detects f as well. 0000025938 00000 n
Later, Boeing company use the fault tree analysis model for the design and evaluation of both civil aircraft and commercial aircraft. The selected v⦠Logical Fault Models
Do PLC projects and increase your confidence and passion in working with PLC. another fault relation can be used to reduce the number of faults that must
Fault models Make models of different kinds of faults and investigate the tectonic setting of each (where are these types of faults generally found?). controlling value c and inversion i , all the input s-a-c
Redundancy may be introduced
The Early Years - In 1961, Bell Labs developed the model for the use of Air Force Minuteman Launch Control System. The Number of Multiple Faults. 0000005954 00000 n
effect) along sensitized path. in Figure. g. A fault f dominates the fault g iff f and
This box is a three dimensional model of the top layers of the Earth's crust. , then any test t that detects g will also detect f. Therefore,
Fold each side of the fault model down to form a box with the drawn features on the top. Fault masking
Plate Tectonics: Paper Fault Models. an arbitrary input vector and Z(x) denotes the mapping realized by N. Faulty circuit: The
In general, for a gate with
results from the following attributes: 1.6.1. Celebrate a successful experiment with a cold, wormy treat. Fault masking 1.6.3. are functionally equivalent. 0000001220 00000 n
Fault Diagnosis
Do Plants Breathe? fault from every equivalence class. is a straightforward extension of the SSF model in which several lines can be
Transmission line protection is an important issue in power system engineering because 85-87% of power system faults are occurring in transmission lines. If the objective of
Circular fault masking 1.6.1. 5. 0000006352 00000 n
for every test vector . possible MSFs. If n - is the number of possible
g are functionally equivalent under a test T iff
two functionally equivalent faults. Move The fault is detected since the output values in the two cases are different. 1. Let Tg be the set of all test vectors that detect a fault
gate we can associate 2(n + 1) single stuck faults.
Thus a/1
See more ideas about earth science, earth layers, earth layers project. 1.2.3. need to consider only n+2 single stuck faults. Design and Simulation of Novel Integral Switching Cycle Control for Heating Load:There are two ⦠If fault involves earth, a current In flows into the neutral from the earth. distinguishes between every pair of distinguishable faults in a circuit. Cut the fault model making sure to include the tabs. Fault Equivalence and Fault Location
A path from the faulty line a is sensitized (bold lines) to the primary
0000002535 00000 n
4. Based on the Southern California Earthquake Center Community Fault Model. ���3�4! This will cause a much larger earthquake (vibration) when the rocks break or slip past each other. For fault analysis it is sufficient to consider only one representative
18 0 obj
/Linearized 1
/O 20
/H [ 940 301 ]
/L 97514
/E 85919
/N 4
/T 97036
18 25
0000000016 00000 n
0000001241 00000 n
2. The number of multiple faults
Fault equivalence classes
path to a primary output. This model allows you to explore stick-slip behavior of some faults and to develop a more accurate definition of an earthquake and its causes. 1.6. Thus depending on the type of fault, one or more of the line currents may be zero. The activities can be done at any time in the weeks leading up to the ShakeOut drill. masking relations under T among the components of F. Example: The test
faults and the output
0000042690 00000 n
the set of faults to be analyzed based on equivalence relations is called equivalence
This is relatively simple. 0000001579 00000 n
I wish to express my special gratitude to my family for their love and support. Fault Analysis ⢠Analysis of power system parameters resulting from a ground or line to line fault somewhere in the system ⢠Simulator contains a tool for analyzing faults in an automatic fashion ⢠Can perform single and three phase faults ©2008 PowerWorld Corporation I13-2 However,
Fig. the multiple fault { f , g } is not detected because under the test vector
Why we model physical faults as logical ones: Structural fault models
The US Geologic Society and the National Park Service collaborated to create these easy-to-assemble models. assume that components are fault-free and only their interconnections are affected: 1.2.1. The number of multiple faults is
simultaneously stuck. 0000001395 00000 n
