This initially upsets me because being in medicine has caused me to be a perfectionist, but my boss (who is also a woman) stated that all strong women in medicine get comments like this made about them. I grab a Market Salad from Chick-Fil-A and drive over to the clinic. I calculate all the errands I have to do in my head and where I need to go in order to get the most items at the fewest locations. 8 a.m. — The morning is spent rounding on laboring and postpartum patients with my attending physician. We are very close and FaceTime every day, if not multiple times a day. I hit a major milestone right before lunch with INBOX ZERO and do a little dance in my call room. We sit in a corner far away from the bar and both order a cocktail and get crispy Brussels sprouts and grilled avocado for appetizers. Since I will hardly see N. this weekend, I am going to surprise him at work with donuts and coffee for him and his employees. ($5.31 expensed). 6 p.m. — Get home, take the girls out, and walk them around the block. 2 p.m. — I get nervous as I pull up to the market that the coat rack will be gone but lo and behold, there it is sitting at the front in all its glory. 3 p.m. — Today is N.'s only day off during the week so he has been living it up (sleeping in). I went to bed last night with wet hair so naturally, it looks like a disaster. If patients are lucky enough to get seen after waiting in the ER, they are being treated in hallways and in the waiting rooms. Head back to clinic and find a catered lunch of wraps and salads. Please see the Pay Scale Tablefor payscales in approximate dollar amounts. resident physician: [ fĭ-zish´un ] an authorized practitioner of medicine, as one graduated from a college of medicine or osteopathy and licensed by the appropriate board; see also doctor . I purchase it and feel like a little kid on Christmas morning walking out the door and loading it into my car. I have a FaceTime date tonight at 6. T Look who decided to finally pass a second COVID-19 stimulus payment. She has been randomly vomiting since getting spayed two months ago. How did I not hear that? 8 a.m. — Even though I am not scheduled to see patients this morning in clinic, I get a call from my boss that the clinic has a ton of patients calling in and requesting appointments so I agree to head over to help out. Maybe my skin routine is working after all? Give N. a kiss and I'm out the door en route to the hospital with my mask. I also have OCPD so organizing all the packages by number satisfies my need for order. This coffee shop is entirely run by refugees and the coffee is amazing. Cheers to my seven-year-old hot pink Keurig and all the hard work she has put in for me over the years. As soon as I hit the parking lot, I get a page that pre-eclampsia from yesterday is no longer stable and needs to proceed to c-section quickly. The pandemic has been rough on him, including a recent non-COVID hospitalization. Resident III: $65,416 (In addition, up to $1,500 is provided to PGY III residents for ACOFP exam and permanent licensure in the state of Indiana.) 12 p.m. — Head back to clinic for another catered lunch as well as another round of interviews. I feed the girls each a Cheez-It and they go crazy. Doctor inboxes typically consist of medication refill requests, calls from patients that request a call back about a specific issue, billing issues, or labs that need to be called to patients. 12 p.m. — One last errand to run for the day. When I get home, I bring it inside and almost cry tears of joy because I am so happy. I hate wasting food, especially wine so I finish the glass. 10 a.m. — Drop off donuts and coffee for N. and his employees. The average medical resident is earning $63,400 annually, according to Medscape’s Residents Salary and Debt Report 2020, an increase of 3% from the $61,200 they earned in 2019. It's 62 degrees and sunny out in December. Monthly. This is one of his favorite meals and is so easy to make. 1 p.m. — It was going too smoothly today. Extra hours of sleep do wonders. 3 p.m. — Decide I am hungry so eat a questionably old bagged salad mix and add in feta, avocado, craisins, and cherry tomatoes. I treat wrapping presents like I am doing surgery and spend extra time making all the cuts and creases precise. Internists started at a median salary of $145,000, while pediatricians earned $162,000 and obstetrician-gynecologists earned $200,000. Just as the lecture starts, I get a page and back to the hospital we go. After nine months of COVID-19 gone wild, mass unemployment, an inadequate eviction moratorium, zero-ren, When celebrities first made headlines during the pandemic, it was for being recklessly self-absorbed and out of touch. Coffee brewed and makeup on. I am pumped that today is Friday and I have both Saturday and Sunday off, which is rare. I repeat: Six-hundred dollars. It would fit perfectly in our loft but I decide against it because of the expensive price. As I pick up the coffees, I say hello to my favorite and only barista in the shop who also happens to be one of the most consistent relationships I have. V She also said that men doctors rarely have this said about them and when said about men, it is usually meant as a compliment. Physician Salary + Benefits The Military provides benefits for physicians and their families competitive with what is offered in the civilian world. She is acting fine today though. It takes all morning to get the mommas and babies organized while I also admit two more laboring moms. Salary estimates are based on 36 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Resident Physician employees. The average salary for a Resident Physician is $54,964. H Any suggestions? I grab a tomato soup and salad while I talk to candidates. I will have to retake these boards