of our policy represents our ‘promise’ to best serve you. Popular Hospital with Cashless Treatment From Royal Sundaram. Are there any tax benefits on health insurance policy? From purchase of our products, through the policy period till your claims, we will ensure you are at the forefront of how we think and operate. Revision in Third Party Premium Rates – All Motor products, Just share your details, we will get back to you, Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) - Crop Insurance, Some important questions related to COVID-19 claims answered here. Is the quarantine period arising from COVID-19 covered under the Health Insurance Policy? If you ever exhaust your health cover due to claims in a given year and there is a further claim either by you for a different illness or your insured family member, we will reload the entire sum insured of your policy at no extra cost. Buy or Renew Health Insurance Policy instantly without any paperwork, Cashless hospitalization at over 5000+ network hospitals. Royal Sundaram offers affordable health plans with a wide range of benefits to take care of you and your family. Click to read, Notification from IRDAI on Motor third party and Health insurance policies, Telangana, AP & other neighbouring states floods (October 2020) claims assistance, Cyclone Nivar (November 2020) claims assistance. Quarantine Expenses will be covered for negative/ suspected cases, provided there is an in-patient hospitalization with active line of treatment that is admissible under the policy. There are no such discounts available. There is an additional Rs25,000/- for the premium paid for parents, who are aged below 60 years. I would really like to say thanks to you for the satisfactory services from Royal Sundaram. 1.5 crores. However there will be no cover during this period of break in insurance. Will quarantine expenses be covered if it is not in a hospital? It is the ratio of number of claims that get paid, in relation to the total number of claims made in any given period of time. Popular Plan comparison. What are the procedures for change of address on medical insurance? For more product details or risk factors, terms and conditions please read the sales brochure carefully, before concluding a sale. Royal Sundaram Gives False promises To Consumers. Call Royal Sundaram Health Insurance Customer Care to receive quality support from a team of experts. The health insurance plans are customized to offer comprehensive coverage to the policyholder and the insured family members. Yes. Registered Office: No. Thus the maximum exemption amount can go up to Rs75,000/-, depending upon the number of covered members in the family. Health insurance premium calculator helps you to calculate your premium. No Capping on Quality Treatment. This insurance plan will take care of the health treatment for critical illness or any other serious medical condition... Health insurance policies online - Things to look out before choosing. Life Line and Family Plus offer very good coverage at very affordable premium rates. i-Lounge Agent Portal, Want to become an Agent? Family Plus, is a unique health insurance plan, providing most comprehensive health coverage at an affordable price. Medical test is generally needed only beyond the age of 45 or 50, depending upon the product / plan chosen by the customer. This is exactly what I needed. Get Free Quotes Buy Renew expired policies online in easy steps. Learn more. Royal Sundaram General Insurance premium payment has become so easy with Paytm that it only takes a few moments to get processed. If cancelled, will I get my premium back? Health insurance is a type of insurance policy that lends financial protection during medical emergencies by paying our medical-related bills... Family Health Insurance plan is a comprehensive package specially designed to offer complete protection to the insured and his family. With the help of these variants, people can easily choose the required coverage and sum insured as per their convenience. Will quarantine expenses be covered for negative /suspected cases. Royal Sundaram health insurance policies have been the choice of my family for the last 5 years. You will need to call or write to our Customer Services and share your revised address to enable us to change the same in the policy. Features/Coverage : Royal Sundaram Classic: Royal Sundaram Supreme: Royal Sundaram Elite: Sum Insured (in Rs.) Under which situation will the Insurer deny claim settlement for Corona virus positive cases? Can I cancel my current policy? Share your experience with us. 2, 3, & 4 Lacs: 5, 10, 15, 20, & 50 Lacs: 25, 30, 50, 100, & 150 Lacs: Baseline Cover Benefits: Inpatient Hospitalization: Maximum up to SI : Maximum up to SI: Maximum up to SI: Day care treatment: … It may not be proper for me to promote any insurer’s products or talk bad about any other. Maternity health insurance; Health Insurance Comparison; Mediclaim Policy; Group Health Insurance vs Individual Health Insurance; Cashless Health Insurance ; View All; Articles on Home Insurance. The Excluded hospitals are not a part of the Royal Sundaram General Insurance Network. 100% Reload of Sum Insured at no extra cost. But for the purpose of ease of administration, we will recommend that you buy one policy, with a higher sum insured, rather than multiple policies with smaller sum insureds. The cost varies anywhere between Rs10 to Rs15 lakhs to treat such major life threatening diseases. You can also call our customer services team to get more details. 2 per day! Overall good experience while getting health insurance policy from Royal Sundaram. The only limitation will be the adequacy of the chosen sum insured. We have won the ‘Celent Model Insurer Asia Award’ for intelligent claims management system. Have your questions about products answered and … Just share your details, we will get back to you. You can purchase this policy if you are aged above 18 years for yourself, spouse, and children. Submission of claim: The policyholder must submit the duly filled and signed claim form along with other necessary claim documents. Royal Sundaram is one the best health insurance company. It offers coverage for 19 different relations. 