Predation by mongoose is a serious threat to nene (see Factor C discussion, above). Dogs in Hawaii are products of animals brought by Polynesians and later introductions of mixed or selected breeds from all over the world (Tomich 1986, p. 52). Low breeding rates (20 to 63 percent) and low nest success (44 percent) at several sites on Maui and Hawaii from 1979 to 1981 were likely attributable to poor quality or low availability of foods (Banko 1992, pp. Although the statute does not require the Service to make a “necessary and advisable” finding with respect to the adoption of specific prohibitions under section 9, we find that this regulation is necessary and advisable to provide for the conservation of the nene. The HDLNR noted that their 2017 count includes the most recent translocation efforts. How Hawaii Scores On Infectious Disease Threats. the official SGML-based PDF version on, those relying on it for Nene can become entangled or trapped in artificial hazards (e.g., old grass-covered fence wire; fishing line, predator traps; spilled tar) and some Start Printed Page 69933natural hazards (lava tube openings or deep depressions in ash deposits) (Banko et al. Efforts to protect nene, including predator control, are anticipated to continue into the foreseeable future. Please also see our response to comment (4). 0000003105 00000 n During the comment period, we received new information that indicates the recent volcanic activity from Kilauea on the island of Hawaii destroyed portions of nene habitat in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and some nearby areas. The Hakalau Forest NWR CCP includes the following goals: (1) Protect and maintain grassland habitat to support nene population recovery; and (2) collect scientific information (inventories, monitoring, research, assessments) necessary to support adaptive management decisions on both units of the Hakalau Forest NWR (USFWS 2010, pp. The Hawaii Endangered Species law (Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS) 195D) prohibits take, possession, sale, transport, or commerce in designated species. 412, 93rd Cong., 1st Sess. Additionally, it is still against both Federal and State law to harm, abuse, or kill a nene. Nene on Kauai have less genetic variation than birds sampled from six wild populations on Hawaii, Maui, and Kauai (Rave 1995, p. 87). Our Response: We concur that the range of nene has contracted; however, due to captive-rearing and release efforts, nene are now self-sustaining on the islands of Hawaii, Kauai, and Maui. Mortality is high in human-modified habitats due to increased predation, collisions, and human-caused accidents (Banko et al. The Kilauea Point CCP includes the following goals: (1) Protect, enhance, and manage the coastal ecosystem to meet the life-history needs of migratory seabirds and threatened and endangered species; (2) restore and/or enhance and manage populations of migratory seabirds and threatened and endangered species; and (3) gather scientific information (surveys, research, and assessments) to support adaptive management decisions (USFWS 2016, pp. Our Response: At the time of Kilauea's most recent activity (May 4, 2018), the April 2, 2018, proposed rule was in the comment period stage; therefore, volcanic activity was not addressed in the proposed rule. These factors limit suitable breeding and flocking habitat, constraining the recovery of nene populations. Regarding the “New City” plans on Kauai, this proposed development occurs in an area on Kauai that is currently at least partially developed, and nene are not known to occupy the project area nor adjacent areas. Third, Between 2011 and 2016, 646 nene were relocated from Kauai to Maui (48) and the island of Hawaii (598). Our Response: We agree that nene, and other birds, are a risk to aircraft and aircraft passengers. Between 2011 and 2016, 646 nene were translocated from Kauai to Hawaii (598 birds) and Maui (48 birds) to reduce aviation safety concerns at Lihue airport on Kauai. 2005, p. 12). These commenters support efforts to decrease motor vehicle strikes, as a lot occur in Hanalei Valley. 2012, p. 483). 10-16). 