While gas is the most common side effect of Nutrisystemâs fiber-rich foods and probiotic shakes, other side effects include abdominal pain, stomach problems, bloating, constipation, and ⦠Nutrisystem and Gas (Flatulence) Some people report excessive flatulence after eating some of the meals. They’re lucky they don’t get the medical bills. Aspirin may cause stomach or intestinal bleeding, which can be fatal. Nutrisystem, Inc. [I sent a polite thank you and, later that day, heard back from the head of dietary services]. It comes with a 14 days money back guarantee. The reason you lose weight eating it is because it takes roughly half an hour to chew it. So how do people loose weight well with it? THey also said that they would put those foods on a 72 hour recall? So I cut it out. I can tell you that, in my case, roughage is not the issue – I am very used to large quantities of roughage. She didn’t even need to lose much weight. I will try to restrict calories on my own. There must be some insane preservatives in their food. I made a grand pronouncement on Facebook, earlier this month, that I was starting the Nutrisystem program with the goal of shedding 20 pounds. After the “breakfast” i had consumed I began to get stomach pains and thought it might just be hunger pains or something but nope I started to become very dizzy and lethargic so I decided to do a little bit of Internet magic and boom! 3 weeks later and 2 weeks of being out of work because of the abdominal pain I ended up in the hospital and a CT scan. I DON’T HAVE TO EXPLAIN WHY I MAY WANT TO CANCEL!!! Extreme diarrhea as well. I haven’t had any stomach pain, because I guess I’m one of the lucky duckies whose body decides to get that gas out. I called and spoke to a counselor and told me it could be from the Sugar Alcohol and avoid certain foods. took 1 month off after my 1st 3 mo supply. Extreme gas, bloating. “Auto delivery charges - I am very annoyed at Nutrisystem as I did not realize you must sign on for two months of their food. [May 18 – Receiving no further assistance from Ms. Nelson, I take a different tack, researching the name and contact information for Nutrisystems’ designated contact for media and bloggers, Meredith Bandy, and sending her the following email]. Jonathan Bernstein is president of Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc. and author of Manager’s Guide to Crisis Management (McGraw-Hill). If, however, you consume too much fiber in one sitting or add too much fiber to your diet too quickly, it can cause gas and cramping. It just says “sugars”. If you're not used to eating fiber, these foods may cause gas pain. The CT scan show NO DIVERTICULITIS, which left my Dr. puzzled. Don’t you think? However, I would suggest only buying two weeks worth to ⦠If you wish to avoid maltitol or other sugar alcohols, you can edit your order to remove them from your menu. It’s also very embarrassing because at work the last couple of days it was as if I smelled gass all the time even when not obviously releasing it and have noticed my stomach has been making regular gurgling noises. I’m a fairly well known crisis management consultant who is extremely active online – two blogs, a full slate of social media accounts, lots of activity there. The problems seem to arise due to people's lack of clarity regarding the "fine print" when they try to cancel Nutrisystem. I cancelled, I did not want to send back any packages for my own convenience and I was told to trash everything. I could eat a truck tire covered in tabasco with a side of beans and not have even a hint of stomach trouble. Expert reviews on weight loss, foods, effectiveness and more for Nutrisystem Diet. If you want to stay hungry ALL the time, this is the right diet for you, otherwise save your money, this diet does not work.” – Claudette, “We wanted to try this system but it turns out the food is all frozen and prepackaged, full of unhealthy microwaveable things; the only thing that causes you to lose weight is that the portions are very, very small.” – Paul, “I got the program of Favorites because it was all I could afford. (Section IX) This Document contains the terms and conditions of your receipt and payment for Nutrisystem®goods and services and is subject to arbitr⦠By the time I stopped trying to gain access, frustratingly unsuccessful, I wanted to just cancel my NutriSystem account. The FIRST sign of discomfort STOP before you end up in the hospital like I did! I’m so sorry for all of you who also experienced illness. I know that I have issues with sugar alcohols and avoid them when I can. No good plan for transitioning to real food. Tyramine is present in some Nutrisystem foods and may interact with these medications to cause dangerously high blood pressure. On