9 Tips to choose the best Mediclaim Policy Online. I would really like to say thanks to you for the satisfactory services from Royal Sundaram. Compare features and benefits of health insurance plans from Royal Sundaram and Star Health. The company offers quality health insurance plans at affordable prices. What are the different types of Health Insurance Products offered by Royal Sundaram? If my policy is not renewed in time before expiry date, will I be denied for renewal? Thus, it is important to have a health insurance plan in place. Your insurance policy must be determined by your family’s requirements. Its being last day in my office to submit investment proofs, I was looking for my medical policies payment acknowledgments. How many days will be considered under quarantine period and will be paid by the Insurer? Will Medical/Diagnostic expenses for Corona negative /suspected cases be covered? Know More, Revision in Third Party Premium Rates – All Motor products  Click here. Read more about working at Royal Sundaram General Insurance. What does it cover? Featured; Accident and Health; Travel; Motor; Care In COVID-19, Simplified. In today’s stress filled life, life style diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure have become very common in our country. 2lacs, 3lacs, 5lacs, 10lacs, and 15 lacs in case of individual health plan and Rs. What are the reasons for denial of claims under health insurance? Lifeline is a holistic indemnity plan from Royal Sundaram that covers the health insurance needs of you and your family. Here’s a step-by-step guide that will help you to understand it in a better way –, Here’s a basic difference between both the policies –. Royal Sundaram Health Insurance Claim Procedure. Such Medical Expenses are incurred for the same condition for which the Insured Person’s Hospitalization was required and; The In-patient Hospitalization claim for such Hospitalization is admissible by the Insurance Company. After receiving all the claim documents, the insurance company will make payment for the admissible amount following all the policy terms and conditions. The only car insurance with the promise of total protection, Enjoy your 3 year insurance cover with us, Buy or Renew your Health Insurance Policy instantly without any paperwork, A holistic home insurance plan to cover your precious assets. Types of Royal Sundaram Health Insurance Plans 1. We operate with a set of values that we call the ‘Sundaram Way’. We are a team of 2000 plus employees and our products are distributed across 130 cities. Royal Sundaram Lifeline Health Insurance Plans Comparison Table. Royal Sundaram has 2 distinct products which are rich in features and benefits. Royal Sundaram is a leading general insurance company in India, offering online Health Motor Travel Home Insurance. Get Cumulative bonus for every claim free years up to 100% of the base sum insured. Instant, affordable Health Insurance from Royal Sundaram for you and your family. Hazardous or Adventurous sports. There is no restriction on maximum entry age under this policy. It is India’s first private insurer which is promoted by Sundaram Finance and RSA. PA cover is a benefit plan where the entire sum insured is paid, in the event of a claim. for the claim intimation process. It is our people who make a meaningful difference to you and the world around us. I needed health insurance policy and i got it from them swiftly and easily. The above hospital list can be modified without any prior notice. This time we bought it through Policybazaar’s website and the experience was amazing. Royal Sundaram Health Insurance. For any clarifications, please call us on 1860-4250000. What are the differences between Health Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance? International Treatment for 11 specified Critical Illness, Nutritional Allowance for mother, post delivery. Choose from basic health coverage to specialist medical insurance plans that offer maternity benefits. Royal Sundaram Health Insurance Reviews & Rating. Royal Sundaram follows a simple claim process to make it convenient for their customers. 2 lakhs to Rs. Aditya Birla Health Insurance Vs Royal Sundaram Health Insurance Plan Comparison Aditya Birla Health Insurance . There is no restriction to the number of claims that an insured person can make in a year. These help us serve discerning customers like you to the best of our abilities, always. There could be several reasons for denial of a claim. Aditya Birla Health Insurance. Are Hospitalization expenses incurred due to COVID-19 covered under the Health Insurance Policy? Keep yourself and your family covered from COVID-19. Reloaded sum insured will help you to settle those claims. Compare Health Insurance Plan - Lifeline VS Family Plus, Buying Health Insurance Online - Important Factors to Consider, Health Insurance Claim Process & Procedure. They will guide you on the details of this process. M- Chatra App – your insurance policy now at your finger tip! With state-of-the-art equipment, and well-trained doctors and physicians, the network hospitals affiliated with Royal Sundaram provide the best treatment to its members for any illness or disease along with taking proper care regarding pre-treatment and post-treatment conditions. Watch the video to know more. We will send you periodic SMS alerts on the status of your claim. Royal Sundaram Health Insurance Company offers some of the best health insurance plan options in India. I like to appreciate the customer care officer, who was interacting with me on phone and resolving my queries. Know More. I also would like to appreciate your service,support and guidance to settle claim in time, your staff also is well mannered and supportive.Thank you once again. The cost of prosthetics and other devices or equipment if implanted internally during a Surgical Procedure. Self Quarantine at home or other places as a precautionary and preventive measure is not covered under the policy. I got associated with it 8 months back on the suggestion of InsuranceDekho team. You must read the policy documents carefully to read about the inclusions and exclusions of the plans. Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance Company is a joint venture between Chennai based Sundaram Finance and Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Group of UK. 21, Patullos Road, Chennai - 600 002. Royal Sundaram General Insurance Co. Limited. Yes, the hospitalization expenses incurred due to COVID-19 are covered under all the Health Insurance Policies of Royal Sundaram General Insurance Co. Ltd, as per the terms and conditions of the policy. Having a backup to fall back on in such circumstance is a boon to all, taking a great burden off our shoulders. During the conversation our call got disconnected and I had to call again. For emergency admissions at these hospital would require prior approval from Royal Sundaram General Insurance Co. Limited with due intimation to insurance company within 24hrs of all such admissions. Moreover, the insurer’s claim ratio of 61% makes it one of the most … If you already have a medical coverage from another insurer, you can apply for portability to transfer the credit gained by you for pre-existing conditions and time bound exclusions. The medical costs and the complexity of diseases is also increasing... 10 Common Exclusions in Health Insurance Plans. Reimbursement of claims for treatment taken at these hospitals will not be accepted for reimbursement. You can cover yourself, your spouse, children (above 90 days) and dependent parents (65 years) from all health worries. Know More. The Group Health Insurance Plan by Royal Sundaram with UIN: IRDA/NL-HLT/RSAI/P-H/V.I/184/13-14 is underwritten by Royal Sundaram General Insurance Company Limited. I am already having health insurance and want to increase sum insured, what should i do? The insurance policy provides coverage for you as well as your family, ensuring security for the entire family. (Proposer). The Critical Illness lumpsum policy by Royal Sundaram is a great help for those whosoever is aiming and planning for a safe and secure future. Access the best in class healthcare facilities with NO capping on room rent, disease-specific sub-limits, etc. The key advantages include: Lifelong renewal of the policy; Hassle-free claim settlement ; Free health checkup benefit ; Vast coverage against medical expenses ; Tax benefits based on Section 80D of the Income Tax Act Intravenous fluids, blood transfusion, injection administration charges; Anesthesia, Blood, Oxygen, Operation theatre charges, surgical appliances; The cost of prosthetics and other devices or equipment if implanted internally during a surgical procedure. Some of the common reasons are. The company has a customer base of more than 5.2 million individuals across the country and has more … Have got my first claim settled for my accidental treatment. Click here, Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) - Crop Insurance - Click here to know more, M- Chatra App – your insurance policy now at your finger tip! Home Insurance Claim Process Tips; Types of Property Insurance Policy; Home Insurance Coverage; Home Insurance vs Home Warranty; View All; General Info . With state-of-the-art equipment, and well-trained doctors and physicians, the network hospitals affiliated with Royal Sundaram provide the best treatment to its members for any illness or disease along with taking proper care regarding pre-treatment and … Keeping this in mind, Royal Sundaram offers health insurance coverage that provides cashless hospitalisation to members, making it less stressful. Having to cover the medical costs along with managing the household can take a toll on us if unprepared for such circumstances. Appreciate the good response and easy documentation for the policy. 102. Cashless Facility means a facility extended by the insurer to the insured where the payments, of the costs of treatment undergone by the insured in accordance with the policy terms and conditions, are directly made to the Network Provider by the insurer to the extent pre-authorization approved. Due to a change in lifestyle, health related issues have not just increased, but have become more complex in nature. How to Calculate Your Health Insurance Premium? I also would like to appreciate your service,support and guidance to settle claim in time, your staff also is well mannered and supportive.Thank you once again. Royal Sundaram Health Insurance Royal Sundaram General Insurance Company was the first private general insurance company which was licensed in October 2000. The smart move for smart riders. Which locations are considered as quarantine? There is a section 80 D benefit that is available for the person who is paying for the insurance policy. In a family floater policy, a common sum insured can be shared by all members of a family. Please refer to the policy terms and conditions for the complete list. Motor Insurance. Can I get Reimbursements in case of treatment in non- network hospitals? Major exclusions include, 30 day waiting period, 1st and 2nd year exclusions, Pre Existing Diseases waiting periods and some permanent exclusions. Our edge comes from our people. Articles on Health Insurance. For parents aged above 60 years (senior citizens), there is an additional Rs25,000/- on offer. The plans are of different types and offer wide coverage at affordable premiums. Once your portability application is accepted you can buy Royal Sundaram Health Insurance Policy. Royal Sundaram General Insurance Co. Ltd. (formerly known as Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance Company Limited), a subsidiary of Sundaram Finance Group, is the first private sector general insurance company in India to be licensed in October 2000 by the Insurance Regulatory and … { "@context": "", "@type": "Product", "name": "Health Insurance: Buy Health Insurance Plan Online - Royal Sundaram", "image": "", "description": "Health Insurance: Buy a health insurance policy online for an individual or a family. For admission in Non-Network Hospital or into Network Hospital if cashless facility is not availed (Re-imbursement Claims). There are multiple benefits of renewing health insurance at Royal Sundaram. Far as possible at no extra cost related illness to Rs75,000/-, depending the... In easy steps quarantine will be refunded, based on the status of your claim being causes... Being last day in my office to submit investment proofs, i was looking for accidental! 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