30-31; Rave et al. Nene use of highly altered landscapes and nonnative vegetation can significantly contribute to long-term viability of the population. Our Response: We have added unintentional take, specifically harassment, resulting from survey work that benefits and furthers the recovery of nene to the excepted forms of take under Intentional Harassment Not Start Printed Page 69936Likely to Cause Mortality or Direct Injury, below. Overuse for commercial, recreational, scientific, or educational purposes is not a threat to the nene. Register (ACFR) issues a regulation granting it official legal status. Continued monitoring of the occurrence of disease in nene populations, as well as early detection of avian botulism outbreaks or cases of avian influenza or WNV, should minimize the impacts of these threats. Our Response: As discussed below under comment (12), the Hawaii State Department of Land and Natural Resources (HDLNR) provided us an updated (2017) statewide nene population estimate of 3,252 birds, including 1,482 birds on Kauai, 1,104 birds on Hawaii, and 627 birds on Maui. Further, fitness on Kauai might be even higher if there was more genetic variation. Little fire ants have spread across the island of Hawaii with isolated locations on Kauai, Maui, and Oahu (Lee et al. Certain key populations are expected to maintain current levels or increase into the future if the current level of management is continued. The 4(d) rule will decrease this burden. During this time of year, both adults and goslings are flightless for a period of time and are especially vulnerable. For example, one or more criteria may be exceeded while other criteria may not yet be accomplished. Kauai remained mongoose-free when a planned introduction was aborted; however, there have been almost 350 reported sightings since 1968, and in 1976, a road-killed, lactating female was found on the island near Eleele (KISC 2016a, in litt. Under section 4(f)(1)(B)(ii), recovery plans must, to the maximum extent practicable, include “objective, measurable criteria which, when met, would result in a determination, in accordance with the provisions of [section 4 of the Act], that the species be removed from the list.” However, revisions to the Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants (adding, removing, or reclassifying a species) must be based on determinations made in accordance with sections 4(a)(1) and 4(b) of the Act. 73-74). Reduced funding beginning in 2009 restricted State funding support of HISC, resulting in a serious setback of conservation efforts (HISC 2009, in litt. Nene are often seen foraging along the edges of highways and ditches as a result of regular mowing and runoff from the pavement creating especially desirable grass in these areas. (4) Reporting and disposal requirements. This feature is not available for this document. This movement pattern is believed to have occurred historically (Banko et al. Economic Sanctions & Foreign Assets Control, Guiding Principles for Sustainable Federal Buildings and Associated Instructions, Diamond Sawblades and Parts Thereof From the People's Republic of China, Review of the Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards, The Public Musical Works Database and Transparency of the Mechanical Licensing Collective, Summer Food Service Program; 2021 Reimbursement Rates, Expanding Educational Opportunity Through School Choice, Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture, Implementation of Recovery Actions for the Nene, Population Viability Analyses and Mortality Rates, Factor A. 0000073362 00000 n We have added an analysis of the effects of volcanic activity to the nene under Factor A. Fortunately, nene were not nesting or molting during the time period of the eruption. He may, for example, permit taking, but not importation of such species,” or he may choose to forbid both taking and importation but allow the transportation of such species, as long as the prohibitions, and exceptions to those prohibitions, will “serve to conserve, protect, or restore the species concerned in accordance with the purposes of the Act” (H.R. When an infected mosquito bites an animal, the virus enters the animal and infects the central nervous system. Our Response: We agree that it is important to track genetic diversity and implement conservation efforts that enable nene populations across the species' range to maximize genetic diversity. 1991, pp. Techniques for such harassment may include the use of predator effigies (including raptor kites, predator replicas, etc. At the time the draft revised recovery plan was written, the statewide population was estimated at approximately 1,300 nene with populations on Hawaii (350), Maui (250), Kauai (620), and Molokai (55). As discussed in the proposed rule and this final rule, under Factor A, certain habitat stresses continue to exist, but as nene have proven adaptable to diverse native and human-modified habitats, it appears that, with active management, the extent and quality of existing breeding habitat is sufficient to support robust populations in multiple localities throughout the species' range. There are many paths to accomplishing recovery of a species, and recovery may be achieved without all of the criteria in a recovery plan being fully met. Degradation of lowland habitats used by nene began with Polynesian colonization (around 1,600 years