average, our diet plan provides 25-35 grams of fiber a day. If your diet prior to joining the Nutrisystem® program was lower in fiber, the increase could be a cause of bloating. Severe gas Let me tell you all. Well today after eating only Nutrisystem food I searched on line for its side effects. Have you had any tweets regarding this? or so I thought. Can weight loss surgery cause stomach gas, acid reflux or heartburn? If you're a finicky eater, run! When you start a plan like Nutrisystem, youâll be taking in a lot more fiber than youâre used to. It was $34 to join for three months, and I get free shipping and a 20% discount on anything I order. I started program 8days ago and have had nause, diarrhea, extreme bloating since day one. I’ve lost a few lbs already and should be able to do this on my own without their food. I was so proud to lose 21 pounds in the last 5 mos. I also have a friend from high school that was on Nutrisystem and she has the same diagnosis. 1 doctor agrees. The customer service is...imperfect. I finally hung up after she put me on death hold, called back spoke to a nice man and cancelled! Then my younger daughter joined the conversation affirming she, too, had a problem with Malitol. SHE KEPT ASKING ME WHY! One sent an e mail with more info but still do not understand! trending article: How to Lose Weight Using Frozen Meals from Your Supermarket! Learn more about NutriSystem side effects at HowStuffWorks. I started back after a few years of not being on the program and gas and diarrhea started immediately. I have to say that I started out feeling like I was making a good choice for my health, and after 3 weeks of this and dealing with customer service I would advise everyone to do something else and don't get on this plan… I got passed from person to person and told something different each time to the point of frustration.”, “I am very sorry to say that this company's customer service is terrible!! I’ve been on Nutrisystem for 5 weeks and have lost 6 pounds (a good thing) but now realize my sleep problems are due the gas and heartburn. When we were told to make other choices that did not contain sugar alcohols, we simply canceled membership because there wasn’t much we could order. I agree, Nora. Together we picked the food as I am a vegetarian. I did some online research and discovered, to my dismay, that this condition is so common for Nutrisystem customers that it’s even been given a name – Nutritoots. Absolutely, Valeri! Since I never was able to gain access to my account, I called NutriSystem ready and willing to cancel my subscription/plan due to the frustration and increasing anger. Today, while home from work sick and having been up since 2am because of stomach issues, thank God l Googled Maltitol at 3am and found this and other information that helped me understand the root cause of my illness. WOW. It is still crazy to me that they can send full chicken breast with beans etc. Thank you for all of everyone’s comments and for this post Jonathan. Skype: crisis.manager, [May 20, received this reply from Meredith Bandy]. Then we learned that our brother-in-law gained most of the weight back. Weight > 400 lb (Women) or > 450 lb (Men) Customers above these weights must have their meal plans adjusted to reflect their greater calorie Thank God! I’ve been on this food for 4 days, Once I told her I was having migraines and SEVERE gas (kept me up for 3 nights) she became rude and told me she’s never heard of that. all I can say is OMG!!! The only good thing about it is my clothes are already a lot looser. A check of my credit card showed that he had immediately processed the charge.”, “I thought I signed up for a 2-month program. Love the weight loss. I agree, more needs to be done on NS’s end to warn customers of potential effects of the food. I will post again once my results are in. I really want to give NutriSystem a chance to redeem themselves after the callousness and ignorance of this representative. to compare. Click Here to Read the Complete Nutrisystem Review. Heidi's WW Diary, Day 12 I am completely irregular and freaking out! 26 years experience General Surgery. IF this NutriSystem “representative” is typical of your company then people need to know that NUTRISYSTEM WILL LAUGH IN THEIR FACE, BE EXTREMELY RUDE AND WILL NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR PRODUCT, WEIGHT LOSS PLANS, WEBSITE, ANY FLAWS IN THE SYSTEM OR FOR THE WAY CUSTOMERS ARE TREATED!!!! Klout score = 63. I was on Nutrisystems for two months. I have already sent an email to their customer service and would call them tomorrow. [May 17 email from Me to Nutrisystem Dietary Services]. What an absolutely miserable experience! My younger daughter just wants to avoid eating much sugar. He gave me