AGCM Award (Guide) How to get a Professional Engineer (PE) license while active duty. Answer Save. Well my recruiter was lazy as fuck, and just made up a PT card for me and filled it in. But I mean hey I just got 4187’d to corporal, so I guess I’m doing something right. I’m sitting here on cq. The largest military subreddit on reddit. Hot New Top Rising. By. I knew most of it was bullshit, I'm just curious. The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the United States Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) of this Web site or the information, products or services contained therein. She really needs this in her life. Then I bumped into a Marine recruiter that asked me if I wanted to join up. They act like there is a pitch, and you will eventually get it, but ultimately, they provide you with a few of the benefits quickly, and say they will "get to" this or that area, but probably will not, and will probably keep asking if your ready to join. He never outright lied to me, but never told me 100% truth. I never have thought of … Your company recruiters may not even be aware of the little lies that they’re telling candidates. This is no secret, as there have been several undercover … It also includes important stats on the military’s deceitful promises of “free college tuition” and questions to ask yourself before enlisting in the Army, Navy, Marines, or National Guard. Updated June 06, 2019 The consequences of false … The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. I played hs football and after telling my recruiter he showed up to a game, got my attention to make it known he was there and really got to know my father. What paperwork besides birth cert and ssc do you need? Edit: than I’ve gone to the range for the Army. He never outright lied to me, but never told me 100% truth. I told my recruiter exactly what I intended and wanted to do, and he told me that as long as I worked hard to get all my stuff together and let him do what he needed to do in order to make what I wanted possible, he would. This is a lie that … 1. share. 11 months ago. Made me think back to when my recruiter told me, and I quote, “the army is going to bring out the best in you as a person.” Well, bitch, let me tell you, if the best version of myself rat fucks an mre box from the back of the scout platoon’s truck, and only walks 20 feet from the patrol base before dropping my pants and (accidentally) shitting right there. Hot New Top. Never bothered me past middle school. I think Guard Recruiters are for the most part more up front because you see them alot at RSP drills until you ship. 40A. Who did you piss off to get "promoted" to corporal? I was also told that there are ways to go from RC to AC, but was never told that at the time it was next to impossible. He wound up working for me, when I made SFC, and he was still an SSG. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Had a great recruiter...I knew what I wanted, I got it, no issues. In the mid 90s my recruiter never lied to me, but didnt tell me the whole truth. They also had the program where you do online courses and take a PT test to get promoted. What I'm trying to say is that there's a lot of avenues to drop the regular Army BS and do "cool guy" shit if you really want to. now her recruiter is stonewalling that was over a month ago. Posted by. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. I'm not being petty over it, I'm just curious. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, oh, like I said, I knew a vast majority of it was bullshit. 50 comments. If you are hurting, this guided journal is for you. Read The Balance's editorial policies. If you qualify for a humanitarian assignment. And, to be fair, some of the worst lies are not told by recruiters, per se, but by personnel at Military Entry Processing Stations, known as MEPS. My recruiter told me if I enlist as a senior in high school, the army would pay me monthly till I ship out. Anybody else ever have moments where you just have to sit there and think “my recruiter completely lied about this”? wasa19Dnowa68W. Made me think back to when my recruiter told me, and I quote, “the army is going to bring out the best in you as a person.” Well, bitch, let me tell you, if the best version of myself rat fucks an mre box from the back of the scout platoon’s truck, and only walks 20 feet from the patrol base before dropping my pants and (accidentally) shitting right there. Top 10 Lies That Recruiters TellSo, there are so many more lies that recruiters tell you so that they can get you to join your desired branch. I was also never given a packing list for basic training. There are some exceptions, however. Because an Army recruiter is expected to find young Americans, generally between 17 and 24 years old, and persuade them to serve four to six years of active duty with long hours and low pay (median pay for enlisted folks is $26,000 a year). How's your hubbing going? But your potential candidate knows, and they’re not shy about posting a negative experience on social media. Stewart Smith. I get to MEPS and see there isn't shit. they must get a certain number of people to join the Army each month, and if they don’t meet that number they have essentially failed their mission. I believed him. In over 6 years, I’ve done cyber security more times than I’ve gone to the range. Or shit in a water buffalo. So I turned it down and took a job I actually wanted. Find 12 military recruiter lies and the truth behind the lies, here. United States Army on Reddit r/army. I showed up with a toothbrush and deodorant, which means I was sporting the same underwear for about a week. Oftentimes, however, … One day I was walking through Wal-Mart in a small town in rural Alabama trying to figure out how to get out of that state at 18 years old. card. Military Recruiting Truth Unfortunately, there are some recruiters out there who are encouraging (and, in some cases, downright instructing) recruits to lie about their criminal or medical history. Lv 5. Unfortunately, the only way into the military is through a recruiter, so make sure you have your mind at least 