ago) and has continued since European arrival over the past 200 years (Kirch 1982, pp. Subsequent reintroductions at low- and mid-elevation sites, first on the islands of Kauai and Hawaii, and more recently on eastern Molokai and western Maui, demonstrated the ability of nene to successfully become established in these areas. The reclassification of a listed species can only be completed by issuing a rule. More recent data indicate this is an ongoing issue both inside and outside park boundaries on Maui and Hawaii Island; the average annual number of nene killed by cars at Haleakala National Park was 1.2 ± 1.2 (from 1988 to 2011), and occurred at an average annual rate of 3 ± 2.39 at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and an adjacent State highway (from 2009 to 2016) (Bailey and Tamayose 2016, in litt. Thus, the foreseeable future in relation to management and biosecurity is largely dependent on the reliability of management commitments and funding for these purposes in coming decades. Control of introduced predators and habitat management are identified as two primary recovery actions for nene (USFWS 2004, p. 52). Three nene nests were discovered in October 2017, all of which were destroyed the following month by the first flood of the season (Luxner et al. On Kauai, typically the majority of vehicle strikes occur in Hanalei and Kilauea, where the largest proportion of the Kauai population occurs; however, the most recent strikes are occurring on the western side of the island. Additionally, nene receive protection under State law in Hawaii. Nene went through a prehistoric population bottleneck and have very low genetic diversity (Paxinos et al. Our Response: Under the 4(d) rule, law enforcement officers are allowed to aid or euthanize sick, injured, or orphaned nene; dispose of dead specimens; and salvage dead specimen that may be used for scientific study. As stated in the April 2, 2018, proposed rule and in this final rule, the establishment of a breeding population of mongoose on Kauai would significantly reduce the survival and reproduction of nene on Kauai and, as a result, would significantly increase the risk of extinction of nene. Hawaii's average annual population growth rate has since slowed to 0.7 percent per year, and is anticipated to slow to 0.5 percent by 2025 (Hawaii Department of Business, Economics, and Tourism (HDEBT) 2018, p. 2); however, existing demands for competing resources will persist. Over 4,000 specimens were collected from waterfowl, shorebirds, and other species from throughout the Pacific, and no highly pathogenic avian influenza was detected (Work and Eismueller 2007, p. 2). “Nene Crossing” postcards with “Slow Down” messages in different languages are handed out to vehicles entering the park. 1997, pp. If it cannot be recuperated, the care facility has the authority to euthanize the bird. Hawaiian ducks are also subject to threats from hybridization with introduced mallards. (ii) Intentional harassment means an intentional act that creates the likelihood of injury to wildlife by annoying it to such an extent as to significantly disrupt normal behavior patterns, which include, but are not limited to, breeding, feeding, or sheltering. Our Response: We are unable to comment on alleged or actual investigations. Nene habitat that occurs on NWRs is protected under the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997 and section 7 of the Endangered Species Act. Along with our partners, we will continue to implement current biosecurity efforts as well as seek innovative ways to continually improve such efforts to decrease the risk of mongoose establishing on Kauai. Feral dogs or unrestrained pets are known to take nene adults and goslings, and nene are particularly vulnerable to dogs because they have little instinctive fear of them (NRCS 2007, p. 6). In the course of habitat management activities, incidental take of nene may occur in the following manner: (1) Accidental crushing of non-flighted juveniles, goslings, or nests with eggs; (2) injury or death due to collisions with vehicles and equipment; (3) injury or death due to ingestion of plants sprayed with herbicides for conservation purposes or ingestion of fertilizers; (4) injury or death due to entanglement with landscaping materials or choking on foreign materials; and (5) injury or death of goslings if goslings are separated from parents because of disturbance by restoration activities (e.g., use of heavy equipment or mechanized tools). 0000001182 00000 n They stated that genetic testing would be best to determine the threat of inbreeding. Nene nests due to the different various threats to these offices is limited due to inadequate nutrition nene. 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