every 10 years and this will be my first time taking them. N. and I have a tradition that he picks out my socks every day and I get to pick out his shirt. R N. will be late tonight even though we both left home over 12 hours ago. This is a purchase that will stick with me for a long time. We end up talking for about 30 minutes and I feel good about life again. I finally pull out my laptop and open a browser. I will be starting my fellowship in July and need to be board certified day one. I know I have about 10 minutes until cutting skin so I run to the cafeteria and grab a Chick-fil-A breakfast sandwich and stuff my face because I have not eaten breakfast yet. He is scared to leave the house so I try to FaceTime him as often as possible, which is never often enough. When I get home, scrubs come off and I'm in the shower decontaminating. N. and I are both out the door at 5:40 a.m. K A ranks number 1 out of 50 states nationwide for Resident Physician salaries. After interviews, I start my afternoon clinic and guess what, the pager goes off again. 4:45 a.m. — Morning! N. works for USPS and his job has been extremely stressful and exhausting since before the election. 8 p.m. — I start wine drunk texting my friends from the Midwest. B Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in Hong Kong SAR. 3 p.m. — Last errand of the weekend! 5 p.m. — What I have planned to do next is one of my favorite events of the year, CHRISTMAS PRESENT WRAPPING!! $60,795. I have a momma with pre-eclampsia and I need to decide whether to proceed with a c-section or see if she can wait. We always try to leave a healthy tip so the total ends up being $75.45 with $20 tip. I decide I am in a good mood and head out to Publix with reusable bags and a grocery list in hand. M Around 7:30, N. says he will be leaving soon so I pop chicken and broccoli in the oven and quinoa on the stove. 7 p.m. — N. calls me to say he is on his way home so cue the candles and making dinner. While the virtual interviews can sometimes be awkward and impersonal, I always try to engage the candidates as much as possible. An attending may also oversee the practice and education of medical students. I Get in the car, mask off, and put on hand sanitizer. I will probably pick something up when I run errands tomorrow. Dinner ends up being Cheez-Its and cottage cheese. But it’s a lit, Well, well, well. They named him Mr. I take a deep breath and remember I was in that position a few short years ago. Once I am safely in my room, I take off my N95 and goggles and cherish an apple and tea. I FaceTime N. and he laughs at me. Everyone is sitting in a huge conference room, six feet apart with masks on at all times. Hop in the shower and wash hair, exfoliate, shave, and moisturize. Monthly. I spend $43.41 at Target and get Ms. Meyers geranium hand soap, Nivea body wash, a new shower poof for N. (he won't shower without one! Get home afterwards and roll straight into bed after showering. No OR at least for today. Get ready and put on my daily socks. While getting ready, I FaceTime my mom who lives in Florida. I order my dad a mouse for his computer (free with an Amazon gift card) and order my godson a Jack in the Box for $24.73. Uneven skin tone, acne, roughness, and dry flaking skin have been issues daily. We have Subway, Chick-fil-A, and Starbucks all in the hospital so I end up frequenting those places. I get ready, leggings, Chacos, 3/4 zip, and ball cap and head out the door after taking the girls out. At 5:59, I prop up the iPad and call up my grandpa. N. texts me that he gets gas on the way home ($45). I end up waiting and mom stabilizes. I have not run errands or gotten groceries in about three weeks. There is no time guaranteed in my line of work to eat or drink water so every time I get the chance to eat a meal, I do. One of my favorite things to do with candidates is to have them go grab their dog, cat, or favorite memento and tell me about it. I graduate residency in June and start my fellowship in July and couldn't be more excited! D N.'s sister sent me a shopping cart of all their wish lists and I have a mini heart attack when I see the total is over $1,100. (Family physicians were the most requested specialty among all of those tracked, for the 13 th year in a row.) Filter by location to see Resident Physician salaries in your area. We discuss the weather and he tells me stories of when he was in the military and was stationed in Tennessee close to where N. and I live now. Last time N. and I were at the market, he purchased one of these handmade prints from his favorite anime show and made a comment that he wanted to come back and get the rest. While this ad initially enraged me and made me want to burn all my scrubs, I decided to keep them because then I would have nothing to wear to work. I know this is for the best, but it makes me a little sad. The average resident salary in 2017 was $57,200, compared with the average pay of $247,319 for licensed medical doctors, with a specialty in internal medicine. I take my constructive compliment to mull over while I eat the cold Subway sandwich. I head out to the porch, throw out our pumpkins, and clean up the fall decorations. While I always wear my mask while in public and N95 while with patients, I am desperate to get my skin looking healthy again. He asks me to come to help out if I can. $4,517.83. Resident Physician average salary is $56,508, median salary is $56,279 with a salary range … I get him a t-shirt in his favorite color and some stickers for his laptop. There were many errands I needed to run but it was a $0 spend day. 1. Visit PayScale to research resident physician salaries by city, experience, skill, employer and more. Leggings, Chacos, vest, and ball cap and we're good to go. I begin to work on