Smith in 2008. Water Heater Serial Number Decoder – Home Inspector Forums … Water Heater Serial Number Decoder Manufacturer Brand Serial # Ex. In order to calculate the age of your tank or tankless water heater, all we need is your water heater’s serial number. Mor-Flo water heaters are manufactured by American Water Heater Group, and the first two numbers of the serial number are the year of manufacture. A.O. model number, serial number, type of installation, and date of installation; product setup ….Smith product, such as your product’s model, serial number, barcode and software version; information … may obtain include: contact information, such as name, company name, title, phone number, zip … A.O. Rheem water heater age. 11. Serial# – 1 st 4 digits. "A") and choose it from drop-down list. It pays to prepare before your water heater gives up or fails, which can be inconvenient (at best) or catastrophic (at worst). JohnWood, GSW, Moffat, Superflue, Medal. Smith® Water Heater(s) from the serial number. If you are experiencing some issues with your water heater, the water heater model number and age can help you determine if it’s time for a replacement. State water heater serial number - age decoder: Details of how to de-code water heater age for State water heaters & where to find State water heater manuals. The rating plate example above shows the model number in blue and the serial number in yellow. If the label is missing, or the installation date is not listed, you can use the serial number to determine the age of your unit. (Prior to 2001, American was owned by GSW Corporation and manufactured water heaters for nearly 50 different brands. ��B*�p(���Pi��d���Q� �*^�����cI��T�mIJ��z)�����%jA c��F��͋���n5;���͇A�-M���'����"�$��ާO�����r5k�����˫�9����y�:��z}$ds�'�ˏ����[�NC���ϛY������u��5��]�$�g� u:[��l[�t7?���k�j~���'��/��Ц9�^����?�bɜ��m[��{����ߜ̯f+�r��xs}�-�得�i������G'�u�^�֧e�hz��1mۼXw��ӽ���L���zv�V�6-C��r~��^6��5x�08�L��|qz}6_�7�拽�j��?�/W냋nI� ų��4?wy���9�������N�b$�l}�z�}�%)� American. Decoding the serial number Key American 9746***** (Prior to 2001, American was owned by GSW Corporation and manufactured water heaters for nearly 50 different brands. 10. Heat Transfer Products The first two positions are the year followed by a two digit month. �}2�>�Q���(����G��IF!c��J For example, if the serial number begins with the letters "GA," the appliance age is April of 2001. Let’s decode the above rating plate: This is water heater model number 21V50-2, serial number 1291A39968, manufactured in December of 1991, 50 gallons, 36000 BTU’s per hour, and is set to work with natural gas only. The first two characters of the serial number represent the year and month of manufacture. ), American uses a 2-digit year followed by a 2-digit week, 2nd letter is the month followed by the 2-digit year. Locate Your Water Heater Model & Serial Number Your model number and serial number are located on the rating plate on your water heater. Key American (Prior to 2001, American was owned by GSW Corporation and manufactured water heaters for nearly 50 different brands. If you’ve got a Ruud reliable water heater, all you need to know is your heater’s serial number. Brand. 4. �(�g�:Ebu�@�V�B���8���I~����&x�.�^\�q��e��Z�\��. Warranty applies only to the original purchaser or first user of the product and is subject to verification by AMTROL. This sticker is usually around any warning labels and the energy guide. Check for a manufacturer label on the side of your water heater — this should include the installation date. Column one lists all the various brands that manufacturer makes, column two shows sample serial numbers, and column three of each table acts as a serial number decoder. Water Heater Serial Number Decoder – Home Inspector Forums … Water Heater Serial Number Decoder Manufacturer Brand Serial # Ex. endstream endobj startxref The serial number identification on all Rheem water heating product rating labels contain ten(10) digits. Serial Number Date Code Reference. If you’ve got a Ruud reliable water heater, all you need to know is your heater’s serial number. Based on your device’s serial number, the manufacturing date is easy to determine: – The first two digits of the serial number are related to the manufacture year of the device – The next two digits are related to the manufacture week. As of 2019, A.O. Key American (Prior to 2001, American was owned by GSW Corporation and manufactured water heaters for nearly 50 different brands. It pays to prepare before your water heater gives up or fails, which can be inconvenient (at best) or catastrophic (at worst). Serial # Ex. Heat exchangers on copper-tube boiler models (RB, CB 45-260) have a twenty (20) year limited warranty effective 60 days from the date of manufacture as determined by the serial number. Water Heater Serial Number Decoder Manufacturer Brand Serial # Ex. Smith in 2001 and currently only manufactures American, American-Pro-line, Premium Plus, U.S. Craftmaster and Whirlpool brand water heaters. In order to calculate the age of your tank or tankless water heater, all we need is your water heater’s serial number. Directions: Use the 1st two letter digits of your serial number to determine: Year of manufacture. American was acquired by A.O. Key American 9746****** (Prior to 2001, American was owned by GSW Corporation and manufactured water … Smith water heater rating plates can be a little more difficult to decode, but once you know what to look for, it’s still fairly straightforward. Position 5 is a letter followed by 6 numbers. B-W uses a 20-year letter code cycle to designate the year. 478 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<869B8503CA606F45A5E18B539DFB0095>]/Index[462 34]/Info 461 0 R/Length 84/Prev 40415/Root 463 0 R/Size 496/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream American (Prior to 2001, American was owned by GSW Corporation and manufactured water heaters for nearly 50 different brands. Smith Water Heater Age Rheem Water Heater Age Water Heater Innovations W (Marathon and Eclipse) Nuevo Laredo Q Mexicali M Canada C For Example the serial number: M141209135 Mexicali plant, week 14, 2012, (09135) actual consecutive serial number. 