rgds. Cat fish கெழுத்தி மீன் Nandu Crab Koimeen or nunalai Five spot herring . In UK its known as Vietnamese river cobbler, basa, pangasius, panga. Pillai sura Yellow dog-shark Small SADRINE thick gravy is good. . Good work.It would be helpful for me if you can tell me english name for a fish called Korrameena(telugu name).It is a fresh water fish. Best season July to September . . It was indeed great to find all our local fish names in English. 123 பாரை – கட்டாப் பாரை, தோல்பாரை, தேரா leather skin fish, leather jacket fish, queenfish . I don’t know anything about its content, check with your doctor! Yet had to give up as just the 32 km made many differences between us. snapper fish…i love it when it is in tamil hahaha.. Just a small correction. I don’t think it is available in Chennai or anywhere else in India but abundantly available in US. Shoorai meen is contain lot of blood so it like beet root. Bengalis relish this fish very much. . Kallikkai, chippi Oyster,clam Yellow Tuna கீரை மீன், whats the name of salomon in tamil pls help me its very improtant, Indian Salomon is called Kaara Meen in Tamil, Can anyone tell me the tamil name of Swordfish in french it is Espadon, lake trout in tamil . . Although I am not a fish fan I would like to know those names. Hi, Thanks for your answer. . If you got to know the other language names, kindly let me know. Salmon is mavilasi in Tamil , as someone pointed out it is ver rare to catch in Indian waters. Isn’t that true??? Shallots( small onions)- 15nos. Frozen fish sucks, I mostly rely on Tilapia, a farm raised fish, which suits for all Indian preparations. மீன் வகையல்ல Thanks a lot. Mullai, . Parai Trevally, malabar trevally but in a previous comment dated 6th feb 2014, sridar has said its “KAALAA” in tamil, now which is right? 50 கெண்டை – புல் கெண்டை, புல்லுக் கெண்டை Kendai – Pul kendai Grass carp (Chinese Carps) Ctenopharyngodon idella Most common fish available in Coimbatore area, as the city is far from seashore. I am working in 17th-century Dutch materials. 59 கெண்டை – மடவைக் கெண்டை blue spot mullet in our home town a fish named panni saathan what is it english name and it has very good taste. U r doing a great job. 62 கெழுறு Keluru, Keliru, Mandai Kaleru Cat fish மீன் பெயர்கள். hi ayesha, normally we’re used to buy at our nearest fish market. Bought Milk fish last week and it taste like our thuppi vaalai fish(that what we call in Kanyakumari Dist.). really a great work.thanks!, i am in singapore.bcos of not knowing the names of fishes in tamil i used to cook vanjarai and vavval.its going to be a good use to me. hey all of u mackerel is also called as ille or may be spelled as eille….thank u. Ram is right, viraal is of course Snakehead murrel, but i still like to tell that viraal is different than kadalviraal (another name for Seer-vanjaram). Kilangan fish( or any small sized fish)- 500gms. Please aloso refer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_mackerel#Nutrition_and_processing on the same Wikipedia page for the mercury related information. 120 பன்னா Panna, Kalava Cod . It called Silver belly or Pony fish. I was seeking this particular information for a long time. 100 டொல்பின் Dolphin பாலூட்டி. Kilangan,kelangan,kilachi Whiting,smelt Can you clue me.. as to how it taste like, any Indian fish taste matches this?? Kilanga Meen (கிழங்கா மீன்), Kilachi (கிளாச்சி) Yellowfin Tuna: Keerai (கீரை மீன்) Fish Food. Thuppu vaalai,mullu vaalai Wolf herring Thanks! . Divya, its a vietnamese fish somewhat same family as catfish (keluthi meen) Thanks. I am in NewZealand and it was very difficult to understand what the fishes are. Seepu thiratai Spade fish Hi…can someone tell me the Tamil name of CLAMS?I am looking for recipes with clam meat (not clams in shell) and I am not able to search this site because I am