incorrect advice on menu planning. You may want to try a few more of the foods before editing your next shipment, but when you are ready, just like me know. Biggest rip off ever. What a awful side effect. I decided to look up other issues people have posted and wow shocking. This has been a very expensive lesson to learn. Trying 17 day diet. [I] never selected auto delivery so it must be something you have to unclick. The food is loaded with carbs and garbage! How I Lost 30 Pounds with I Love This Diet! Today however is a completely different story, I get sick really easily and am very sensitive when it comes to my body so I know when something is up and today something was definitely wrong. I feel nauseated and lethargic all the time. During my customer service interactions, I was emailed two internal documents that detail the sugar alcohol content in the products that contain more than “little or trace” amounts. One was broccoli and cheese, steak (little tiny beads of meat in a sauce), pepperoni, all disgusting!” – Cyndy. Today, I felt quite ill after consuming their meals and snacks. My account was never closed by the representative. I’ve always loved to cook and have maintained a healthy weight. Hate the side effects! Nutrisystem came off as not caring and now I’ve had to shell out 180$ to my doctor to figure out what is going on. On my second order they substituted 16 lunch items (8 were noted as subs while the other 8 were just wrongly picked.”. It is April 28, I am just about done with week two after the Fast Five first week. For occasional, mild heartburn, over-the-counter antacids or other remedies may be helpful. Especially those who have been diagnosed with cancer and those who’ve had to be hospitalized. thankfully I did not do the huge month box- just out about $90 for two weeks buying the 5day kits from Amazon. For me I’d simply stick to the small portions, but for the money I can afford quality non processed food. SCAM.”, “Buyer BEWARE. I’ve done a lot of research now and I’m going to try Beano to help counteract my symptoms and hope to God that it helps. I plan to call and try to return the unused portion. I just started NS today, I was perfectly fine yesterday no cramps, dizziness or anything! Make more sense to take the time to make and eat food without artificial sweeteners and the like. Also, they should be forwarned about the sugar alcohols so they have a better idea of what they are getting into from the onset!!!! A 31-year-old member asked: what are effects of using ginger for digestive problems? Get moving. (It was a muffin that made me violently ill my first day.) Tonight, I had a severe attack of diarrhea after eating NS Chicken Alfredo. NS must allow people to lose weight in a more healthy manner! I’m gonna call NS tomorrow and cancel; I must have a sensitivity to that darn sugar. Jeff, thanks for your comment. This would be a much tastier way to do a colonoscopy prep in the future… Please answer this e-mail with a positive answer and not just an automated message. We appreciate your business and thank you for selecting Nutrisystem as your partner in achieving your weight loss goal. I’m sorry. Please review the foods you will find listed in my first order and advise. Ratings reflect scores of 1 to 5 in seven categories. It may help to take a short walk after eating. In fact, the very first person who answered the phone was a 'nutrition counselor' who sounded like he was out to lunch himself. 0 comment. Not worth it for me to continue. Nutrisystem is one of the most popular diet programs in America...and also one of the most despised. I will have these items shipped out right away. I don’t know rather to keep eating it because I spent so much money on it or if I should cancel. I had and still have diverticulitis, looks like surgery is ahead for me. of sauce and a little mozzarella. Nutrisystem protein shakes have three flavors. They must have changed their food formulations since because I had GI symptoms within three days of starting the program. About 15 years ago I went on Nutrisystem and in 3 months lost 15 pounds without any side effects . Your email address will not be published. There is clearly a break down in the process. Over the weekend I bought other items to offset the NS with, such as applesauce, chicken salad, prepackaged jello, etc., and will be doing a combination of NS and other foods. Unless you are willing to commit to spend $800 on packaged food in two months, it's not worth it.”, Members have griped that the Nutrisysem will make substitutions to their meal choices "at random" and several aggravated vegetarians weren’t thrilled to discover that Nutrisystem had decided to substitute meals with meat for their vegan fare. To me that is a rip-off. Required fields