Tata Power Limited is an Indian electric utility company based in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India and is part of the Tata Group. So it seems they would be the best source, if you have ’em. Click here to know more. Technical standards … The last meter reading by Tata Power was on 22nd February while Adani’s was on 6th March. Financial Performance. Zwift Insider is independent of Zwift corporate (www.zwift.com), although Zwift does provide funding to help defray site costs. No biggie- I’m not required to dual record but it would be a cool feature to use. The file that goes to your head unit needs to be uploaded to ZwiftPower. Sounds like your account isn’t connected to ZwiftPower anymore. In a consumer-friendly step, Tata Power Delhi Distribution (Tata Power-DDL) has introduced meter-reading service via WhatsApp. Tata Power says it will be able to reduce non-revenue expenses through quick detection of meter tampering and accurate power billing. You can now fine-tune that graph if you’d like using the Time shift and crop tool. Power sector experts said that South Mumbai electricity consumers will have to wait longer as Tata Power does not have its own network in the island city area. It may be helpful to zoom in a bit so you can line up the two sources nicely, then just click “Reset Zoom” at the top-left to see the full graph once more. Know more about the connection related services of Tata Power-DDL. Eric Schlange, Webmaster He lives in Northern California with his beautiful wife, two kids and dog. Tata Power team would take a note of the Reliance meter’s reading, switch off your power, pull out Reliance Energy’s meter and put their own. Tried this for the first time today and my Tacx Vortex Smart is about 6% higher than my single sided 4iiii Power meter which is not what I was expecting. This will take you to a page showing a graph of the data from your two power sources. Interesting, waiting for my 4iiii left crank to arrive to supplement my Tacx Vortex (and use it outdoors too of course !) Then your training is consistent. Download Tata Power Mumbai App and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Dual recording is especially popular among top Zwift racers because it streamlines the performance verification process. "At present, Tata Power has a network in a few areas of South Mumbai from which a few consumers will benefit. I used to use GoldenCheetah to compare pedal power and Direto. Tata Power is the largest power generation company in India aimed at providing uninterrupted power supply from its various plants located across India. So when I upload the .fit from my watch or Elemnt it only shows my power meter read but there is no comparison data. It should be quite a bit smaller. Thanks for bringing it to our attention Eric. You should be able to get a fit file out of your Garmin setup. You may also use Time shift and crop to crop the power data, so you can be sure numbers like “Average power” are being pulled from the same time in the activity. ZwiftPower has a tool accessible under Your Profile>Analysis which makes comparing two .fit files from two different power sources easy. 3:49 . phpFITFileAnalysis->readHeader(): not a valid header size! Tata Power will use the chat-based messaging and data management tool to coordinate communications between its employees, vendors, partners and Mumbai-consumers. MUMBAI: Billionaire Gautam Adani’s foray into power distribution has begun with a social media offensive, with the Congress party and some consumers accusing his company of increasing the bill sharply in October. “A man with two clocks never knows what time it is…”. 5) Wheeling Charge: The tool also helps you find out how your bill gets impacted if you move from Reliance Energy to Tata Power in Mumbai. Invalid readings/delayed submissions of readings cannot be used for billing purposes, in such events the billing for the corresponding month will be estimated as per regulations. Thanks Eric, I had no idea this was available on ZwiftPower. You can expect crank or pedal power to be higher than trainer due to losses in the drivetrain. This entire process takes less than 5 minutes. More and more Zwifters have the ability to record power data from two different sources: most commonly a smart trainer plus a power meter installed on their bike. All the activities I see in the “Use .fit file from Zwift Activity” menu are old activities from May. Pedal or crank powermeters could be secondary. It also includes additional graphs for elevation, heart rate, cadence, and critical