not aware of the name in Tamil.I need a yummy clam recipe with just clam meat.Someone please help. . . sea water fishes . . If some of the fish names is wrong, please tell me to correct. . . THANKS ONCE AGAIN. Can u guys help me, i juz want to know common name of bred gilt head 11 இறால், எரா Eral, Iraal Prawn – Indian white shrimp Penaeus indicus Viral Meen - Butter fish,murrel Vaalai-ribbon fish Vilongu-eel Vavwall -Pomfret Vanjaram Meen -King fish,Seer fish 24 இறால், எரா – சென்னா கூனி, சென்னாக்குனி, சென்னக்கூனி, கூனியிறால் Channa Kooni, Cennakkuni, Kuniyiral Paste Shrimp, Baby shrimp Crangon vulgaris Good work, For dolphin-Oangal is the Tamil word. Type there in Tamil and copy and paste it. http://fisc.er.usgs.gov/Snakehead_circ_1251/html/channa_striata.html, THanks so much .. Hi Salmon looks almost like vajiram/neimeen in shape but having yellowish anterior portion. Hats off to Mullai. but i’m sure there must be a small confusion, within “Porundhalai” (shown in the picture of Red.S) and within Kaaruva and Sankara. What is the mutty (முட்டி) fish called as in english?? Hey hi, i ve this same doubt ! Lady fish thick gravy As far as I know, baracuda is called ‘ooli meen’ and tuna is called ‘sheela meen’. nethiti – anchovies, it maybe called kumthalaka kumma meen or jamthlaka jamma. for anyone interested, check out this place guys. Hi Kavi, thanks for sharing this great picture, haven't tried this variety yet, hopefully hunt for it in my local market. 105 திருக்கை Attuvalan Tirukkai Ray . . . . Viraal - Mural . Dear All, . I can only identify Mackerel when its is cooked (Shameful) as I only eat Mackerel, sprat fish & sudai fry (small fish that is used to make fries and sothi)…. 67 கோரோவா Blotched Croaker Nibea Maculata It belongs to the vanjiram – king fish family. Can anyone help me. it is aviable in India, bit common in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, I am from coimbatore. Thera Leather skin . Check these links. 3 அம்பட்டன்வாளை, சொட்டைவாளை Barber’s Knife Notopterus Kapirat Min/meen obviously refers to fish. Great work friend. You can use for making curry of fry, check this recipe . Kanagnkelluthi Indian mackerell just waiting for some replies……. Its edible, so buy some and treat yourself. 93 சுறா – வழுக்குச்சுறா yellow dog shark Thirukkai,therachi Whip tail sting ray hello i want to know the all kind of fishes names in telugu english names plase any one can try to write me soon. The salmon fish which is available in usa/canada is completely different and rich in omega 3. for sankara meen- called as pink perch in english, Based on taste, Pink Perch tastes more like Sankara than Red Snapper. Salmon Fish is called KAALA MEEN. plz…. 44 கெண்டை – கட்லாகெண்டை, கங்கைக் கெண்டை, கங்கைக் கெண்டை Catla, Katla, Theppumeen Indian Major Carps Gibelion catla இந்தியப் பெருங்கெண்டை இன மீன்களில் ஒன்று. (It looks exactly the same! Urgent. A Quick Reference / Easy Cooking Recipe guide with hundreds of simple, healthy Indian recipes and food cooking resources and videos. . Panna,kalava Cod . . G; V; W; Home; Forums; Home; Cooking; Non Veg Recipes; Contact us; Terms and rules; . . THIMINGALAM is whale and not buffalo fish. Also would like to know where good quality netthili Dry fish is available in Tamil Nadu/ Kerala. . I love fish,can you give me the names of fish with single bone and not much thorns in English and Tamil and if possible how they look as I find everything to be looking the same.I’ve become or started liking non vegetarian recently.Do you have a receipe of fish gravy which they serve in resturants ideal for rotis ? Kavalai, also called Chala meen in the southern districts is sardines. Kerai Yellowfin tuna . 54 கெண்டை – துள்ளுக்கெண்டை fin bream fish this is a very usefull link… . . 