... eBay buyers look at the photo as a 1st judgement. eBay Buyer Protection for Buyers; How does eBay Buyer Protection work? Buyers that file a successful claim under the program are usually: In rare cases, the buyer may not be required to return the item to the seller but will still receive a refund. Failure to receive a certificate of title for a vehicle that was listed with a title brand or with the title being described as anything but "clean". Dear Ebay Sellers, I am a small time seller on ebay and things have been moving smooth. Sellers are not allowed to charge buyers for insurance since May 2008. After a decision in a buyer's favor, eBay takes responsibility for recovering funds from the seller, because the buyer has already been reimbursed. 3. eBay support can also be contacted via their customer service page. When you start and end your transaction on eBay Motors, you automatically get the benefit of eBay's Vehicle Protection Program*. Buying insurance is, of course, an additional fee on the top of the regular shipping costs but for most sellers, it is well worth paying. Free shipping for many products! Buying and selling on eBay can be great, but it can also be fraught with risk. To get eBay insurance, schedule an appointment with us today. If you're considering using eBay, you might be wondering how eBay Seller Protection works. It is a good idea to set up a PayPal account if you plan to be active on eBay. The following is a list of items that are not covered, which means the seller can accept payment, fail to send the item, and then you as the buyer have no recourse through the eBay website. There are a variety of scenarios that meet this condition, for instance: You received a completely different item. If a Craigslist or non-eBay seller 'promises' you the eBay protection plan, this is fraud and you should walk away. If you think that printing your own postage is slick, you’re gonna love electronic insurance. You are able to provide the VPP Administrator with documentation to substantiate all purchase payments and/or estimates for repair, related to your reimbursement request within 14 days of your reimbursement request. View additional warning signs and examples of vehicle scams. You as a buyer have "buyer protection" if the item is damaged, lost, never received, you are covered DO NOT PAY FOR INSURANCE. For this reason, there's more to Buyer Protection than just knowing how to file a claim—it's also important to know how to persuade eBay and win a claim if you want to be sure of receiving a refund. For items purchased prior to September 1, 2017, your capital equipment purchase is protected for up to $50,000 or the equipment purchase price, whichever is lower. Vehicles advertised well below what it is worth may be tempting, but should be a red flag. PayPal goes a long way in protecting your money and ensuring you receive money from buyers. Undisclosed defects in the title, and certain undisclosed defects with the vehicle. Some buyers on eBay may set up a fake PayPal account or have a fake PayPal confirmation email ... it is generally a good idea to have your buyers purchase insurance … Buyer Claims You Shipped an Empty Box. The problem for many eBay sellers is the cost of product liability insurance, especially if you’re importing goods from China. These types of payments are often associated with fraudulent transactions. This is your first reimbursement request under VPP in the last 180 days. There's little legal comeback. Vehicle Purchase Protection does not cover any damage on a vehicle listed with anything but a "clean" title. Once the POD is signed then the courier company's liability is over and the transit insurance is over. Buyers can't use more than one resolution method to get a refund. Verify item is eligible for PayPal's buyer protection program. Receiving a title that is not signed, is improperly assigned, or receiving a title but not being able to register the vehicle (unless you are unable to register the vehicle due to an undisclosed lien against its title). The seller can charge for insurance as long as it is in the shipping cost or the item cost, not separate. (This protection is not available for vehicles listed in the Dune Buggy, Race Car or Trailer categories. Note that you can also set your eBay account to automatically combine shipping and include the new rate on invoices when a buyer completes a purchase. If you receive the vehicle but do not receive the title, or learn that it is subject to an undisclosed lien, you will have 90 days from the date that the listing ended to file for reimbursement. 3. Ebay is great for buyers, because of buyer protection, but for someone who wants to sell more than $500 worth of product, PayPal (Ebay’s affiliate) insists that the seller graduate to a Premier account, by which the seller is forced to accept credit card payments, if that should be the buyer’s choice. Buyers registered on eBay sites other than eBay.co.uk will continue to use the resolution system currently on their site of registration. Margaret Kane Aug. 18, 2002 1:46 a.m. PT That way, eBay can easily verify the buyer's messages for things like intent to defraud. Copyright © 1995-2020 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1. As a buyer, you should look at both of these scores for the sellers you’re considering. Very new eBay members or those with low feedback scores can be seen as high risk buyers, but keep in mind that positive performance does not necessarily equal no chance of a scam. Many sellers offer free collection, especially for large items which may be difficult to post. Buyers who engage in activity as described in the Abusive buyer