power curves from both devices. Once your files are nicely aligned and cropped, you have a rich data set you can use to compare your two power sources. How can I tell, which is the correct? Hi Eric- I’d like to start using the tool but my .fit files in the drop down don’t include my races (whereas those races are included in the ‘assign’ drop down). Have you used the compensation for difference in power between you left leg and There for I would argue that that the direct drive trainers powermeter are the best source for Zwift. If those are the numbers you see, chances are both power sources are quite accurate. Average power and normalised power within 1 watt. License Area Mumbai; Maithon Power Limited; Jojobera; Investor Relations. A dumb trainer with a PM could have an ~8% advantage over the rider using the Smart trainer internal PM (assuming +/- 2% accuracy and 4% drive train losses, the PM reading slightly above and the Smart trainer reading slightly below) at 250w could mean a difference of 20w which can be the difference of a B cat moving to an A cat and Winning or losing races…. Ride All Zwift Routes and Get All the Badges in 12 Week... Matchmaking: How a Simple System Could Revolutionize Zw... Sticky Watts: Why They Exist, and How They Affect the Z... Rubber-Banding in Group Rides: the Mysterious TEST_BIT_... How to Race on Zwift (Setup, Strategy, and More), https://zwiftpower.com/analysis.php?set_id=37101, Shop for a trainer using our Smart Trainer Index, Finish and save your ride (on Zwift and your bike computer), Click Analysis>Create New Data Set from your ZwiftPower profile page, Select your activity from “Use .fit file from Zwift Activity”, Choose which power source was used for your Zwift activity (or enter the name of a new power source), Optional: assign this analysis to a Zwift event you entered by choosing the event from the corresponding dropdown, Add a comparison file from your computer, and select which power source to associate with that file (or enter the name of a new power source). If the 4iiii is the higher one, at least you’re in the neighborhood. However I know which I will be using when I race!! Irl power is eventually put in to speed at the moment it hits the road. See details here: https://zwiftpower.com/analysis.php?set_id=37101. A great tool! It’s called “dual recording” in the land of Zwift because riders are recording the data from two different power meters. The smart meters will be deployed by Indian utility Tata Power in Mumbai. This community-driven site is maintained by Eric Schlange and a team of Zwift enthusiasts. Now I am more confused than I was to start with. Another aspect is the delay in the power readings. I get you can have more than 1 source, but this assumes you have 2 sources of information on your computer not just one going to a head unit & 1 going to zwift which creates a file. Not because it explains how to use the zwiftpower analysis, but because it says that it’s quite common to see around 10 watts of difference between your two power sources! Thanks, Eric. Possibility to smooth the power values would be very usefull. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Opinion: Results-Based Categorization (Race Categories, Part 3), Throwback Thursday: the First Zwift Rides. Do you know how to solve this problem? as I hope it will remove the delay in the power readings on Zwift, maybe 3/5 seconds. ‘Pay power bills only after 21-day lockdown ends; meter-reading, offline payments suspended’ mumbai Updated: Mar 27, 2020, 22:45 IST I also wrote in the “Zwift power” forum and they answer that the activities have to be saved as public. depending on zwift servers, you still have a lag time. Thanks a lot for your interest! See a recent dual power data set I created >. Providing a second source of recorded power data will, in many cases, streamline the performance verification process. Financial Performance. The average power difference between the 2 sources is only 0.08%. Does anyone have a problem with the 2Mb uploading limit for the secondary file? Nah, Zwift just looks at the combined number. Mumbai has nearly 32 lakh residential power consumers and around eight lakh commercial consumers. Zwift Insider is independent of Zwift corporate (. The messages i´ve received are: file ‘/tmp/phpLozaxV’ is over 2mb! Share your thoughts below! Tata Power-DDL Introduces Meter Reading Service Through WhatsApp Date : Jun 21, 2018 •Consumers can now send meter readings along with photograph on the dedicated WhatsApp number – 9667558009 •The service has been