Translations in context of "zigzag line" in English-French from Reverso Context: The two other bands are identical: blue imbricated palmettes form a zigzag line in gold. Is it possible to take the bus around crossing the zigzag? proceeding or formed in a zigzag: zigzag stitches. An example of a zigzag is a stitch on sewing machine. with frequent sharp turns from side to side; in a zigzag manner: The … If a part needs to be shortened with a break for ease of visibility, a break can be made using this line. Originally in English used … All rights reserved. Traditional Meanings: European (Judeo-Christian) Changes of behavior if see zigzags â The dream of zigzags means frequent changes of your own mood. Parking on pavements also has their own issues with the law, particularly in London where it’s prohibited. Hello John, All Years If the yellow zig zags have a time plate sign as described above to restrict parking and also the restriction placed by the single yellow line. The road in question has few places otherwise to change lanes before a carpark on the right. An Archimedean spiral is, for example, generated while coiling a carpet.. A hyperbolic spiral appears as image of a helix with a special central projection (see diagram). There are always several meanings of each word in Hindi. zigzag (Noun) one of such sharp … Length - lines can be long or short. A squiggly or zigzag line in piano music can be a mordent (or shake), a trill, a glissando, or an arpeggiated chord. White zig zags lines are classed as dual enforcement restriction, this means the council can issue tickets to vehicles parked in contravention, likewise the Police can also issue to vehicles parked in contravention. Copyright © 2010 by Seen a zig zag road. 6 synonyms of zigzag from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 11 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Expertly he zigzagged his way across the field. Continuous Thin Zigzag Line. To see the zig zag slant to the right means that you will be on the correct path of the soul. They create excitement and intense movement. zig•zag. A zigzag is a pattern made up of small corners at variable angles, though constant within the zigzag, tracing a path between two parallel lines; it can be described as both jagged and fairly regular.. From the point of view of symmetry, a regular zigzag can be generated from a simple motif like a line segment by repeated application of a glide reflection. For further information on the types of zig zag lines found outside of schools and other government facilities, see: Road markings must be clear and in most cases follow a criteria for size, spacing and dimensions. (línea: ángulos opuestos) (line) zigzag n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. On the approach to a crossing, it is illegal to overtake any moving leading vehicle, or the leading vehicle which has stopped in compliance with the crossing area. The first pangs start early in December with the nostalgia rush I get upon spotting dinky net bags of mixed nuts for sale. A set of regular zigzag lines is called a chevron or herringbone pattern, and irregular zigzag lines are typically called a flamestitch pattern. The Fixed Penalty Notice issued by the police is £100 with 3 penalty points. A line drawn in a zigzag shape makes a lot of short, sharp turns. The kids ran in zigzags around the playground. Zigzag definition, a line, course, or progression characterized by sharp turns first to one side and then to the other. Last 100 years zigzag nm nombre masculino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente masculino, que lleva los artículos el o un en singular, y los o unos en plural. A zigzag is a pattern made up of small corners at variable angles, though constant within the zigzag, tracing a path between two parallel lines; it can be described as both jagged and fairly regular.. From the point of view of symmetry, a regular zigzag can be generated from a simple motif like a line segment by repeated application of a glide reflection. This simple Native American symbol packs powerful meaning. zigzag: A line or course that proceeds by sharp turns in alternating directions. If there is no sign present, it is not enforceable and as these a dealt with local council, action is civil and not criminal, therefore the penalty is not endorsable. Hello Callum, We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The word zigzag describes the shape of a line. While you type, the Format Consistency Checker can make automatic changes to the document format with the AutoFormat command. if they were prosecuted then their justification would be looked at in the same way as yours would if you had committed the offence. 2) Single continuous yellow line along the side of the road - No parking between 7:00am to 7:00pm on this side of the road except on Sundays and Public Holidays. You enjoyed the dream. Amaze your friends with your new-found knowledge! ZigZag or Wavy Lines in the Visual Field Causes, Treatments We see the world around us through a visual mechanism that involves complex interactions between various structures in our eyes and our brain. These lines can add energy, life and excitement to an interior.