policy may be subject to a range of actions, including warnings, being blocked from requesting returns or refunds on eBay, being blocked from opening claims, loss of eBay Money Back Guarantee coverage, and account suspension. Losses based on a vehicle classified as "theft recovery" or "previously stolen" but recovered by a law enforcement agency prior to being listed on eBay. You pay for a vehicle or send a refundable deposit for a vehicle and never receive the vehicle. Additionally, the protection policies offered by many credit card issuers usually default to the assumption that the "customer is always right." The buyer, the seller, the vehicle (on the purchase date), and the financial institutions making and receiving the payment, are all located in the U.S. or Canada. In a bid to increase the number of people who sell items full time on eBay, the online auction company will offer them group health insurance. Before we get started, a word of warning about Paypal scams. eBay does not allow sellers to ask buyers to pay for insurance or add a separate charge for shipping insurance. The order must be paid for via our cart system and shipped with a tracking number. Either way, you’ll receive the same coverage. Appeal eBay's decision about a return or missing item for buyers If you don't agree with our decision after we've stepped in to help resolve an issue between you and a seller, you can appeal by providing new information within 30 days of the case being closed. This is especially the case for higher value items. The buyer purchases one of your listings as normal. You are unable to see the vehicle in person first or have it physically inspected prior to payment, There is an urgency to complete the sale quickly because the seller has a health or family issue, is being deployed to the military, moving out of state/country or is going through a divorce/marriage, Seller pushes to get money in advance and transferred through a fast payment method, or sent to a fake escrow account to avoid you as the buyer losing out on the deal before another buyer purchases the item first, View additional warning signs and examples of vehicle scams. For items purchased on or after September 1, 2016, your eligible vehicle purchase is protected for up to $100,000 or the purchase price paid, whichever is lower. eBay automatically calculates the international shipping cost, duties, taxes and estimated delivery dates upfront, and adds them to the listing which the international buyer sees. Buying and selling on eBay can be great, but it can also be fraught with risk. You can report your problem in the PayPal Resolution Centre or the eBay Resolution Centre. eBay Buyer Protection for Buyers; How does eBay Buyer Protection work? As always, it pays to read the fine print. Do not make a claim with your credit card company. Damage to any component (other than the combustion engine, transmission, and/or body/frame), including but not limited to the vehicle's interior, exhaust, air conditioner, electrical (including the battery or other electrical components of a hybrid or electric car's engine), suspension, cooling system, turbo charger, fuel system, differential, clutch/torque converter, and/or pollution control devices; or. I have over 1500 feedbacks 90% as a buyer. You comply with the filing deadline and requests from the VPP Administrator (regardless of any shipping delays you experience). 2 min article; Shipping rates for sellers. It was a high value mobile phone. This is by far the most common scam on eBay and it’s a very simple one. eBay no longer displays a PowerSeller logo next to a seller’s user name for buyers to see. Use PayPal for payment. VPP is not an insurance policy, a warranty, a solution for buyer's remorse, or a substitute for buyer diligence (i.e. The cost for liability insurance for ebay sellers is, as with all insurance, based upon the risk information received by the underwriter. Transactions occurring off-eBay or on any other website. Vehicle Purchase Protection (VPP) provides protection, against certain losses associated with fraud, up to a maximum amount of your purchase price paid (not exceeding $100,000) for purchase of an eligible vehicle on ebay.com or through the eBay mobile application. This is by far the most common scam on eBay and it’s a very simple one. Insurance protects the seller, not the buyer. eBay Buyer Scams and How To Deal With Them! Your insurance value may be declared in any amount from the selling price of the item to a maximum of $1,000. “It is always advisable to make payment once the buyer has viewed the item in person. (This protection is only available for vehicles listed in the Car & Truck and RV & Camper categories.). You did not receive a title from the seller (and a title is required by both your state and the seller's state) and it's not possible to obtain a title from the appropriate DMV. {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"https://ir.ebaystatic.com/cr/v/c1/thirtysevens.jpg","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}, Alert: Internet Vehicle Scams on Craigslist and Other Non-eBay Sites. Any damage or listing discrepancies that were disclosed to you prior to taking possession of the vehicle. It was a high value mobile phone. eBay Seller Insurance. On the other hand, credit card disputes typically take much longer to process and often require much more intensive communication from the buyer to document the case as it proceeds. Damage after purchase - Damage or loss caused during shipping or otherwise after purchase. Aron Hsiao wrote about eBay for The Balance Small Business. Sometimes eBay does not recognize your country or territory, or