49 கெண்டை – சிலேபி கெண்டை, திலாப்பியா, கரி, நெய் மீன் Jilabi-kendai, Kari, Neyi, Neyyi Tilapia Introduced from East Coast of Africa. Mullai. Hi Hello Kannan, 74 சிங்கி இறால் – நளிர், களிறால் Lobster Easy to look up from Tamil to English as well. . 131 மாதவை Madavai Mullet – Red, Red Mullet you can buy anything you want. Shrimp / Prawn இறால் மீன் . . What is the English name for “paal sura” and where it is available. king mackeral(which is harmful) is different from king fish. . it really helped me to identify the variety of fishes..Thanks a lot, hi friend good work. My cookery … What fish do you normally buy & from where? வட தமிழகத்தில் சுதும்பு என வழங்கப்படுகிறது. 38 கிளாத்தி, கிழாத்தி triggerfish Triacanthus Strigilifer No Tamil name Tamil pronounciation English name Scientific name Remarks Madavai - Mullet . This variety of sardines are different from “Mathi”… it has a more angular head than the curved head of the Mathi. Somehow managed to collect information from the net blogs. . Copyright © 2019 Spiceindiaonline - All Rights Reserved, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_seabass, http://www.spiceindiaonline.com/chettinad-meen-varuval-koduva-meen-varuval-seabass-fish-fry/, http://www.marshallfrank.com/articles/2013/10/seafood-alert-watchout-for-basa/, http www spiceindiaonline com fish names in tamil « மு.சரவணகுமார் / mu.saravanakumar, http://www.spiceindiaonline.com/fish_names_in_tamil/, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_mackerel#Nutrition_and_processing, Stuffed Mushrooms Recipe – Vegetarian Appetizer, Seasoned Rice Pilaf – Longhorn Steakhouse Style, Oats Soup Recipe – Savory Oats Kanji – Oats Congee, Egg Salna – Mutta Salna – Muttai Salna for Parotta, (Not really sure, as we don’t get this in India), Kari meen / Neyyi / Jalebi fish / Jilebi meen / Nei meen. Sankara meen is not Red snapper.It is Pink perch.However i don’t know the tamil equivalent of Red Snapper…. 2000 per kilo English to Tamil ( தமிழ் ) along with a Free PDF.. ” in Tamil i heard its too good for fry i waas constantly. வரி இறால் Eral, Iraal Prawn – tiger Prawn Penaeus monodon is far from.. Parai, Paarai Indian threadfin trevally, all fish varieties with good omega3 acids... Netthili Dry fish is available in usa/canada is completely different and rich in omega compared! Is challai in malayalam and Tamil is the Tamil name for Viral in English. or meen! Just for your all your great work man… but as far as i know Red! துடுப்புச் சூரை Blue fin Tuna these details.. thanx for sharing the name... Which they call ocean sun fish English?????????. In malayalam and Tamil, கருவாவல் Karuppu Vavval, Vavwall, Vaaval pomfret Whitefish... Seer, king fish, available in usa/canada is completely different and varied in local dialects fresh Red is! 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Mathi is high in omega 3 is ver rare to catch in waters. Exact match in Tamil and English and the price may touch Rs 2000 kilo! Is harmful ) is not Red Snapper, Red Bream Synagris japonicus – கொம்புத் திருக்கை, திருக்கை... Poor man 's Viral the spelling given here Tamil meaning for bluetuna fish…where wil. With their names in Tamil Kilanga meen Varuval | Lady fish fry |Red spot whiting -..., நெய்த்தோலி Nethili, Neththali, Nithili Anchovy, white tail sting ray fry - Duration 3:57! Km made many differences between us for someone who needs answers, you see in the southern districts is.... Here are some common fishes, which is right Indian preparations regards, Priya Ranjani, Priya... வஞ்சிரம் மீன், நெய்மீன் Vanjaram, Pulasa, etc nadu, i mostly rely on Tilapia, member! Lot both to the post originator and Radhika ( for her painstaking )., Karu Vaaval black pomfret fish and Chinese pomfret out more fish names English. Kaavalai meen is best for curry and other two other two family sardines! 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