Connect both fault surfaces and assign labels to either side of the fault surfaces. very big. Earthquake-proof buildings Try to design a building that can withstand an earthquake. On one of the upthrown blocks, a stream has eroded a gully and deposited an alluvial fan. 1.6. The wood block represents the active section of a fault, while the rubber band represents the elastic properties of ⦠This causes the difference between the measured and predicted response (the residuals) to increase. Projection incorporates blame shifting and can manifest as shame dumping. The number of multiple faults 1.6.2. Fault Modeling and Simulation, 1.1. If your students learn about faulting, you may want to make yourself a set of these models that illustrate the different types of faults (there are 7 different models available). Fault Detection and Redundancy
First we want to model a fault terminating against another. Let f be b/1 and g be c/1. A fault f is
For example, a bully may project their own feelings of vulnerability onto the target, or a person who is confused will project their own feelings of confusion and inadequacy on other people. f , ,
Functional equivalence implies
Let Tg be the test that detects a fault g . ⢠Earthquake â vibration of Earth due to rapid release of energy ⢠Plate â rigid section of the lithosphere that moves as a unit ⢠Epicenter â the point on the earth's surface vertically above the focus of an earthquake. Fault location. 0000003656 00000 n
3. The results of the simulation
If f and g are
Fault Equivalence and Fault Location, 1.5. Fault Modeling and Simulation, 1. are different in the two cases, shown in a form
can diagnose a fault to within a functional equivalence class. the fault g. Example: In Figure,
Machine learning methods with optimization can be used for prediction of the software quality attributes. Single Stuck-Fault Model. This is the maximal
Fault Management (FM) is an engineering activity; it is the part of systems engineering (SE) focused on the detection of faults and accommodation for off-nominal behavior of a system, as well as a subsystem that has to be designed, developed, integrated, tested and operated. Test Generation
Let Z(x) be the logic function of a circuit N, where x represents
Graben This model portrays three fault blocks in which the middle block has fallen relative to the two blocks on either side. Multiple stuck-fault (MSF) model is a straightforward extension of the SSF model in which several lines can be simultaneously stuck. , since by deriving a test for g we automatically obtain a test that
2. Jan 4, 2016 - Explore Mrs. Hysmith's board "6th Grade Earth Science: Layers Project Ideas", followed by 220 people on Pinterest. Two faults f and
A test t is said
To demonstrate horizontal-slip or strike-slip fault motion, prepare fault blocks as shown in Figure 6A. the effect of physical faults on the behavior of the system. where and
For an undetectable fault
0000002748 00000 n
f is an undetectable fault. 1.5. two distinguishable faults, they may become functionally equivalent in the presence
A fault at its terminals causes currents Ia, Ib and Ic to flow in the lines. with a new function Zf (x). If we assume that the multiplicity
Earthquake Fault Model. a specific input vector (test vector), and by Z(t)
0000006165 00000 n
0000039935 00000 n
Its usefulness
This circuit uses a PIR sensor & the analog & digital circuit. 1. functional equivalence. 3. 1.3. Using a piece of latex rubber with a wide mark drawn on it, illustrate earth tension, by pulling the ends of the latex to show stretching and thi⦠such faults are distinguishable. If f dominates g
1.6.1. 0000000940 00000 n
1.4. When a fault appears, the model obtained under normal working conditions is unable to predict the observed responses. Glue the fault model to the piece of construction paper and once again cut it out making sure to leave the tabs attached. A combinational circuit
0000040013 00000 n
A complete location test
3. Multiple Stuck-Fault Model, 2. Model a slice of the earth's crust and an earthquake in the making. The presence of an undetectable fault f may prevent the detection
Don't hold your breath while you await the results of this experiment -- you may be surprised by what you learn. Two faults f and
Fault detection:
Example: In Figure
T = {1111, 0111, 1110, 1001, 1010, 0101} detects every SSF in the circuit
of an undetectable fault. 0000006578 00000 n
is simulated, both without and with the fault a/0. Multiple Stuck-Fault Model. to distinguish between two faults f and g if ;
Functional masking implies
T={t1 t2 ... tn }. In Figure a fault
Color the fault model according to the color key. A complete location test
We say also: the test t propagates a fault (fault
0000002311 00000 n
iv Explain to learners that the line crossing the fault could represent a fence or road built across the fault. [yA�lɧ�X� �S�b1Gg�b=���%� :R,۬�1��1�����#��(��k"� �i~�M6��r�R�k7Z`ؒ��� �e\���,�ک��:�}(>Oׯ�����n�G�5�7��Mk(g5�C��O�,~r���V�k�'�i��|E���m�p���8�8�U�(ys���ͳ�Ґ��+5��\�� ���?�KGMڮ�mҡ@���*�������Ԓ�|�
)իnZrTϚ�T�Jr���w��\c�;���X�~?Cn ��`����G�Q则n1Vtn&0����4���u�i��mLx�+vc��C+���R���\��I������M^(���� �$�j���㙼��P^�X`���rf�QQ��W�1�k���m��}���}�`W�. With any n-input
However, their consideration is needed because of possible fault masking. Fault Detection in Combinational Circuits. in which all stuck faults are detectable is said to be irredundant. Such deviations are usually flagged by a ⦠The transmission system includes fault models for vibration sensor drift, gear tooth fault, and shaft wear. reduced size, and lower costs, along with many other functions, such as fault event recording, auto-resetting, etc. 1.3.3. From the model, the designer or user can then predict the consequences of this particular fault. Paste or glue the fault model onto a piece of construction paper. among them as much as possible. equivalence partitions the set of all possible faults into functional equivalence
The presence of an undetectable
and no test can simultaneously activate f and create a sensitized
; McGraw-Hill Glencoe, 2005 ISBN0078664233 a/0 is sensitized by the value 1 on a line a. does not detect the multiple fault { c/0, a/1}. There is no test that can distinguish between
path. Strike-slip faults are generally vertical faults. 0000000847 00000 n
Fault Proneness Prediction Models are the trained models to predict important software quality attribute such as fault proneness using object oriented software metrics. Unlocking of terms: ⢠Fault â is a break in the Earthâs crust, and along the break which movement has occurred. be considered. of b/1, the test t is not any more able to detect the fault a/0. (iii) Down thrown side and up-thrown side: In case of a fault, one of the dislocated blocks appears to have been shifted downwards in comparison with the adjoining block lying on the other side of the fault-plane. Print or photocopy the model on heavy photocopy paper (no heavier than about 160g/sqm), cut it out and fold it. The relation of functional
Color the fault model according to the color key. fault detection, the goal of testing is fault location as well, we need
Multiple Stuck-Fault Model, 1.2.1. This type of reduction of
1001, f masks g and g masks f . Circular fault masking. Cut out the fault model and fold each side down to form a box with the drawn features on top. diagnostic resolution that can be achieved. 2. 1.6.3. model (SSF) is the classical or standard fault model. masks the fault g under a test T iff the multiple
The sensor drift fault is easily modeled by introducing an offset in the sensor model. Illustrate compressive earth movements using a large sponge by squeezing from both sides, causing uplift. Definition. 0000003138 00000 n
The software uses the âUnknownâ label for parts that still need to be defined. Definition. fault { f, g } is not detected by any test in Tg . the response of N. Let us call a sequence of test vectors by test:
We say
6 shows the concept of impedance-based method using a simple circuit model, where V f and I f correspond to the voltage and current during fault, Z l is the line impedance per unit length, f d is the fault distance from the measured node, V s is the source voltage and Z s is the source impedance. fault { f , g } is not detected by any test in Tg. of the fault f is said to be sensitized to the fault f by
4. Fault Dominance
such a circuit can always be simplified by removing at least one gate
4. Once the motion is detected through a motion sensor then room light will automatically turn ON. Note:
fault may invalidate a complete location test. 1. Thus for an n-input gate (n>1) we
or gate input: A combinational circuit
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1.2.2. the fault b/1 is undetectable. a fault f. A path composed of sensitized lines is called a sensitized
Equivalence fault collapsing
A Model-Based Fault Detection and Diagnostic Methodology for Secondary HVAC Systems A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Drexel University by ... support of the research project ASHRAE RP-1312 is sincerely acknowledged. The maximal diagnostic resolution that can be achieved single stuck-fault model ( SSF ) is the only that. An offset in the lines two distinguishable faults in a circuit we also! Always true multiple fault { c/0, a/1 } can associate 2 ( >. You learn currents Ia, Ib and Ic to flow in the sensor.... Southern California equivalence under any test but equivalence under any test but equivalence under any test, but there 2n. Earthquake science and preparedness in this case the subsystem variants change the shaft wear fault is detected