90% made up by the time you first meet with one. card classic compact. level 1. New applicants are encouraged to start their application here. Thank you, in advance, for your patience and continuing interest in joining the CAF. Hot. Given all those challenges, … 3 days ago. Also, congratuloltions on your promotion to Corporal; every E5 in your platoon just got a semi when they heard that. For other than authorized activities such as military exchanges and Morale, Welfare and Recreation sites, the United States Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) does not … an army recruiter is lying to a friend of mine, she is part of the referal program, she had filled out all of the required paperwork and forms and she then refered a friend that later joined. Thanks for watching! The truth is that sales training is required because the military has hundreds of thousands of people leaving every year, and recruiters are necessary to get young people to join in order to maintain the military population. Eric Milzarski. The 11 Biggest Lies Recruiters Tell, According To The Internet. For example, I was told that there was a signing bonus of 20K to my job. Dude, I think you're supposed to shit in mermites if you're salty about the Army. I'm yet to meet anyone that has been lied to more than myself. Any chance I could find a recruiter willing to try for the army, or am I SOL? For those not in the loop:, I’ve sat behind the CQ desk way more than shooting my rifle. Take the first step in upgrading your recruiting process by subscribing to Monster Hiring Solutions, … … My dad wanted to join the Air Force in 1960 and had a long wait to … Avoid recruiter lies and revitalize your recruiting process with Monster’s expertise. Posted by. Posted On July 10, 2018 23:10:19 Military recruiters are some of the most tireless salesmen in the country. Sounds like mine. Vets Speak: War, Lies, and Life in the Military — This leaflet features interviews with U.S. soldiers and veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Docs checked my ticker, didn't notice anything out of the ordinary and gave me the green light. Chris (author) from Atlanta, GA on April 08, 2010: Sound like a good deal to me, wave! We’ve compiled this complete list of “41 Questions You Should Ask Your Recruiter” from a wide variety of sources, including: Military branch official websites; Forums like Reddit, … When Military Recruiting Goes Bad What to Know Before You Sit down with a Recruiter. I talked to an Army recruiter briefly and just had the feeling I was talking to a used car salesman so I went and talked to the Marines and Navy. Then I guess I’m just a garbage dude. Email Pinterest Reddit Tumblr Report; Copy link; Pinterest; jack wagner @jackchwagner the next call of duty should be a realistic RPG that starts with you working at little ceasars and an army recruiter lies to you at the mall PM Retwests Likes. It seems like I get a PSYOPs/Civil Affairs invitation every week and those folks were literally hunting for people when I was at Campbell a few years back. Every recruiter is put on numbers, i.e. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. 20 Somethings Illegal military Military Recruiting Recruiters Shady Sketchy Writing & Expression. Came back and talked to my recruiter about why it wasn't in my contract. Didn't that one guy in Alaska get arrested for that, though? Full Bio. those folks were literally hunting for people. If ever a recruiter says … Bastard told me Benning would be warm in the winter. Join. Make sure the chaplain sees you do it, though. Relevance. Wait you've been in the Army long enough to be a SPC, becoming a CPL, and you just now realized your recruiter lied to you?..unrelated topic I'm a Nigerian prince and my funds have been locked by my government I need 5,000 dollars to release my riches and I will pay you back in rare Nigerian gold and precious jewels worth millions.. After that I have a bridge to sell, very historic. :) Shari from New York, NY on April 08, 2010: I see you have been very very busy writing while class is out ;) Good read here. Rising. Warm my ass. I'm not mad or anything, I'm just curious as to how bad your recruiters lied to you. However my grandfather was a naval officer and he always told me that if i was to join the military to be … An Army recruiter said that he doesn't get paid extra whether I join or not. I actually have a really positive view of recruiters based on my experience with them. She will be 18 in 8 months, but go to basic in 1. Is this common? It sounds like you learned to be resourceful. On top of that, it’s a dangerous job – the Army currently has boots on the ground in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria. He said MEPS should have squared that away, and I should have … The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. For … Real nice guy, but if I was ambivalent about joining he would have turned me off to it for sure. I was also promised that I wouldn't go overseas for at least a year. Then I guess I’m just a garbage dude. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Other outrageous whoppers involve benefits. share. ...that being said, he really doesn't like/want to be a recruiter at all. Due to reduced staffing levels, processing time will be longer than usual. Yeah, the best in someone doesn't necessarily mean their morality. I didnt know that my bonus would be broken up over 6 years, I also didn't know about the 2 years of inactive duty after my initial 6. All branches of the military, including the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard employ recruiters. Don. She is an artist I know she will miss drawing and such. There are some people who can’t handle failure, so they aren’t 100% truthful when getting people to sign up for the Army. My first duty station was Korea. I ended up looking at the same job for both but went Navy because I could ship out faster and got the same job (avionics) for a 4 instead of 5 year enlistment. That's an option. My friend is leaving to Georgia for boot camp around June. There is countless other stuff, mostly pertaining to my job, (I was promised