Thank you for your email subscription. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. Access MSA's network of channel partners and representatives. Check out the new MSA ALTAIR® Grid at booth 2212-It enables simultaneous location mapping for dozens of individual workers! MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). Please consult your local MSA distributor or contact MSA Customer Service for configuration details. OIL AND GAS FGFD. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). Features wide temperature range, dual sensing capability, patented XCell gas sensors and Bluetooth technology. The Chillgard 5000 Refrigerant Leak Monitor provides the earliest level of detection of costly refrigerant gas leaks in mechanical equipment rooms. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). Ultima X Series Gas Detector for indoor or outdoor continuous monitoring of hazardous gases. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. KEY PRODUCTS ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor General Monitors S5000 Gas Monitor FL4000H Multi-spectrum IR Flame Detector. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). Don't miss out! All kits housed in a lightweight carrying case, making it convenient to carry everything directly to the sensor location or job site. An innovative, modular system that combines highly reliable programmable logic controller (PLC) technology with our advanced gas and flame field devices. Relentless protection from rig to refinery. The FL4000H detects typical fires such as alcohol, n-heptane, gasoline, jet fuels and hydrocarbons. Monitor up to eight remote gas sensors with the highly accurate wall-mounted GasGard XL Controller. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). This confirmation ensures that an unauthorized person has not entered your email address. The Z-Gard MPO Sensor communicates with one of several industry standard protocols, providing seamless integration with commercial automation systems. All electronics are contained within an explosion-proof housing so that the IR400's detector information can be processed locally. KEY PRODUCTS ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor General Monitors S5000 Gas Monitor FL4000H Multi-spectrum IR Flame Detector. Sampling system with patented photoacoustic infrared (PAIR) technology detects leaks as low as 1 part per million (ppm). MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). The IR5500 is an open path infrared (IR) gas detector that continuously monitors for flammable gas leaks over large open areas. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). Choose from 14 different types for sensor and instrument calibration. S4000CH Combustible Gas Detector simplifies operation and maintenance with fully automatic calibration. The detector employs a state-of-the-art multi-spectrum infrared (MSIR) sensor array with a sophisticated Neural Network Technology (NNT) system. The TG5000 Gas Monitor is an effective and economical solution to detecting combustible and toxic gases, as well as oxygen deficiency/enrichment, in wastewater, commercial and light industrial applications. It monitors in both the LEL-m and ppm-m ranges to detect both small and large leaks. Know the standards. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. MSA ITALIA SRL VIA PO 13/17 20089 ROZZANO MI PARTITA IVA : 00772930152 CODICE FISCALE : 00772930152 REA : MI 519887 PEC :, FL500-H2 UV/IR Flame Detector for Hydrogen Applications. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 18 months (local calibration respected). You'll begin to receive email communications and our monthly ADVISOR eNewsletter related to the preferences you chose. The S4000CH Intelligent Sensor is a microprocessor-based transmitter designed for use with General Monitors industry-leading catalytic bead sensors. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. The IR5500 is an open path infrared (IR) gas detector that continuously monitors for flammable gas leaks over large open areas. It is highly scalable, making it suitable for small systems to large plant-wide applications. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. Stay safe and aware—at the facility or in the field. KEY PRODUCTS ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor General Monitors S5000 Gas Monitor FL4000H Multi-spectrum IR Flame Detector. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. KEY PRODUCTS ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor General Monitors S5000 Gas Monitor FL4000H Multi-spectrum IR Flame Detector. Nuisance false alarms are virtually eliminated with its breakthrough Harmonic Fingerprint processing. Ultima X Series Gas Detector for indoor or outdoor continuous monitoring of hazardous gases. KEY PRODUCTS ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor General Monitors S5000 Gas Monitor FL4000H Multi-spectrum IR Flame Detector. The IR5500 is an open path infrared (IR) gas detector that continuously monitors for flammable gas leaks over large open areas. ... Home / Fixed Gas & Flame Detection / Gas Detectors / Ultima® X Series Gas Monitors. Designed for use with the Ultima® X Gas Monitor with X3 technology, the pre-programmed ModCon⢠75 Touch Controller features a 7â touchscreen monitor for ease of use. Fixed Gas and Flame Detection (FGFD) Markets We Serve button here. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 18 months (local calibration respected). Outfitted with rapid-response MSA XCell® sensors, the ALTAIR 4XR Gas Detector is the toughest 4-gas monitor on the market and is backed by a 4-year warranty. The compact unit allows for remote control of many sensor/transmitter features. Fixed Gas and Flame Detection (FGFD) Markets We Serve button here. The SUPREMATouch has been certified according to ATEX and is suitable for virtually any safety related application including redundant systems with up to a Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3 rating (EN 61508). The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. MSA's network of distributors can help find the right product for you. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). It detects the presence of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). Check your spam folder as well. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). & The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. It detects the presence of either carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide or combustible gases in air. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. Designed to provide thorough, continuous monitoring of many hazardous gases, the indoor/outdoor Ultima X Series Gas Monitors offer excellent performance and MSA quality craftsmanship. Newsletter Receive news and updates about our company, product range, safety solutions and services. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). It monitors combustible gases and vapors within the lower explosive limit (LEL) and provides status indication and alarm outputs. The detector employs a state-of-the-art multi-spectrum infrared (MSIR) sensor array with a sophisticated Neural Network Technology (NNT) system. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. Photos; ... the indoor/outdoor Ultima X Series Gas Monitors offer excellent performance and MSA quality craftsmanship. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). Relentless protection from rig to refinery. MSA's FlameGard® 5 MSIR Detector is an advanced multi-spectrum flame detector designed to provide superior false alarm immunity with the widest field of view. The IR5500 offers the benefits of early detection with its ⦠It can be used with a wide range of detectors for combustible gas, toxic gas and oxygen deficiency. Remote racks can be connected (satellite structure), which expands control systems and reduces cabling costs. Interfacing to external systems is provided by using Modbus or Profibus. Discovering gas and flame hazards before they happen. Standards & Regulations MSA Gas Detection: Protecting Plant & Personnel. One step left! Privacy Policy. The IR5500 is an open path infrared (IR) gas detector that continuously monitors for flammable gas leaks over large open areas. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. Configurations with analog output, Modbus and HART are also available. This UV/IR combination provides a fast response time and increased false alarm immunity against sources of radiation for reliable protection. Fire & Gas Detection solutions tailored to LNG market. Ultima® X Series Gas Monitors. KEY PRODUCTS ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor General Monitors S5000 Gas Monitor FL4000H Multi-spectrum IR Flame Detector. Complies with ANSI/ISA 12.13.01-2000 performance requirements for combustible gas detectors. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. MSA and General Monitors offer a range of gas leak detector units with the largest variety of sensing technologies in the industry. The IR400 Infrared (IR) Point Detector is a hydrocarbon gas detector that continuously monitors combustible gases and vapors within the lower explosive limit (LEL) and provides alarm indication. The detector employs a state-of-the-art multi-spectrum infrared (MSIR) sensor array with a sophisticated Neural Network Technology (NNT) system. At National Safety Council Congress & Expo? PrimaX® I ... View Part Numbers Indoors or outdoors, our PrimaX I Gas Transmitter provides dependable, accurate gas detection. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. The sensor also features a buzzer that sounds up to 85 dB. The detector employs a state-of-the-art multi-spectrum infrared (MSIR) sensor array with a sophisticated Neural Network Technology (NNT) system. The Z-Gard DS MPO Sensor communicates with one of several industry standard protocols, providing seamless integration with commercial automation systems. The Chillgard® 5000 Remote Display provides gas monitor information before room entry where potentially hazardous gas levels may exist. ... MSA Gas Detection Capabilities Relentless protection from rig to refinery. The IR5500 offers the benefits of early detection with its ⦠The detector employs a state-of-the-art multi-spectrum infrared (MSIR) sensor array with a sophisticated Neural Network … DuraSource™ Technology offers extended sensor life, while HART provides convenient setup, calibration and diagnostics. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 18 months (local calibration respected). The Z-Gard DS MPO Gas Sensor connects directly to a building automation system for dual gas monitoring solutions. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. It operates over a wide temperature range using a variety of gas sensing technologies. The General Monitors S5000 gas detector monitors for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. Fixed Gas and Flame Detection (FGFD) Markets We Serve button here. The gas transmitter's advanced, multi-lingual OLED display is easy to read and the unique touch-screen interface makes it simple to navigate. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. Reduce downtime with … MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 18 months (local calibration respected). The FL4000H is an advanced multi-spectrum infrared (MSIR) flame detector that provides superior false alarm immunity with the widest field of view. At MSA we've got your back-and your breath. Relentless protection from rig to refinery. Breakthrough XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology extends calibration cycles up to 24 months and actively monitors sensor integrity for ultimate peace of mind. The General Monitors S5000 gas detector monitors for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. Learn more about the safety regulations that are used to certify MSA products. MSA's network of distributors can help find the right product for you. Predictive maintenance and diagnostics keep you operational. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. Thank you - your request has been received. It monitors in both the LEL-m and ppm-m ranges to detect both small and large leaks. Relentless protection from rig to refinery. FlameGard® 5 MSIR Flame Detector MSA's FlameGard® 5 MSIR Detector is an advanced multi-spectrum flame detector designed to provide superior false alarm immunity with the widest field of view. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). Fixed Gas and Flame Detection (FGFD) Markets We Serve button here. Designed to provide thorough, continuous monitoring of many hazardous gases, the indoor/outdoor Ultima X Series Gas Monitors offer excellent performance and MSA quality craftsmanship. Receive news and updates about our company, product range, safety solutions and services. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). The MC600 is a microprocessor-based multi-channel controller that provides six channels of continuous gas detection. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). The Chillgard 5000 Ammonia Monitor accurately detects ammonia gas leaks as low as 10 ppm for early notification, keeping your plant safe according to ANSI/IIAR and EN 378. Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), Temporary Fall Protection Lifeline Systems. Housed in durable, fire-retardant ABS plastic, the controller is suitable for a variety of chemical, industrial and waste water environments. Highlights from the 13th Pipeline Technology Conference, See how simple optical alignment saves time and money, SUPREMATouch: 4 pre-configured kits now available, Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), Self-Contained Closed Circuit Breathing Apparatus, Temporary Fall Protection Lifeline Systems. MSA's FlameGard® 5 MSIR Detector is an advanced multi-spectrum flame detector designed to provide superior false alarm immunity with the widest field of view. MSA's FlameGard® 5 MSIR Detector is an advanced multi-spectrum flame detector designed to provide superior false alarm immunity with the widest field of view. The Senscient ELDS uses 'SimuGas' self-testing to eliminate employees entering hazardous areas for gas checks. MC600 Multi-Channel Controller. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 18 months (local calibration respected). The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). The IR5500 offers the benefits of early detection with its high sensitivity to gas concentrations at the ppm levels. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. KEY PRODUCTS ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor General Monitors S5000 Gas Monitor FL4000H Multi-spectrum IR Flame Detector. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. The intuitive SUPREMA Manager Software is intended for configuration, parameterization and calibration of the SUPREMATouch Fire and Gas Controller. It offers the option to create detailed and clearly laid out reports to support documentation and supports all the features of the SUPREMATouch. ... MSA Gas Detection: Protecting Plant & Personnel. Note: This is a custom product. The General Monitors S5000 gas detector monitors for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. Designed to provide thorough, continuous monitoring of many hazardous gases, the indoor/outdoor Ultima X Series Gas Monitors offer excellent performance and MSA quality … Therefore, it can be directly connected with any Building Management Systems (BMS). Fixed Gas and Flame Detection (FGFD) Markets We Serve button here. Let us help you maximize the effectiveness of every sensor with our 3D mapping technology. Fixed Gas and Flame Detection (FGFD) Markets We Serve button here. Experience the G1 SCBA. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. Features wide temperature range, dual sensing capability, patented XCell gas sensors and Bluetooth technology. The TG5000 helps personnel to work safely in these environments offering a variety of sensor and configuration options. Relentless protection from rig to refinery. The IR5500 offers the benefits of early detection with its ⦠The ALTAIR 4XR can also provide real-time incident awareness to team members, supervisors, safety managers and others when paired with the MSA ALTAIR … The IR5500 is an open path infrared (IR) gas detector that continuously monitors for flammable gas leaks over large open areas. The controller's large, multi-language LCD display provides real-time readings, offers full-system diagnosis and shows intuitive icons. It can also see through dense smoke produced by diesel, rubber, plastics and lube oil fires. The Senscient ELDS laser-based open path gas detector is available for a wide range of toxic and flammable gases. Simple, accurate calibration is easy with these economical, all-in-one kits. Offering intelligence, flexibility and reliability, the HazardWatch System's controller hardware configuration and software has been tested by Factory Mutual to verify NFPA 72 compliance. Ask for a demo! The IR5500 is an open path infrared (IR) gas detector that continuously monitors for flammable gas leaks over large open areas. View Part Numbers Configure this product. It monitors in both the LEL-m and ppm-m ranges to detect both small and large leaks. The IR5500 offers the benefits of early detection with its high sensitivity to gas concentrations at the ppm levels. We will send an email, including a confirmation link, to your email address. Thank you - Your email registration is complete. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). MSA applies its proven Photoacoustic infrared sensing technology that provides a stable zero baseline, minimizes cross-sensitivities and offers low cost of ownership through minimum maintenance required. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). KEY PRODUCTS ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor General Monitors S5000 Gas Monitor FL4000H Multi-spectrum IR Flame Detector. Kits include zero and span cylinders, regulators, tubing, accessories and instructions. It monitors in both the LEL-m and ppm-m ranges to detect both small and large leaks. The controller is suitable for all industrial, municipal, oil, gas, petrochemical, and HVAC applications. Home / Fixed Gas & Flame Detection / Gas Detectors / PrimaX® I Gas Transmitter. The FL500-H2 is an Ultraviolet / Infrared flame detector designed specifically to detect hydrogen (H2) fires. KEY PRODUCTS ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor General Monitors S5000 Gas Monitor FL4000H Multi-spectrum IR Flame Detector. MSA's FlameGard® 5 MSIR Detector is an advanced multi-spectrum flame detector designed to provide superior false alarm immunity with the widest field of view. Features wide temperature range, dual sensing capability, patented XCell gas sensors and Bluetooth technology. Ultima X Series Gas Detector for indoor or outdoor continuous monitoring of hazardous gases. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. Relentless protection from rig to refinery. The IR5500 is an open path infrared (IR) gas detector that continuously monitors for flammable gas leaks over large open areas. The Z-Gard S MPO Gas Sensor connects directly to a building automation system for single gas monitoring solutions. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). The IR5500 offers the benefits of early detection with its high sensitivity to gas concentrations at the ppm levels. Fixed Gas and Flame Detection (FGFD) Markets We Serve button here. Please click on the link to complete your subscription. Reduce downtime with remaining sensor life indicator and more⦠MSA's FlameGard® 5 MSIR Detector is an advanced multi-spectrum flame detector designed to provide superior false alarm immunity with the widest field of view. The IR5500 offers the benefits of early detection with its ⦠It monitors in both the LEL-m and ppm-m ranges to detect both small and large leaks. The SUPREMATouch features a large colour touchscreen display with a title-based menu structure to optimize intuitive operation. It features an industry-leading response time of ≤ 3 seconds, even with a splash guard installed. The IR5500 offers the benefits of early detection with its high sensitivity to gas concentrations at the ppm levels. The controller is self-configuring for monitoring up to 25 monitors for a total of 75 sensors. Fixed Gas and Flame Detection (FGFD) Markets We Serve button here. It monitors in both the LEL-m and ppm-m ranges to detect both small and large leaks. The FL500-H2 optical flame detector monitors for radiation emitted by a hydrogen flame in both the ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) spectral ranges. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. Relentless protection from rig to refinery. The FL4000H employs a multi-spectral optical IR sensing array with a sophisticated Neural Network Technology (NNT) system to reliably discriminate between actual flames and the vast majority of false alarm sources. Newsletter Receive news and updates about our company, product … ... MSA Gas Detection: Protecting Plant & Personnel. The Chillgard VRF Refrigerant Leak Detector is the first industry detector for Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems (VRF) with integrated BACnet capability. It monitors in both the LEL-m and ppm-m ranges to detect both small and large leaks. S4000CH Combustible Gas Detector simplifies operation and maintenance with fully automatic calibration. view details. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 24 months (local calibration respected). The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. Our new FL500 UV/IR Flame Detector offers high speed flame detection and improved performance. Relentless protection from rig to refinery. The FL500 UV/IR Flame Detector monitors for radiation emitted by a flame in both the ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) spectral ranges. It monitors in both the LEL-m and ppm-m ranges to detect both small and large leaks. Output options include relays and 4-20 mA outputs. This UV/IR combination provides a fast response time and increased false alarm immunity against sources of radiation for reliable protection. MSA XCell® gas sensors with TruCal® technology offer calibration cycles up to 18 months (local calibration respected). The IR5500 is an open path infrared (IR) gas detector that continuously monitors for flammable gas leaks over large open areas. The transmitter detects toxic gases and oxygen and is housed in an antistatic ... MSA's network of distributors can … It mimics the Chillgard 5000 Gas Monitor readings for gas concentration, alarm status, calibration. Fixed Gas and Flame Detection (FGFD) Markets We Serve button here. Outfitted with rapid-response MSA XCell® sensors, the ALTAIR 4XR Gas Detector is the toughest 4-gas monitor on the market and is backed by a 4-year warranty. The ULTIMA® X5000 Gas Monitor is the future of gas detection for oxygen, toxic and combustible gases. Intuitive, touchscreen user interface makes it easy to operate. MSA's network of distributors can help find the right product for you. View Part Numbers Configure this product. The detector employs a state-of-the-art multi-spectrum infrared (MSIR) sensor array with a sophisticated Neural Network Technology (NNT) system. The ALTAIR 4XR can also provide real-time incident awareness to team members, supervisors, safety managers and others when paired with the MSA ALTAIR Connect app via a Bluetooth® wireless connection. Relentless protection from rig to refinery. It can be configured as either a local gas detection system, or it can be networked to provide a large plant-wide distributed safety system. Using Photoacoustic Infrared (PAIR) technology provides a more accurate measurement and requires less maintenance than traditional electrochemical gas sensors for lower cost of ownership. It features an industry-leading response time of ⤠3 seconds, even with a splash guard installed. Sign up to get industry resources, product information, and The ADVISOR eNewsletter sent right to your inbox. The IR400 Infrared (IR) Point Detector is a hydrocarbon gas detector that continuously monitors combustible gases and vapors within the lower explosive limit (LEL) and provides alarm indication. 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