there may be another problem with the eBay shopping cart. This protection is not available for vehicles listed in the Race Car or Aircraft categories. Buyers can't use more than one resolution method to get a refund. See additional exclusions to the coverage of Vehicle Purchase Protection below. When you purchase ShipCover insurance to cover your USPS parcels through eBay, you are also charged a … Any damage that could have been discovered upon a reasonable inspection before you paid for and picked up the vehicle in person. Keep tracking details safe I know that it gets Ebay more buyers and more money with the newer guarantee, but it costs sellers more to insure every item. To give eBay sellers and carriers more time to safely fulfil and deliver orders, we are extending the estimated delivery times that are shown to buyers. Note that you can also set your eBay account to automatically combine shipping and include the new rate on invoices when a buyer completes a purchase. These days, eBay … 3. Novice buyers are especially susceptible to being scammed. Notably, eBay will remain in contact with both the buyer and seller, asking questions or requesting evidence for claims. If you purchased a product, it was delivered in a timely fashion, and it is substantially the same as other products of the same make/model, eBay will not refund you simply because it turns out that you're very dissatisfied with the product. pre-purchase research and inspection). Successful purchase* of, and payment for, a vehicle with a purchase price of more than $100, listed in the eBay Motors Vehicle category ("eligible vehicle"). On eBay, you usually have to go through some kind of dispute system to try to work with a buyer first on any disputes. Vehicle Purchase Protection does not cover any damage on vehicles 10 years old or older (10-year threshold is based on model year). When a buyer's deciding whether to purchase one of your items, the cost of shipping can make a big difference. Vehicles that are subject to a recall for this type of damage are not eligible for VPP. As of 10/4/10 EBAY has done NOTHING regarding either case beyond removing my ability to communate with them by removing all respond links in their system. An eBay money-back guarantee protects buyers from fraudulent sellers, save for some exclusions. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Life Insurance Buyers Guide at the best online prices at eBay! Dear Ebay Sellers, I am a small time seller on ebay and things have been moving smooth. All buyers purchasing items on eBay.co.uk can contact eBay for dispute resolution. It's important to read the entire policy carefully because there are very specific significant limits to the refund policy. The cost of repair to each qualifying component must exceed $1,000. An eBay seller who has total sales of approximately $46,000,000.00 with a high ASP (average sales price) recently dug up some statistics that show how she has thwarted a number of buyers with mail-related claims who were likely scammers. Normal wear and tear, including but not limited to belts, hoses, tires, brakes, bushings, joints, spark plugs and wires, interior features, minor dents, paint chips and scratches. If you made the purchase on eBay, start here instead. Vehicle Purchase Protection (VPP) provides protection, against certain losses associated with fraud, up to a maximum amount of your purchase price paid, not exceeding $100,000, for purchase of an eligible vehicle on ebay.com or through the eBay mobile application. 1. That way, eBay can easily verify the buyer's messages for things like intent to defraud. Do I ask the buyer to send me the damaged item? Under the GSP, a seller’s listings are shown to eBay buyers across the world. 1. This is especially the case for higher value items. Notably, eBay usually rules that previous use has resulted in normal wear and tear and that buyers knowingly take a risk when buying a used item that the item may break soon after purchase. Because both buyers and sellers have reason to be wary of one another when disputes arise, eBay has taken steps to ensure that buyers and sellers that have performed in good faith are given a fair deal at the end of the transaction. eBay automatically calculates the international shipping cost, duties, taxes and estimated delivery dates upfront, and adds them to the listing which the international buyer sees. Buyer Protection is not an "unconditional guarantee" refund policy. 2. Be cautious when purchasing items from the following list: Many sellers offer free collection, especially for large items which may be difficult to post. 1. All you have to do is log in to your account and open a dispute to get the refund process started. Escalate to eBay if you don't reach a resolution within 3 business days. 1. It sound like if a buyer receives a package the shipper damages they get their money back from Ebay and the seller gets zero unless the seller insures the item at their cost. Open a case and try to work things out with the seller. When the Buyer Is Covered by Buyer Protection. An eBay money-back guarantee protects buyers from fraudulent sellers, save for some exclusions. eBay does not allow sellers to ask buyers to pay for insurance or add a separate charge for shipping insurance. To address this problem, in recent years eBay has taken steps to impose some basic requirements on sellers with regard to return policies, but the centerpiece of their customer assurance push has been the Buyer Protection Program. When communicating with buyers, always do so through eBay's channels. Cosmetic damage, such as paint or external surface rust. pre-purchase research and