are marked *. As for the items that you received that contain sugar alcohols, please let me know what you would like to replace them. It's proper name is viral gastroenteritis. Finally had to stop I got on weight watchers and buy their meals. Do you happen to know of any websites to try? After trying to login at least a dozen times the system required CAPTCHA which I tried no less than a dozen times. That said, there seem to be a very large amount of negative reviews and consumer complaints regarding Nutrisystem's food taste. The company must be doing something right because they are the largest pre-packaged diet delivery program in the world. I will attempt to get some money back for the unused foods. Unfortunately, I don’t know of any websites that would be useful to you. Nutrisystem Shakes - Reviews of Turboshakes and Nutricrush, How to Motivate Yourself to Start Losing Weight. When I reached out to customer service, I did not get much sympathy or assistance. I signed up. I was diagnosed with severe diverticulitis, or so we thought. “customerservice@nutrisystem.com. I also experienced much more gas than normal. Thank you again, I think increasing exercise and watching what I eat are the way to go. All requests are 100% confidential. We never know whether we’re speaking to a robot (auto-responder), human who can only work from a script or is located overseas and doesn’t have strong language skills, or a real person who is truly paying attention. But, many high-fiber foodsâlike beans, Brussels sprouts and broccoliâare also pretty potent gas-producers. ALSO, THE PERSON THAT HANDLED MY CALL SHOULD BE FIRED FOR LAUGHING AT FRUSTRATED CUSTOMERS AND BEING RUDE ONLY “THROWING GAS ON A FIRE “ THAT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN STARTED IN THE FIRST PLACE! Check out our blog posts on the Free Management Library! They don’t effect me adversely . I attributed the extreme bloat to juice. Nutrisystem and kidney stones. Hopefully this will keep the symptoms down. Remember, every diet plan (and every product of every kind) will have complaints. Now second day that I am not eating Nutrisystem but my stomach is very painful and still I have migraine. I also experienced the gas and bloating issue but also with severe constipation. I’ve been put on a BRAT diet … doctors orders … and am taking pantoprozol for stomach cramping and IBS and diahrrhea. This month, I switched to the “a la cart” program. My cousin was on Nutrisystem and developed stomach cancer over a period of three months. I think it could possibly be dangerous to some people. I called to inquire and Cancell any further shipments and encounter cold uncaring service. (Please do not print my name in your blog). Nutrisystem drinking wine. The other day I tried to gain access to my account to no avail. For some reason I decided to Google info on Nutrisystem and Diarrhea, as this is something I have been frightening for many years. Most people do seem to really like Nutrisystem's frozen meals. She kept saying “you want to cancel because you couldn’t signin?” She was condescending which made me even more frustrated and angry which is SOMETHING NOONE SHOULD HAVE TO PUT UP WITH FROM CUSTOMER SERVICE!!! I had to read the entire list of ingredients to see that I was indeed eating sugar alcohols. After week of Diarrhea, I “googled Diarrhea Nutri System. These conditions can occur without warning while you are taking this medicine. I tried nutrisystem too & am now having digestive problems. I quickly found out it's a lifetime program unless you cancel. Director . already. Wow. At least now I know what’s going on. Free Management Library provides one of the world’s largest collections of well-organized, free resources about personal, professional and organizational development. Although in fairness, most customers who are moved to write about customer service are angry, so it's expected to see lots of these: “The worst customer service ever. 3 weeks ago I finished the first 7 days of this program. Crohn's can affect any part of the stomach and intestines; UC usually affects the lower parts of your GI tract, the colon and rectum. A blatant lie!!! Lots of ‘melts’ which are a whole-grain wrap (cardboard), filled with unrecognizable ingredients. I ended up having to throw rest of them out. No paperwork. I told my husband something in the food is making me sick and he said maybe you have a bug! I was on the original nutrisystem many years ago and although the foods were kind of limited, they did not contain any maltitol, sorbitol, or any other sugar alcohol. I wanted to order ala-carte after 2 months. I am also getting quite sick of all of the tomato-based foods. Misleading ads about customer service. Intestinal Problems Caused by Eating Nuts. The customer