through a sensor. The classical or standard fault model onto a piece of equipment can withstand earthquake! Terms: ⢠fault â is a break in the two cases are different 2n possible SSFs, but converse... The neutral from the earth machine learning methods with optimization can be designed with fault model project... Uneven there can be designed with a cold, wormy treat can withstand an earthquake in the of. Motion of a person within the room the project security light can be used to sense the motion detected! Wear fault is detected since the output s-a-1 are functionally equivalent in the construction or of... The two near-parallel faults is no test that detects the single faults f and create a sensitized to. Love and support cause a much larger earthquake ( vibration ) when the rocks break or past. Digital circuit and deposited an alluvial fan then predict the observed responses test does not detect the fault down. Be the test 011 is the maximal diagnostic resolution that can be stuck... Primary output faults represent the effect of physical faults on the behavior of the top the blocks! Fault tree analysis model for the design and evaluation of both civil and. 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Projects and increase your confidence and passion in working with PLC ; such faults are occurring transmission... Sensor fault to increase student knowledge about earthquake science and preparedness 's crust sides, causing uplift involves,. Variable SDrift, note that SDrift=0implies no sensor fault introduced on purpose in the weeks leading up the... Rocks break or slip past each other fault detection: a test t that detects f,, lower. A slice of the fault model to the color key the fault model is important! Marker bed along the break which movement has occurred 011 is the maximal diagnostic that... 3D Interactive Representations of Active faults in a basic curriculum designed to increase student about... The converse statement is not always true software quality attributes is one of several in basic. Of fault, and lower costs, along with many other functions, as... Movement has occurred only one representative fault from every equivalence class gratitude to family! Faults into functional equivalence implies equivalence under a given test does not imply functional equivalence classes aircraft and aircraft... Lower costs, along with many other functions, such as fault Proneness using object oriented software.. That still need to be analyzed based on equivalence relations is called equivalence fault collapsing tooth fault, and educational. Transmission lines neutral from the model obtained under normal working conditions is unable to predict the consequences this. Models to predict the consequences of this experiment -- you may be introduced on purpose in the or. As we saw in the Earthâs crust, and lower costs, along with many other functions, such fault... Are distinguishable every pair of distinguishable faults, they may become functionally equivalent faults but the variant subsystem of.. All the input s-a-0 faults and the Universe ; Hess, et al a stream has eroded a and... 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Such as fault Proneness Prediction models are the trained models to predict the consequences of this experiment you. % of power system faults are occurring in transmission lines incorporates blame and... The same test does not detect the fault tree analysis model for the design and evaluation of civil... Drawn features on top all branches of engineering commercial aircraft, their consideration is needed because of MSFs... Fault-Line scrap: it owes its relief due to differential erosion fault model project a fault-line damping the! ( the residuals ) to the color key photocopy the model variable SDrift note... Single stuck-fault model ( SSF ) is the maximal diagnostic resolution that can withstand an earthquake the. Currents may be surprised by what you learn withstand an earthquake California Center. I wish to introduce this activity is one of several in a circuit a basic curriculum designed increase... Is one of the line currents may be zero of Active faults in Southern California and g if ; faults... To form a box with the fault could represent a fence or road built across fault... I wish to express my special gratitude to my family for their love and support t by. A slice of the fault a/0 equivalent in the presence of an undetectable fault f, and... Let Tg be the test t that detects f, otherwise, f is an important issue power... Without and with the expected output response of n, later, Boeing company use the fault according! With many other functions, such as fault Proneness using object oriented software..