inspection). Once they click, they move on to the description. With Click & Collect, you can buy on eBay and collect your items at a time that suits you from thousands of conveniently located eBay Collection Points. Damage to qualifying components that does not exceed $1,000 (or $1,500 for vehicles listed in the Boat, Bus, Commercial Truck, RV and Camper categories). Respond to messages and required actions from eBay as the case is being processed. Something went wrong. I sent a consignement last week to a buyer to reach him the very next day. Online Sellers Insurance tailor insurance covers to meet the needs of your eBay store. Because eBay is primarily a forum in which buyers are connected to sellers, rather than an online retail site in its own right, eBay has struggled to maintain the same reputation for safety and good customer service that other retail platforms enjoy—like Amazon.com. He is an experienced buyer and seller, with knowledge on user trends and best practices. Here are some of the most common eBay scams and how they can be avoided. Free shipping for many products! Yes you have 3 months to register but as for tax and National Insurance, they become payable from start date of trading. 3 min article; Collection in person. PayPal goes a long way in protecting your money and ensuring you receive money from buyers. The following is a list of items that are not covered, which means the seller can accept payment, fail to send the item, and then you as the buyer have no recourse through the eBay website. As it is the buyers duty to check the item before the POD is signed. Read more: Top tips for shopping online Credit card chargebacks vs PayPal Buyer Protection. The vehicle has an undisclosed or unknown lien against its title. In essence, EBAY advises buyers to ship back damaged items at their expense, for a full refund, then refuses to honor the refund. I opened up a usps insurance claim and this in the mail. How much will the reimbursement amount be? Ebay is great for buyers, because of buyer protection, but for someone who wants to sell more than $500 worth of product, PayPal (Ebay’s affiliate) insists that the seller graduate to a Premier account, by which the seller is forced to accept credit card payments, if that should be the buyer’s choice. Here's how to do it. 3 min article; Collection in person. Repairs or alterations made by you to the vehicle without the consent of the VPP Administrator. Vehicle Purchase Protection is only offered on transactions that are completed on eBay. Open a case and try to work things out with the seller. 2. How ever the buyer can create problems for you on ebay. ), The vehicle is less than 20 years old and has more than a 5,000 mile odometer discrepancy from the mileage stated in the seller's listing. Paypal Scams The vehicle is less than 10 years old (based on model year) and has undisclosed damage to the (a) engine, (b) transmission, and/or (c) body/frame (each a "qualifying component"). If you made the purchase on eBay, start here instead. I offer insurance facility to my customers and ship only via bluedart or Tnt. Paid through eBay using the eBay checkout process, such as PayPal, Bill Me Later, direct credit card purchase through eBay checkout, or another approved payment method. I'm assuming that the figures you quote will be accurate - Class 2 NI is payable on earnings from 0. You ship the item to the buyer as normal. It's also worth noting that under eBay's Money Back Guarantee buyers are eligible for a refund if the item's not as described, ie, if it doesn't match the seller's description of it. All you have to do is log in to your account and open a dispute to get the refund process started. We intend to introduce the new resolution process to all eBay sites over time. Here are some of the most common eBay scams and how they can be avoided. If your transaction qualifies for PayPal Buyer Protection you are covered for the full purchase price plus the original shipping charges. 3. Under the GSP, a seller’s listings are shown to eBay buyers across the world. To win a claim, eBay must believe that the buyer fundamentally did not receive the item for which they paid. Inspection costs, warranty fees, taxes paid, or any other fees or expenses that are not expressly covered under these Terms and Conditions. 1. Criminals want to lure you into feeling safe and may also disguise their websites or emails to look like they are from eBay, when they are not. eBay Buyer Scams and How To Deal With Them! Hi I run my little ebay business from home like most people do so I need general home B&C insurance which will cover me while running a business from home & cover stock held at home against theift, fire, flood etc. After selecting a resolution method, a buyer is required to use that process for the duration of the resolution effort. However, in general, here are the protections available. When you start and end your transaction on eBay Motors, you automatically get the benefit of eBay's Vehicle Protection Program*. Conduct sales accurately and carefully – photograph the item well, include a detailed description on the listing and keep meticulous records of communication. undisclosed defects in the title, and certain undisclosed defects with the vehicle. While it may sound like an insurance policy for your online purchases, it's not, and PayPal states this in their T&Cs. VPP is automatically included at no additional cost when you complete the purchase of an eligible vehicle on ebay.com or eBay mobile applications. You pay for a vehicle and receive it, but suffer a loss because: The vehicle was determined by a law enforcement agency to have been stolen prior to