9746… Water Heater Model Number and Age. endstream endobj 463 0 obj <>/Metadata 10 0 R/Outlines 17 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 460 0 R/StructTreeRoot 32 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 464 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 465 0 obj <>stream Smith now uses this code.). Rheem uses a  2-digit month followed by a 2-digit year, (State industries was acquired by A.O. The serial number will consist of 10 numbers and letters, and you simply look for the first four numbers in the sequence to find the date of manufacture. Water Heater Serial Number Decoder Author: Michael P. O'Handley Last modified by: Michael Created Date: 2/13/2006 4:20:00 PM Company: Your Inspector Inc. Other titles: Water Heater Serial Number Decoder When the serial number is not legible, completely missing, or you can’t figure out how to tease the year of manufacture out of the number-letter sequence, you have one more option that can help you determine approximately how old it is: the year of the ASHRAE or ANSI standard that the water heater … �53K� Modern Rheem Serial Number Decoder to Determine Heater Age Rheem tank-type water heaters use a 10 digit code: MMYYX12345 where X is the plant code and 12345 a consecutive unique ID and of course MM YY are month and year. Water Heater Serial Number Decoder Manufacturer Brand Serial # Ex. It’s recommended to replace your water heater every 10 years. GSW Water Heating. This company is known for its high quality electric tankless water heaters and its tankless gas water heaters, and rating plates on models from this company are easy to decipher.. With a Rheem water heater, once you have located the rating plate, you need to find the serial number, which will be made up of 10 numbers and letters. determined by the serial number. This is where you'll find the rating plate with your model number and serial number on your water heater. 8901xxx= made in the year 1989 in the first month, January. %%EOF Q231299996 Nuevo Laredo plant, week 23, 2012, (99996) actual consecutive serial number. American was acquired by A.O. y�ڪ-Ԗ IAӿ�!��W�(�$}�"9��p��4>�V�� Once you have that, simply enter in the serial number below and our lightning fast Ruud water heater age calculator will tell you exactly how old it is, and even some other great data like when it was actually manufactured. Determine the brand of your water heater. We discuss Rheem-manufactured water heater date codes in detail at Richmond Water Heater Age Decoder Richmond water heaters include the water heater's month and year of manufacture in the first four digits of the serial number as in this example. A good company to start with is Rheem. Decode the label by finding out (chart below) how that brand of water heater documents the manufacturing date within the serial number on the label. h�b```f``jb`a`Шe�e@ ^&�(džWs4t��H���x��m�>��X�@s�$m����ܱ�`e@���T�b�@�?B�ކ����l"D�;@� ��� JohnWood, GSW, Moffat, Superflue, Medal. Water Heater Serial Number Decoder Manufacturer Brand Serial # Ex. 495 0 obj <>stream Since finding the date of installation isn’t always straightforward, we came up with the handy guide below to help you decode your water heater’s serial number. For example, the serial number of my Kenmore dryer, MB1402320, indicates that it was built in the 14th week of 1992. Serial Number Decoder. We discuss Rheem-manufactured water heater date codes in … The serial number can be found on the identification sticker on the device. Water Heater Serial Number Decoder. American was acquired by A.O. 3. You can determine how old your residential water heater is by looking at and decoding data on the water heater’s label. Nine Rheem Water Heater Serial Number Decoding formats. 462 0 obj <> endobj 1 st & 2 nd number = year, . This is where you'll find the rating plate with your model number and serial number on your water heater. 2. Key. American was acquired by A.O. So the data plate for the water heater shown below indicates that it was manufactured in 1998. Select 1st digit of your serial number (expressed as a letter, i.e. Whirlpool Model Number Codes . Once you have that, simply enter in the serial number below and our lightning fast Ruud water heater age calculator will tell you exactly how old it is, and even some other great data like when it was actually manufactured. … Read Content The other info you see relates more to service technicians, and shouldn’t be needed by the average homeowner. Check to see if the installation date is noted on the sticker. If not, write down the serial code. We’ve included some images of Rheem water heater labels below for your reference, but once you’ve located your serial number simply enter it in, click the “Check Serial Number”, and our calculator will let you know just how old your Rheem water heater really is. Manufacturer. Rheem current 10-digit serial number code: MMYYP12345 where P is the plant code and 12345 a consecutive unique ID and of course MM YY are month and year of production. Water Heater Serial Number Decoder Manufacturer Brand Serial # Ex. %PDF-1.5 %���� !N"�c�/���=�<=��x�v��. Since