introduced to help consumers in case the readings are not captured from the site due to non-availability of consumer I also recorded a race on Garmin Edge 810 using Vector for power. If you have any other suggestions, I’m all ears! Tata Power installs first net metering for the rooftop Solar System This is the first installation of net meter by Tata Power in its Mumbai distribution area under the procedure outlined in the MERC. Eric, maybe pedals give the best actual readings, but maybe aren’t the best source. Wow! Tata Power –DDL Know Your Meter - Duration: 3:49. ‎The official app of Tata Power, a self-service facility for the enthusiastic users & reckoning force of Digital India. My heart says stick with the Kickr for training as it may be more accurate (? Just enter the number of seconds in the “Offset” box and you’ll see the graphed lines move. TATA POWER DELHI DISTRIBUTION LIMITED Checklist for Net Meter Application Feasibility assessment for renewable energy system TPDDL Business Services Group JUNE 2015 Checklist for consumers to comply with process and documentation needed for grid-connected rooftop solar PV plant with TPDDL Distribution System through Net Meter as per DERC Guidelines for Net Metering. Downloaded both .fit files from Garmin connect and fed it to ZwiftPower. I’m not sure what to do with this information. This is really interesting… I have a Vector 2 dual side power meter and a Saris Hammer smart trainer. Posted by Eric Schlange | Feb 13, 2020 | Tips & Tricks | 57. If perhaps you started recording your ride on your computer a few seconds after your Zwift activity began, this tool lets you easily shift the data by X seconds. Comparing the power numbers from one power meter to those from another helps ensure that both are accurate. 22 Jun 2020-Mumbai Tata Power issues a Guide to customers to understand how bills are being generated post lifting of lockdown ~Consumer Awareness on Bills generated based on actual meter readings ~ In view of lockdown announced by the Government due to COVID19 Pandemic, Honorable Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC) had issued Practice Directions for the … Eric runs Zwift Insider in his spare time when he isn't on the bike or managing various business interests. Additionally, the growth of Zwift racing as a sport should drive the adoption of dual recording as a standard for serious indoor racers. My file is a .tcx from garmin connect and it is 3Mb. (or maybe none is correct and real power is somwhere else?). As mentioned in the article, they is a good chance they are both correct. Does yhe Stages PM have a compensation setting for difference in power between your left leg and your right leg? One calibrates etc their power meter with their head set (eg Vector on garmin edge) just before they do work. Would love your thoughts, please comment. I pair the Direto when Zwifting but still use the pedals on my Garmin so can always see a live reference (and see things like averages, max and NP whilst riding). I am not sure if Zwift is capable of handling dual-sided data. And I dont use zwiftpower, cause a results list, that only shows some riders and not everybody in the race is useless for me. I have tried to upload a couple of file the past few days and nothing seems to be happening. An official from the power company explained that since MSEDCL stopped taking meter readings from March 23 due to the lockdown, the difference between the reading … In the settings on the 4iiii I have mine set at 1.030 which allows a 3% compensation. The reviewers will analyze both sources of data to confirm that the power readings are accurate. One question, I know one can calibrate / set off/spin down etc their smart trainer, on zwift, when they pair up the trainer as the power source. I’m waiting for my 4iiii crank to arrive to see if it improves on the annoying delay (3/5 seconds) I’m getting with my Tacx Vortex between the time when I apply/lower power and get it on Zwift, makes it hard to work well in a pack during a race ! National Presence; International Presence; Subsidiaries, JVs & Associates ; Awards & Recognitions; Regulatory. phpFITFileAnalysis->__construct(): file ‘/tmp/phpsTmydC’ is over 2mb! Thanks for the reply. Tata Power Centenary; Policies and Charters; Constitutional Document; Code of Conduct; Milestones; Worldwide. Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra • Remote ₹4,000 - ₹7,000 a month. It’s impossible to know if your power numbers are accurate when you don’t have another power meter reading to compare them to. This community-driven site is maintained by Eric Schlange and a team of Zwift enthusiasts. i´m using garmin files from garmin connect and trainingpeak files. Dual recording will keep growing in popularity as more riders obtain on-bike power meters to use outdoors and compare with their smart trainer data. Tata Power billed for the three months March, April and May, based on the last reading while Adani Electricity based it on the average of the previous three readings. But there’s definitely a sort of… “advantage of the 1-percenters” thing…. This website is best viewed on IE 11+, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome & Safari, Whatsapp 9594519122 : say Hi and choose “Submit Meter Reading” option, SMS us, send: MR to 7065313030. Trying to follow the guideline of the article, when I open the “Use .fit file from Zwift Activity” to choose the activity there are not recent activities. Can you help? To provide accurate meter reading and billing to our customers, automatic meter reading system (AMR) is available to all customers > = 11 KW, while all other customers are billed on the basis of a mobile based reading recording system. I have two results : 1 from Wahoo Core and 2 from my 4iiii. Can’t wait to do this, I’m pretty sure my smart trainer reads 50 watts too low . Did you notice any improvements in that respect ? Is this feature on zwiftpower stil operational. The core business of the company is to generate, transmit and distribute electricity. Actress Renuka Shahane also took to Twitter and questioned how her electricity bill had risen from Rs 5,510 in May to Rs 29,000 in June That was the reason not to see them in the “Use .fit file from Zwift Activity” as all my activities were saved as only visible for followers. I hope this explanation in usefull for people with the same problem reading Zwiftinsider. hi. Now i know that it’s normal and both my power sources are accurate! I wish we could use dual-sided power meter data as well. I don’t have a power meter, I’m just asking. Rates are different for single-phase and three-phase connections. This would throw off the average power numbers, so cropping that bike computer data file fixes things.). I cant find recent activities in the option “Use .fit file from Zwift Activity”. They produce both conventional and renewable energy to meet the country's growing power needs. Current Reading Date Previous Reading Date MF Units Consumed A B (A-B)*C 9350 17.07.2015 9000 16.06.2015 1 350 Same Step 2 Calculation of bill period (Slab) Bill period (Slab) is calculated for the purpose of fixed charge calculation and bifurcation of units in case of block / tariff / category change. If I use my Vector pedals as my power source on Zwift would I then have to record the Kickr power on my head unit? The most important thing is to use the same power source consistently. For me with my Wahoo ELEMNT that means I email the ELEMNT’s fit file to myself, then upload it to ZwiftPower. Do you dual-record? Hello, I recently own a Kickr V5.0 and I want to do a dual comparison between the Kickr power and the Power2Max of the bike. Submit Your Meter Reading. That’s odd. If you do not want to receive estimated bills you may submit your meter reading as below: Elektra : Click here; Whatsapp 9594519122 : say Hi and choose “Submit Meter Reading” option ; SMS us, send: MR to 7065313030 Note: Only correct readings sent within the pre-billing period can be taken up for billing. Compared my Elite Direto to my Garmin Vector 3 pedals. For me, the “Use fit file from Zwift activity” list is early the same as the “ Assign to a Zwift Event you entered” list. License Area Mumbai; Maithon Power Limited; Jojobera; Investor Relations. (Sometimes you might save your Zwift ride but keep spinning for a minute and recording the power on your bike computer. How do you save a 2nd power source to your computer though? This raises other questions like which power source should be selected when racing? phpFITFileAnalysis->__construct(): file ‘/tmp/phpsTmydC’ is over 2mb! It’s not a fool-proof method either, but what you want to see is your bike-based power meter (usually pedal or crank-based) reading a bit higher than your smart trainer due to small friction losses in your drivetrain. Good to know as I’m waiting for my 4iiii but how do you know your imbalance ? ZP makes it much easier! Both are getting more and more accurate so readings should be similar but still some people might notice a gap between both which is usefull info when you transition from indoors to outdoors and visa versa. Really great info, thank-you! Follow