AC) but I wont list them here. This is simply a lie as the assignments are based on the need of the service. now he will not answer his phone and will not return calls. I want to surprise her with a gift to receive when she is at boot camp. i have heard of this recruiter lying to others as well … Holy shit that sucks. . I wasn't lied to at all, my recruiter was pretty straightforward about everything, and this was in the late 90's. When I offered to come in and take one, he said he was on leave and couldn't come in. One of the top military recruiting lies you might hear is that you’ll get to go to the base or location you want to go to. and that was that... i think i asked him stupid stuff like how he liked fort hood(he had a 1cav deployment patch on). "hi, im blah blah, heres all my paper work, i want to be an 11b." Winter 2009-10 was pretty warm there, but that was the only winter I was there. As a result, all Canadian Forces Recruiting Centres are restricting public activities and access. Monday Rants and … Here's 5 things your military recruiter might try and tell you and pass it off as facts or "easy". 17. Hey recruiters I have a question to inquire. If you go through MEPS and they don't catch it, you're golden! Here are four common examples of situations that occur: An applicant claims his recruiter told him to lie about his childhood asthma. Got my the MOS I wanted, and a station close to home (National Guard). Uncover inner peace and find the strength to move on with this guided … Or is that just when your NCOIC refuses to date you? 6 years ago. I am wondering if it’s possible I can … In the end I got the best of him. 124. pinned by moderators. Military Life 7 white lies recruiters tell and what they really mean. In … When they’re not handling some paperwork to make entering the military easier on a recruit, they’re out finding fresh faces to bring into military service. i didnt even give mine a chance to lie... i did all my own research and then went in with all the info he would need from me. Going in to your first meeting with a military recruiter without a list of questions is about as smart as it sounds. 13 hours ago. Follow Twitter. The Army guy was always in his office always working and wheeling and dealing. The fact that the Montgomery GI Bill pays $36,000 for 36 months of education, and full-time soldiers pay in $100 a month for the first 12 months of active duty to receive … “I’m a veteran of Operation Iraqi … Often, recruiters will visit high schools or colleges to present interested … #jack; #wagner; #call; #duty; #should; #realistic; #rpg; #starts; #working; #ceasars; #army; #recruiter; #lies; #mall; #pm; #retwests; … Favorite Answer. Stew Smith is the U.S. military expert for The Balance Careers, a Veteran Navy SEAL Officer, and a freelance writer and author. Some recruiters work on a military installation while others work in office spaces in the community. Edit: I want active duty, not reservist... just wanted to clarify, Well it's very possible to be a Reservist on active duty so perhaps get that verified... ;), My recruiter was pretty up front, and helpful. I joined the Army at 17 and had a heart murmur as a kid. Went to MEPS and knew in my gut to ask the civilian before signing the contract, but I knew I was hooked lined and sinker. Military Recruiters are notorious for bending the truth to meet their quota. When I did the online courses and tried to get promoted, he told me it wasn't going to happen because the PT card as forged. And he did. save . Yeah, you will definitely learn skills for a great career in the civilian world! Will my daughter or I get into trouble? About 10% bullshit, but to be fair, he was a really cool guy nonetheless who was trying to help. To your knowledge, is that true? I'm hoping that's just a joke. The recruiter is probably saying come with questions because they do not have a prepared speech. As far as I can tell there are no lies. In the mid 90s my recruiter never lied to me, but didnt tell me the whole truth. Army officer here: my experience with army recruiters was one of if you build it they will come typre situations. Report Save. The Navy gave me everything he promised (and threatened), and more. I didnt know that my bonus would be broken up over 6 years, I also didn't know about the 2 years of inactive duty after my initial 6. 5 Answers. This does not mean that we are not accepting applications. Not that bad, aside from being told I was going in as an E3 and would not be classed as 11C, but the latter worked out in my favor. I was also told that there are ways to go from RC to AC, but was never told that at the time it was next to impossible. I mean that's an incredibly subjective quote and one that can only be actualized if you take advantage of the opportunities available. The recruiter told me to lie as well, I did. The next call of duty should be a realistic RPG that starts with you working at little ceasars and an army recruiter lies to you at the mall 8/31/17, 9:35 PM 4,100 Retweets 12.8K Likes – popular memes on the site A military recruiter is an individual who enrolls people into the armed forces. The Army recruiter and his supervisor, have shown me how to proceed without my ex-wife's signature knowing that it would be lies. I got so hungry that I stole an mre from one of the highbacks parked over here. Related Article – 12 Military Recruiter Lies and the Truth Behind Them. But I went into the office I knew what I wanted. 124. These guys do serve an integral role in the military by keeping recruits coming in while there are so many going out; whether by retirement, washing out, or … 'M just curious as to how Bad your recruiters lied to me, wave find... Keyboard shortcuts, https: // else ever have moments where you do online courses and take one, said! Take a PT test to get `` promoted '' to corporal, I! Pe ) license while active duty said he was a signing bonus of 20K to job! New applicants are encouraged to start their application here what to know Before you Sit with... On April 08, 2010: Sound like a good deal to me, but go to basic 1! 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