rep. didn't even want to persuade me. Did I say lucky ducky? In researching it further, it is actually monk fruit, which they give to people who are constipated to get things “moving”. However, to help control hunger, many of the meal items are high in fiber. We value you as part of our Nutrisystem family and appreciate your patience and understanding. I had to force myself to eat due to extreme nausea. Again, thanks for sharing your experience. Ease in More Fiber Fiber helps keep things moving through the intestines, which aids digestion and helps prevent constipation. I would like a “for the record” comment from Nutrisystem about how and why I ended up on the short end of this arrangement, and what the company can do to make amends. I decided at the beginning of the year to start Nutrisystem around the beginning of May, in time for summer. Before starting NS I had IBS for probably 20 years or so. Synthroid heartburn. ... Sure: There are numerous ways digestive problems cause dizziness . I missed 2 weeks of work, 4 dr. visits and finally CT scan in the hospital all to figure out where this sudden dramatic abdominal pain was coming from. President, Bernstein Crisis Management Although this quantity aligns with the Daily Recommended Intake for fiber, many people do not consume this amount prior to joining the Nutrisystem weight loss program. While I still wanted to discuss the charge, he ended the call. I had read about the gas and digestive issues and could handle them but NOT the searing heartburn. . Like Jenny Craig, members of Nutrisystem are assigned a low calorie diet, relying on the companyâs pre-packaged meals to lose weight. What is funny, is that they will tell you they do not have any artificial ingredients in their foods (which I think is unbelievable). I am waiting for a reply but now I do not expect one. I started NS about 4 weeks ago. I have also been on NutriSystem for three weeks. This stuff isn’t food. This affordable dietitian-designed program will save you time and money. The problem is mostly with Nutrisystem's "shelf-stable" (no refrigeration necessary) line of meals, which are the only meals offered on the basic Nutrisystem plan. The rest of their stuff is on the same par.” – Becky, “The food taste like cardboard and the price is excessive for the type of food and the amount. I ordered it from QVC after hearing the glowing reviews. Now I find this!! I quickly became tired of this food.” – Susan, “The food is very carb heavy. No directions. The message I sent, when I felt a little more calm, has not been answered at all. Please know that I am in the process of looking into this further with the heads of our contact center and will be sure to reach back out to you as soon as we can with an update and resolution. Average weight loss per week: According to the Nutrisystem website, users can expect to lose up to 5 pounds the first week and between one and two pounds each week thereafter. But that’s what is happening. I completed my first day of nutrisystem today and am suffering from gas and stomach cramps. puhleeze. (866) 772-5552 Nuts are great sources of protein and other healthful nutrients, according to the Harvard School of Public Health, and can even help reduce the risk of heart disease when consumed regularly. for about 8 months now . Those who like seeing a “real person” and not just a “business persona” are the ones I like to work with. Thank you all for sharing your experiences eating NS. Tiffany, thanks for your comment and I’m sorry that, like me, you had to learn the hard way! I will have the results of the camera views in a few days but I will not be eating any more NS AFTER READING THESE BLOGS. The food tastes like cardboard. Boy, now I have images of Marie Osmond farting. They seem to “forget” to disclose a lot of information until after the fact. I finally called the NutriSystem number for customer service and having been extremely frustrated, I wanted to just cancel my order all together. I do have panic disorder, and my anxiety levels have been very high since starting the program. SHE DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR ME EXCEPT TO IGNORE A PAYING CUSTOMER AND MAKE ME EVEN MORE ANGRY, FRUSTRATED AND WANTING TO CANCEL!! Would not order again.”, “I signed up for the auto delivery for convenience, and after the first month tried to cancel before another delivery came. Very lucky food-borne can nutrisystem cause stomach problems and found your blog, I realize this is a crime that they do not my! After going carefully thru all that I have about 10lbs to loose and tried the 5 day product a ago. For Nutrisystem and immediately started feeling stomach discomfort such as gas, bloating, gas, sweating,,... 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