documentation from the morning. I have a flight booked to go see him this Christmas (more on this later) and I'm scared he will die before I ever see him again. I take some chicken and broccoli out of the freezer to defrost with pure intentions of making a healthy dinner sometime this weekend. Y The average first-year resident makes around $60,000, and there’s not much wiggle room. ), Covergirl loose face powder, Revlon jade eyeliner (looks amazing on hazel colored eyes), and a box of hair dye. N. and I have a shared credit card that gives us rewards monthly to use at any of the brands the card owns. The average salary for first year medical residents is $56,150 per year, according to the AAMC’s 2018-2019 Survey of Resident/Fellow Stipends and Benefits. The average salary for a Resident Physician in Philippines is ₱586,189. He tells me all about his day while we are winding down and getting ready for bed. V Take the girls out to do their business and then hop in the car. I requested face masks because since the pandemic started, I have been having troubles with the skin on my face around where my masks sit. Thank you to everyone who has had a physician cancel an appointment on them and for being understanding about it. I am a huge sparkling water fan and actually brought a pallet of La Croix into work so the fridge is always stocked. Lunch today is a baked potato bar and a La Croix brought from home. Average Resident Physician salary is $56,508 Detailed Resident Physician starting salary, median salary, pay scale, bonus data report ranked by Date, page 2 I wake up 15 minutes earlier than usual to straighten my hair. This is something I have been working towards my whole life and it feels appropriate to celebrate. I start to get emotional as I realize that we are going to spend another holiday alone in a city with no family or friends. According to Medscape's Residents Salary and Debt Report 2019, the average medical resident made $61,200 in 2019. $55,992. A huge perk of working at this hospital is that I get a meal card during residency that I can use to buy food, coffee, snacks at all times of the day so I end up never having to buy food while at work. I know tomorrow will be a big spending day which I am now not looking forward to. Mental note to send them a thank you card this week. I have a history of getting dizzy/nauseous in the OR and will always make myself eat something before operating now to avoid passing out. I usually end up washing one load a day because N. seems to produce an extraordinary amount of dirty clothes. I love Tennessee. I decided on Target and my neighborhood's local goods market. It's made from vintage red wine barrels and has dark metal hooks. 12:30 p.m. — I have to head over to the clinic to see scheduled patients this afternoon but swing by the hospital cafeteria on the way. His ears must work! I hate having to do this, but also I have to advocate for the safety of my mommas and babies. Today is an interview day and we are virtually interviewing candidates to possibly be part of the next class of residents. I can see their faces light up when I do this and I love seeing everyone's animals (we cannot ask about children or spouses). We Checked In With Some Of The Most Popular Money Diarists Of 202... A Week In Tennessee On A $142,000 Joint Income, A Week In Alaskan Bush On A $60,000 Salary, A Week In Portland, OR, On A $122,000 Joint Income. P Lululemon currently has an extra 25% off for military and healthcare workers so my total for everything is only $49.98. 8 p.m. — N. finally gets home so I make the impromptu breakfast sandwiches. Those two mommas from earlier? One of my patients asks me how old I am because she told me I look 13 years old. F 8.5 million company & government reported. Grad school was one of the darkest periods of my life, mentally and emotionally, and they supported me unconditionally. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. With PPE in already such limited supply, I try to keep mine clean as long as possible. G I start by making turkey meatballs but realize I have no breadcrumbs. Salary 7/1/2020 to 6/30/2021 PGY1 - $69,209 PGY2 - $72,670 PGY3 - $76,303 Salary 7/1/2019 to 6/30/2020 PGY1 - $65,268 PGY2 - $68,531 PGY3 - $71,958 Vacation Four weeks, at the discretion of the department and I love candles, okay. It's the small things that make me happy. We will send you an email to access your personalized report. I get called urgently from Labor and Delivery and have to rush back to the hospital for an emergency c-section. Sorry for adding more work, N.! Cuddle the girls for a bit and then get a FaceTime from N. that his workload is huge today. Before I had dogs, I didn't understand how hard it is to say no to begging puppy eyes, but now I will give them human treats daily. Car wash, swing by the local donut shop and get an assortment, then to the local coffee shop next door for multiple coffees. 4:45 a.m. — Cuddle the girls and I'm up by 5. These Are The $600 Stimulus Check Memes That Are Making Us Laugh ... Is Kim Kardashian West Really Giving Away $500,000? 10:45 a.m. — I have a meeting/quarterly review with my boss today at 11 so I hightail it to Subway and grab a sandwich to eat after the meeting. It's a huge bonus for N. and me because we buy all of his work clothes and my leisure clothes from these brands and we usually pay nothing. 'S made from vintage Red wine barrels and has dark metal hooks have loved Clinique since college am... Of $ 138,000, while pediatricians earned $ 162,000 and obstetrician-gynecologists earned $ 200,000 mentally and,. Name I draw is a purchase that will stick with me for a rack... Here and everything from nursing staff to PPE is running low for scrubs because I not! 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