on Strava. This will not be applicable if you pay for the meter cost at the time of taking the connection. This includes the zoomable power graph as well as numbers for Average, Normalized, and Maximum Power. U.K. firm CyanConnode Holdings, a specialists in narrowband radio mesh networks that enable internet of things (IoT) communications, has won a new purchase ordersfor 10,400 smart meters from Larsen & Toubro (L&T), which will expand the deployment of CyanConnode’s smart metering solution at Tata Power Mumbai… S N Engineers. Experienced riders can sometimes “feel” if the numbers aren’t accurate, but this is far from a reliable method, and it doesn’t help newer riders who haven’t trained enough with power to know what holding 2.5w/kg or 300 watts feels like. Is there a written source that mentions it? Settings are all as they should be but I have re-set and refreshed mu ZP account a couple of times. Thanks Eric for this post. My 4iii goes to 0 much quicker than my Elite trainer. I’ve used GoldenCheetah too. This site contains affiliate links to Amazon, Wahoo, and other brands. Back; Our Company. Zwift doesn’t currently have the ability to record two different power sources, so riders will record one power source on Zwift, and the second on their bike computer (Garmin, Wahoo ELMNT, etc). Can anyone explain me why and how to… Read more ». If that first list doesn’t include your Zwift race, I would think that means the connection between Zwift and ZwiftPower isn’t working properly for you. The Rabbit hole deepens, Yes it does! Before we dig into how ZwiftPower’s tool works, let’s look at why dual recording is becoming popular among Zwifters. If you do not want to receive estimated bills you may submit your meter reading as below: Note: Only correct readings sent within the pre-billing period can be taken up for billing. National Presence; International Presence; Subsidiaries, JVs & Associates ; Awards & Recognitions; Regulatory. With an installed electricity generation capacity of 10,577 MW, it is India's largest integrated power company. Maybe make sure you’ve got permissions set up right to share data with ZP, under your my.zwift.com profile? Reconnect it via the Connections page at my.zwift.com, or via Companion. In case of a grid failure, the Islanding System ensures uninterrupted power supply within the city limits. Short answer: you don’t! No meter reading, so give average power bills, fix glitches: MERC Coronavirus in Mumbai update: Today's news from your locked-down city Neeti Mohan-Rahul Dua go #FullOn with Galaxy F41. The difference in 20min power is not constant between the power meters! Reassuring that everything is nicely aligned. For Zwift today I used Vector for power and cadence and Saris only for smart features. And there are only feew of them. If so, do you use ZwiftPower or other tools to compare files? Tata power worked on a state-of-the-art IoT AMI solution to provide power measurement parameters such as instantaneous, load profile, tamper and billing information on periodic manner. The annoying bit is matching start and end times. ), my head is telling me to use the Stages for Zwift racing . Yep i’m a DC analyzer subscriber and always use at least 3sec smoothing when comparing. Previous Meter Reading Date 27/12/2020 Meter Reading * - Reason * --SELECT-- Assesed reading Bill not recieved since commencement of gas Bill recieved on actual consumption but reading differs Flat generally not occupied Not available at home during the office hours MUMBAI: Reliance Infrastructure and Tata Power Company are locked in a tussle to win the power meters of over 28 lakh Mumbaikars. Even taking drive-chain losses into account this seems like a lot. It’s odd- my ‘zwift activity’ has only a small selection of my racing but most (if not all) of my other activities (such as meet ups and workouts). Thank you! Zwift’s eRacing Rules say: … riders are strongly encouraged to record a second source of power data. I use Neo and Vector2 and have until know updated an excel with power values for 1,2,5,10,15,20,30 and 60min taken from Strava and compared the two power meters. At the core of reliable power supply to the city is the unique 'Islanding System' pioneered by Tata Power, due to which the city of Mumbai has the advantage of assured uninterrupted reliable supply of power. ZwiftPower’s analysis tool makes it easy to upload your power files and compare them to make sure your numbers are accurate. Such a great tool – a really nice feature. Also I read that it varies based on the intensity/fatique ?