finding the date of installation isn’t always straightforward, we came up with the handy guide below to help you decode your water heater’s serial number. All residential tank-type water heater parts have a six (6) year warranty from the date of purchase. We’ve included some images of Rheem water heater labels below for your reference, but once you’ve located your serial number simply enter it in, click the “Check Serial Number”, and our calculator will let you know just how old your Rheem water heater really is. Key American (Prior to 2001, American was owned by GSW Corporation and manufactured water heaters for nearly 50 different brands. Water Heater Serial Number Decoder Manufacturer Brand Serial # Ex. The first letter is the year and the second is the month. Water heater manufacturers document the month and year or year and week of manufacturing as part of the serial numbers on the water heater. A.O. Your model number and serial number are located on the rating plate on your water heater. 12. Key American 9746***** (Prior to 2001, American was owned by GSW Corporation and manufactured water heaters for nearly 50 different brands. Get More Information on Your Water Heater Get Answers to Your Questions. How to determine the date of production/manufacture or age of A.O. We give contact information for State-brand water heater, geyser, cylinder, calorifier manufacturers and for water heater installation, operation, & troubleshooting manuals. Water Heater Serial Number Decoder Author: Michael P. O'Handley Last modified by: Michael Created Date: 2/13/2006 4:20:00 PM Company: Your Inspector Inc. Other titles: Water Heater Serial Number Decoder For example, a serial number … Bradford White Water Heater. The letter that corresponds with the year (2nd digit) rotates approximately every 10 years, so some serial numbers may correspond with different years. Water Heater Serial Number Decoder Manufacturer Brand Serial # Ex. This is where you'll find the rating plate with your model number and serial number on your tankless water heater. :�6a�r2ʪMd �c3o�i'ۑ��@����"��.+a��dfDG�V�[��4ꪚ~�e��a�w���*�͐l���-�5V��q��f�2�� e������̴����ˇA��� �=�^ܡv��d�}��a��2Tx륫�ֻ����[����a��{�ywY�,��n����x�[�Ujw'�Z���3>��;C�� Z����mꡆ>��kD���6L?����s�M2 Below are serial number lookup sections for every major water heater manufacturer. State water heater serial number - age decoder: ... On some State water heaterrs age is encoded in the firsrt four positions of the State or Apollo Comfort Products Water Heater serial number as. MMYY nnnnn such as 0910123456 where the heater was made September 2010. Beginning 2008, state uses an 11-digit alpha-numeric serial number. Month of manufacture. Rheem Manufacturing ranks as the global leader in the manufacture of high-quality, sustainable, and innovative water heaters, tankless water heaters, air conditioners, furnaces, pool heaters, and HVAC systems for residential and commercial applications, and is a full member of AHRI, the Air-Conditioning, Heating, & Refrigeration Institute. This serial number may be prefixed by R, RN, RNG, RHNG or other letter combinations. Smith® will have celebrated 145 years in business, and continues to be one of the world’s leading manufacturers of commercial and residential water heaters and boilers. Mor-Flo water heaters are manufactured by American Water Heater Group, and the first two numbers of the serial number are the year of manufacture. h�bbd``b`Z$���V �$�& �@�e-�8$���X[A�U��CHpE�L�$� F�X ����J��� �X4 Prior to 2008, state used a 1-letter month followed by a 2-digit year, © Your Home Inspection Checklist | All Rights Reserved. The first two numbers of the serial number are the year of manufacture of American ProLine water heaters. Smith in 2001 and currently only manufactures American, American-Pro-line, Premium Plus, U.S. Craftmaster and Whirlpool brand water heaters.) This is a service to determine manufacture date and is not proof of warranty eligibility. Smith in 2001 and currently only So the data plate for the water heater shown below indicates that it was manufactured in 1998. Key American (Prior to 2001, American was owned by GSW Corporation and manufactured water heaters for nearly 50 different brands. Before 1981, the second digit of the model number contained the code. The rating plate example above shows the model number in blue and the serial number in yellow. 3 rd & 4 th number = month. Smith in 2001 and currently only American was acquired by A.O. First, locate the manufacturers label with the serial number on the side of your unit. Bradford White Water HeaterSerial Number Decoder. An alpha code in the model number indicates the year the model was introduced. A thru N = Jan thru Dec (excludes I) Since 2008, see  rules for State below. When the serial number is not legible, completely missing, or you can’t figure out how to tease the year of manufacture out of the number-letter sequence, you have one more option that can help you determine approximately how old it is: the year of the ASHRAE or ANSI standard that the water heater … While water heaters are a key component for home comfort, they don’t last forever. GSW Water Heating. The 2004 edition of the Atwood Water Heater Service Manual is a resource created to Model and Serial Number– The model and serial number, which is located on every water heater, furnace and range is required on all Atwood appliance claims. 1 st & … Serial# – 1 st 4 digits. 0 American was acquired by A.O. h��Y�n7�>�@�]�I `�q�N��H More to service technicians, and shouldn ’ t be needed by the average homeowner Jan thru Dec excludes! 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