your purchase. VPP is automatically included at no additional cost when you complete the purchase of an eligible vehicle on ebay.com or eBay mobile applications. The types of fraud that are generally covered are: To take advantage of the program, a buyer that believes they're entitled to a refund must: Once eBay has been contacted, the claims process will begin. While eBay has worked with shipping carriers to create the eBay international standard delivery shipping service, you're still responsible for getting the order to the buyer in good shape. If you're considering using eBay, you might be wondering how eBay Seller Protection works. This is insurance fraud. However, each eBay international standard delivery shipment includes a $100 shipping protection plan … For items purchased on or after September 1, 2017, your capital equipment purchase is protected for up to $100,000 or the equipment purchase price, whichever is lower. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Life Insurance Buyers Guide at the best online prices at eBay! When communicating with buyers, always do so through eBay's channels. eBay discourages the use of offline transactions, including payments made via Moneygram, Western Union or gift cards. 3. eBay will review your case and get back to you within 48 hours. After selecting a resolution method, a buyer is required to use that process for the duration of the resolution effort. USPS Priority Mail automatically covers packages that are damaged or lost up to a value of $50 for all eBay sellers. Note, however, that VPP does not protect you if the seller's description was inaccurate with respect to the vehicle's sub-model, trim packages or special editions. It is a good idea to set up a PayPal account if you plan to be active on eBay. If you’ve paid with a credit card through PayPal, be sure to make a claim with PayPal first. Buyers who engage in activity as described in the Abusive buyer policy may be subject to a range of actions, including warnings, being blocked from requesting returns or refunds on eBay, being blocked from opening claims, loss of eBay Money Back Guarantee coverage, and account suspension. I offer insurance facility to my customers and ship only via bluedart or Tnt. For vehicles listed in the Boat category, the cost of repair for the undisclosed damage to each of the engine or the hull must exceed $1,500. An eBay spokeswoman said the company invested heavily in dedicated fraud prevention teams. Your order arrives, but it's significantly different than it was described. eBay Tells Sellers to Welcome Zero Feedback Buyers: by: Marie : View cart for details. Vehicle Purchase Protection is automatically included at no additional cost when you complete the purchase of an eligible vehicle on eBay.ca, eBay.com, or the eBay mobile app. The Scam. Also, credit card companies have a clear pro-buyer orientation. If you’ve paid with a credit card through PayPal, be sure to make a claim with PayPal first. Item Not Received. Buying insurance is, of course, an additional fee on the top of the regular shipping costs but for most sellers, it is well worth paying. You obtain the VPP Administrator's prior written consent before altering, repairing, selling, or releasing possession of the vehicle before a determination is made on your reimbursement request. In this issue, we will review using Paypal on eBay from the buyer's point of view. Selling your things on eBay can be … Some examples that may surprise buyers include: It's worth noting that items that arrive very late, in a condition not matching the description, or with obvious damage or defects that were not disclosed in the listing, are generally covered. For buyers, knowing when they can expect an item to arrive is an important factor when making a purchase. With Click & Collect, you can buy on eBay and collect your items at a time that suits you from thousands of conveniently located eBay Collection Points. There are a variety of scenarios that meet this condition, for instance: You received a completely different item. Scammers are on the lookout for unsuspecting eBay buyers. Your order arrives, but it's significantly different than it was described. If they are unresponsive after a certain amount of time (usually 7 days) then eBay can step in and take further action. While eBay would like to embrace new buyers, they must be educated in the ways the site works. Top Rated sellers, as well as sellers with at least 300 transactions during the previous month, will receive $100 of insurance coverage with each USPS Priority Mail … That's why we always show an estimated delivery date on eBay listings. Generally speaking, eBay Buyer Protection is a promise to shoppers on the U.S. eBay site—eBay.com— that eBay will intervene in disputes between buyers and sellers to rectify issues when the seller has failed to act adequately to resolve the dispute. The Scam. It is because there is somewhat more attention available on a per-case basis inside credit card processors. Buyers are eligible for a buyer protection claim as long as they: This last point catches many disputers unaware. As a buyer, there are a few things that you should always do: Buy only from sellers with at least a feedback score of 50 and 99% positive rating. The buyer purchases one of your listings as normal. For vehicles listed in the Bus, Commercial Truck, and RV & Camper categories, the cost of repair for the undisclosed damage to each qualifying component must exceed $1,500. Long way in protecting your money and ensuring you receive money from buyers be accurate - Class ebay insurance for buyers is! 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